•Chapter 1• [Punching Is (NOT) Always The Answer]

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[[Y/N POV]]

So, I'm sure you all want to know where we are, what is happening, the current status of the plot, yada yada. I, Y/N L/N the bestest student of the best girl Saitama will be your narrator for this bit as you can probably see from the bold text up there. 

Ahem, me and the squad which mostly consists of me, Saitama-sensei and the coolest demon cyborg Genos have decided to go out and grab something to eat. That something being some very cheap but very tasty udon near our apartment complex when a Dragon-level Threat suddenly appeared just outside the damned building! At least we didn't have to pay for the udon cause everyone ran away. Saitama-sensei was already clad in his, poorly designed but don't tell him that, hero suit and Genos was always dressed like a teenager that just entered his early 20s, which means he was cool as hell. I, for one, was dressed in my "hero suit" as well, which was a blue suit, which money for I got from my own pocket, thanks for nothing sensei. And no, I don't wear an eyepatch, at least not yet. 

Why do I of all people wear a suit? A blue one especially? Well, first of all, blue is an awesome colour, and second of all, I don't have to have a bunch of different outfits since a suit can be used for almost any occasion

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Why do I of all people wear a suit? A blue one especially? Well, first of all, blue is an awesome colour, and second of all, I don't have to have a bunch of different outfits since a suit can be used for almost any occasion. Anyway, where were we? Ah, yes, Dragon-level Threat. Turns out it was some sort of a shaman wielding a crappy ol' staff made out of animal bones. Oh, and he could launch lightning bolts and create literal raptures in space-time, annoying little bitch. I, being the smart guy, went to punch him in the face. Turns out that wasn't a good idea and my subsequently British ass was dragged into a portal and sent to god knows where.

And that is basically what has transpired up until this point. Very cool, I know. Why did I just went ahead and tried to punch the guy? He's the bad guy, we punch bad guys. I literally get paid to do that. Either way, that is the past, now, onto the present.

[[3rd POV]]

Y/N: "This sure doesn't look like hell to me..."

The main protagonist of this gag book stood in what appeared to be a lush green forest in the middle of nowhere. The grass that was formerly supposed to be under him has been reduced to smouldering ash thanks to his sudden appearance in what he assumed to be a random forest. It most certainly didn't look like hell the evil shaman promised...

Y/N: "Hello~?"

Y/N tried calling out to someone, but nobody came. Shrugging his shoulders he picked a random direction and started walking that way. Two hours later, and he was still surrounded by trees and lush green sights. No civilization in sight. 

Y/N: "...I love taking walks, but now probably isn't the time."

And with that said, Y/N knelt down before suddenly bursting into the skies at tremendous speed, breaking the sonic barrier a couple of times and flying past the clouds. He squinted, trying to look for any signs of civilization and let out a sigh of relief when he saw a relatively small city in the direction he was walking in.

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