Girls Day

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We left Winry in Rush Valley to learn more about Automail, while we went on to our teacher, afraid for our lives. When we knocked on her door, her husband answered, surprised to see us.

Waiting outside as he returned inside to fetch her, I stood behind my brothers, fear racing through my blood. When she arrives in the doorway, she hits Ed across the yard, causing me to wince in pain. Then does the same to Al, after making it seem like she had missed him dearly. 'Of course, roy had to let me go on the one mission that would definitely get me killed.'

"Teacher." I greet her as Mustang had once greeted me, my face set in stone. She freezes when she sees me, my metal hand in full view. Her eyes skim over the rest of me, before we each take a step towards the other.

"You inbeciles!" She goes to hit me, and i deflect it, shoving her back slightly, into her husband's chest. And she smiles. "At least one of you were able to even amount to the training I gave you. Nicely done, Emma Elric." I bow my head to her, my eyes never leaving her in case she tried again.


"So... we've all tried the taboo in here." I break the silence after the story she tells us, I holding her hand in mine as she recounts her lost child. "We're all idiots."

No one speaks after that, and i am quiet until we go back to Central. I help Teacher in the kitchen and around the house for the rest of the trip, showing off what Riza had taught me, while imagining losing a baby. I knew the pain of a mother, a father... but not anything else. But having something be ripped away that was once part of me... i would perform a thousand taboos.


Riza is happy for my return, she even plans for a girls night in with Winry. As my brothers and I were walking down the hall to General Hughes office, we run into her, and we gushed about everything, though she is able to tell that i have shifted. My mood never having recovered from the story Teacher had shared. That is, until Roy joins our circle. His face softens as he sees me, and i blush as i remember the nap i took on him.

"Con. Mustang." I salute him, my formalities stronger than before. Riza giggles, my brother huff, and even Roy produces a smile.

"Fullwater, Fullmetal, Al. What are you doing in Central?" I roll my eyes, the norml me coming back out.

"We came to talk to General Hughes." Ed says, and the two before us gasp and freeze up. I clench every muscle in my body, but pretend to be normal, reading their emotions and thoughts, and just noticing the abnormalities of their reaction. I fight the tears as they threaten to spill.

"Returning to your command, of course, sir!" Roy nods, knowing that I understand, before giving some odd excuse to walk away. I turn to my brothers, my face drawn to a close.

Ed notices, and Al does too, both of them stopping from going further. "What's wrong, Emma?"

"Edward... Alfonse..  Hughes is dead." I say, sending them both into shock. "I could tell from their faces, and with my second ability. And it makes sense, Armstrong didn't tell us anything either."

I am unable to talk further, for the two of them run away, leaving me in an empty hallway, to deal with the pain alone. Hughes had died for us, in search of answers about the stone, I was sure of it. I let a single tear fall.


Hours later, Winry, Riza and I sit in the apartment laughing about memories and stories. "Alright, Winry. Who do you like?" I ask, a blush rising to her face immediately.

She things for a moment, then gushes out the answer. "Ed! He's just so... ugh!"

"Gross! Thats my brother!" I yell, hitting her with a pillow, before eating a piece of candy. Her nails were drying, and Riza was in the process of curling my hair to stop it from tickling my shoulders that were only covered by tank top straps. "Riza? Any interest in anyone?" I feel her emotions contract, before a name begins circling around her brain.


"I knew it!" Winry and I both yell, giggles filling up the space between us.

"What about you, Em?" Winry asks, a dangerous glint in her eyes. Riza finishes my braid before grabbing another piece of candy herself, a humorous look in her eyes.

Riza giggles, a piece of candy in her hand, being unwrapped. I already regretted asking them. "Yeah? Any certain Colonel caught your eye?"

A blush fills my face, as the door opens with a click as the girls laugh. Roy Mustang. The girls laughter continues, if not louder than before, as my face redden further. His eyes immediately find me, shrinking and relaxed, and they look me over. Suddenly, my relaxed stance eases into an embarrassed one, and I wish for the odd parts of me to be covered. My hand still made of flesh moves and grips onto the metal one, and I see Roy's eyes widen, and a nervous look capture his face. He looks down, looking apologetic.

"Sorry for interrupting." His voice is deeper than usual, but he clears it to return it to normal. "I didnt realize..."

"Shoot! I forgot to tell you." Riza says, smacking her forehead. While her expression is serious, the rest of her is relaxed and still girly, a mask Winry and I had coated on her face making her seem younger. "Roy is moving in with us. He's been sleeping on the couch until his room is ready." She turns to Roy, finding him looking to me and I to him.

"Roy, go hang out in Emma's room for a while."

"What?!" I yell, confusing even myself at my protest. He smiles, taking steps towards it, while I glare at the two girls who smirk at me and giggle.


I knock on my door, opening it, to find Roy sitting in my chair reading. I sigh, hearing noises as Riza gets ready for bed. Roy doesn't even look up, and I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror across from the door. With the clothes they had put me in, my automail was easy to see. I swallow hard, taking a couple steps into the door, and he looks up at me.

"You look peaceful." I raise an eyebrow, happy that Winry was no longer here to curse the lines it would cause my face to have. I continue into the room, dropping the bag of goodies Winry had prepared for me in the doorway of my closet.

I turn, giving him a small smile. "Its part of the treatment." My voice is light, yet shaky, as his eyes continue to scan over me. He chuckles, setting his reading to the side.

"No." He denies my answer, and I become confused. "You've been like this since the hospital." I frown, yet my shoulders slump as I realize the truth of the matter. I had a real worth of rest that day, with him being there to chase away any bothering souls.

I look down, fiddling with my fingers, before looking back into the mirror. I shrink into myself, the bruising of the skin still there from my last nerve reconnection. I hear his feet hit the floor as we walks towards me.

I watch his face show above my shoulder and grow taller in the mirror, his eyes narrowed with concentration. I open up my minds hands, grabbing any bit of information I can from him. 'He's nervous... why? What is he doing?' I pick my name out of his thoughts, and memories of me cuddling into his side as I slept. I find images of me resting at the office, laughing with Falman, Breda, Havok, Riza, and Feury.

"You're in my mind, aren't you?"

"More so hearing your loudest thoughts." I answer, both of our faces watching the other's. He chuckles, before walking away, and I finally feel like I can breathe again. I dig into his mind a little deeper.

'Oh my, Emma.'

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