Part 11- Welcome Back

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She went in the bathroom and came back a few minutes later with her dress on.

I got up from the bed my eyes wide
" mashallah! you're so beautiful" I told her.

" really?" she asked looking at herself in the mirror unsure.

" yes you are Maryam, you're absolutely gorgeous" I said.

"are you sure?" she asks again.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed her shoulders making her look at me.

"why are you so insecure about yourself?! you're litteraly shining right now, there's only one person in this world that is comparable to you and that's yourself...if you don't love yourself then who will? I know it's hard sometimes to feel beautiful and to be confident but believe me that hating or judging yourself won't make things better okay?" I said.

She stared at me for a few seconds before hugging me.

"thank you Asiyah" she said.

"you better keep my words in your head" I said pulling away.

"I will, come on i'll give you a dress" she said walking to the bed grabbing one of the dresses and then coming to me.

"go and try this!" she said.

I took it and went to try it in the bathroom.

The dress was pretty tight put it looked really good on me.

I'm not the type of girl to wear dresses on daily nor am I a girl who goes out partiying.

I never really go out and I never pamper myself if I do.

I got out of the bathroom and showed Maryam.

"mashallah! You look stunning!!" she said.

"thank you" I said blushing.

The last touch was to wear high heels which I HATE.

It's just too painful for no reason.

Like who even looks at your shoes?

"can I just wear plain shoes instead?" I asked Maryam.

"stop! You're going to ruin your look, you have to wear it no matter what" she said.

I rolled my eyes and wore them.

Once we were all ready and good to go we got out of my room.

Aryan was standing out waiting for Maryam I guess

"wow" he said looking at her.

"let's go" Maryam said.

The three of us made our way downstairs to the hall.

Arriving there, a lot of people were present.

I thought it was a small party.

Maryam followed Aryan towards some people and I stopped following them.

I can't just follow them the whole night.

I saw a snack and drink bar and quickly made my way there.

The snacks were so well decorated.

I picked up a chocolate and ate it.


"Asiyah?" I turned my head to someone calling my name and almost choked.


"oh my god! It's you!" he said in shock.

AzaadiyanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin