Chapter 22

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Waking up had never been this painful, everything in his body hurt, the pull in his muscles evident having him groan over and over again. His arm felt as if there was someone who had just pulled it over and over again all night and the head splitting head ache did not help anything. He groaned again, his eyes opening wide to be blinded by light. He sighed, closing and opening them again. He was not a morning person and there was definitely nothing nice about this morning. His laptop was on the coffee table, someone had closed it and placed it there along with his note book and pen. He turned on the couch, his arm twisted in an awkward position, explaining a lot as he pulled it from under him. His eyes went looking to the two seat couch finding it empty with the fleece blanket neatly folded with her laptop and stationery placed on the coffee table. The music on the TV still played making him wonder when he had fell asleep because last thing he remembered was typing his management assignment and that was four in the morning. Sebastian's eyes went taking in the time on the screen seeing that it was ten in the morning yet never had he ever been this exhausted. He sat up, his heavy head in his hands as he groaned.

"Morning." Came the voice, the voice he knew too well. He nodded his head, words seeming far from him as he raised his head and there in the coffee table stood a cup of delicious looking coffee with the smell just tickling his nostrils. He could not help but smile, this girl knew him too well it was scary sometimes. His fingers slipped through the handle as he brought the cup to his lips. Greenery walked away, having taken a bath and was now working on breakfast while thinking of what she had read all morning on cost accounting, she connected the dots, making sense of this in her mind and seeing how to tackle this and that. Once she was on something she could not stop like a dog with a bone. She turned, flipping the pan cakes with the numbers running through her mind. It was a bright sunny day with the rain gone leaving a cool breeze in the air. All the windows had been thrown open bringing in the freshness in the house curtains dancing this being a beautiful day for a hike which was what they were doing. Here she was not Greenery but Brianna, she was not broken and she just wanted to feel again, she wanted to be someone else and leave all she carried behind. Brianna did not have a dark cloud hanging over her, well, beside the dying part. For a day she would be that and she could not help but be excited.

Her eyes flickered with a figure coming closer, she watched Sebastian walk with his empty cup towards the kitchen. He washed it and left it in the rug before turning to her.

"Morning." But of course he said that as she laughed.

"Morning." She said back.

"Did you finally give up on cost accounting?" He asked.

"You know me to well to even think of that." She said back as he chuckled.

"Yeah I do," He replied, walking past her.

"Smells good, do you want help?"

"From you, no thank you. Go shower, we are going to take a walk to see the town." She said.

"Are we now? Why, my body is as if you were hitting me with a hammer while I slept." He paused, staring at her with accusing eyes.

"Were you?" He asked her as she chuckled.

"Why would I tell you if I was?" She replied as his stare lingered on her before smiling and walking away.

Sebastian went to take his shower, pulling on a pair of blue denim jeans and a shirt of which most of the buttons were left undone. He slipped on his adidas slides and walked out with his hair wet and messy, he knew he looked good and somehow he wanted to make the effort. He did not know why yet he found himself staring at the mirror to see his reflection then he was out, satisfied with what he saw. He walked downstairs, the smell of the delicious breakfast making his stomach flip. He walked on seeing Greenery sitting on one of the bar stools with a plate carrying a tall stack of pancakes, butter in the middle with syrup dripping from the sides. In her hand was a cup of hot chocolate which she sipped having made another cup of coffee for him.

"Oohh dear wife, you spoil me." He said having her choke on her beverage, spitting it out all over the island with some pouring from her nose. It was by luck the cup had not fell with her having jumped up and nearly falling as the chair went falling, the sound echoing all over the house. If he had known this was the reaction he would get he would have said it sooner but sure to torture her every chance he got. His laughter filled the room, so loud he could not control it, seeing her pale as her eyes went looking up at him still coughing and wheezing. He went to her side, rubbing her back seeing to not help as she coughed harder, moving away from him. He stood watching her as she stifled her own laughter.

"I hate you." She said as he took the wash cloth and brought it to her, wiping away the liquid on her sweater then on her face. When done he stood back seeing that she was dry yet the tears still streamed down from coughing so much.

"Sorry," He said as he picked up the chair for her which she sat on, of course he was not sorry and the smirk on his face was saying it all.

"I might just hammer your body in your sleep." Greenery said wishing to wipe away that smirk.

"Now that is just cruel Green." He replied pretending to be hurt as she took the dish cloth and threw it at him. She sat back wondering where this playful side was coming from. Sebastian always made her feel so many different things at the same time and she felt as if it was only with him where she could be herself, where she saw a side of herself she rarely knew, a side she wished to always be yet without him it was impossible to bring up.

She took her fork, Sebastian taking his own as they attacked the tower together. Her heart had been hammering with nerves eating at her on the fact that she had used one plate for them yet Sebastian seemed not to mind as he ate his side with him drinking his coffee now and again. They ate in silence, one looking up to find the other staring then Greenery would blush and look away. She felt like a teenager, but she was a teenager. She felt alive, saw the sun and smelt the flowers.

"Let me go change, please wash the plate." She asked as she slipped from her chair.

"Okay." He said back as he stood up, he too full for his liking yet one could not resists anything cooked by Greenery. He went and washed the dish, dying it and placing it back in the pantry along with their cups and forks. He turned, having heard the footsteps. His eyes took in Greenery as she walked down the flight of stairs, she still had not packed her weight, the bones were still sticking out yet you could tell that she naturally was chubby having her not look like a skeleton from the grave. She was a beauty, her features having her shine even in the state she was in.

"Good?" He asked seeing that she was wearing a pair of black leggings and a grey Nike sweater along with a black beanie.

"Yeah," She replied back with her white converse shoes on feet.

"Okay," He said patting for his phone only to remember that he had none, his phone had been like his third arm and he felt naked without it. He walked up to her outstretching his hand to her only for her eyes to flicker from his face to it, thinking it over before taking it. Her hand was warm and moist against his, it was engulfed, tiny just as she was against him. She was around 5'6 feet tall while he stood at 6'feet or so.

It was weird, something inside of him stirring yet stirring in a good way leaving him smirking as he opened the door with her walking out first, taking the keys and locking the door behind him. Being out here was like a breath of fresh air. He could leave all that troubled him behind and he could just be someone else. He could take strolls with her and talk for hours and hours then come back and bury himself in work with her next to him. It seemed like a simple life and he did not know why but it just had him with a smile on his face. They walked down the drive way, their drive way, imagine how crazy that was.

There was no one insight which was to be expected as most people were at work or school. They did not know which road to take yet decided to go right. The cool breeze blew, caressing their skin, moving his shirt and blowing it away. The sun kissed their skin leaving smiles on their faces as they walked with their hands swinging now and again. It was crazy yet they busked in the craziness, letting it take over.

"Its so beautiful here." Greenery said.

"Yeah, so peaceful and quiet." Sebastian replied.

They passed each house, the houses more alike yet with tiny details like the colour of the door to set them apart and their house was no different. There were bikes in the yards of some houses, cars parked yet with no one insight. Sebastian slipped his hand from hers, his arm going around her shoulder bringing her closer. He liked that they did not force conversations, it just happened and it was never awkward. They enjoyed the silence as much as they enjoyed the talks. They took the beauty before them happy as they can be in their situation and smiling.
The houses came to an end just at the corner with a park at the end of the road. No one had to tell the other as they made their way to the park and to the swings. Greenery smiled thinking of long it had been since she had been in a swing. It was when she was young, really young not knowing what really was happening in the real world, back when there weren't so many expectations.

She sat on the swing, Sebastian going behind her.

"Push?" He asked.

"Yes please," She replied not helping the excitement.

"High?" He asked.

"Yes." She replied with him wasting no time but pushing with effort with the swing moving. It took three pushes and he quickly moved out of the way with Greenery taking care of the rest. She was getting higher and higher with each swing not being able to hold her laughter. Sebastian got on the one next to hers, starting off slow until he himself was high in the sky. It was so terrifying, seeing the ground so far as the swing hit its peak up in the air. The air wheezed through them, the rush having their bodies' tingle, their hearts ready to escape their chests.

They laughed together, holding on tight to the chain for with one mistake one would be sprawled on the ground with blood everywhere. It was as if they were kids again, eyes watery from the air blowing in their eyes with breath caught as the swing went up only to come down again. No one wanted to stop as they went on and on until they could barely breath nor see anything, it was the most fun they had both had in years and soon the swings were slowing down until they were just slightly moving front and back.

Greenery held on the chain to her left trying to catch her breath.

"Being a kid is so nice." She said.

"You can say that again, it was all about playing with friends and eating chocolate and sweets. I had the best childhood ever." He said back.
"Yeah? I am sure you were a trouble maker." She stated as they stared at each other.

"You would be shocked. Jonathan, Colby and I were friends since diapers because our parents were friends and business partners. Jonathan always got us in a lot of trouble and when we went to kindergarten we met Ben and Brian then we met Zeb in middle school. Our after school sessions were filled with playing games, treasure hunting and planning our future. Jonathan was the brains in the group and the caretaker, Colby was the muscle and the talker, he can lie himself out of anything while Ben and Brian were the negotiators, Zeb being the tech guy and me being the money and business guy. We had set it from the start that Jonathan would be a doctor, Colby the lawyer, Zeb the tech guy, Ben the marketing guy, Brian the hustler and me the business man. It was crazy, we were unstoppable, everyone playing a part. Right now it is all coming together, we are closer than ever and surprisingly everything happened as planned. I don't know where I would be or what I would do without them. They are my family." He said, a smile on his face thinking of how they would work on weekends and holidays to add money in their bank account which they had opened when they were just between nine and ten. The money was for any of them who needed it like when Jonathan lost his mother to cancer and they lost everything, they had used that money to pay off the hospital bills or when Ben could no longer afford business school, they had carried him till this day or when Zeb needed a car.

"Wow, you guys really are the dream team." She said laughing as he joined her.

"I would not say that. How was your childhood?" He asked.

She smiled, looking away, she hated talking about herself yet as she looked at Sebastian she knew it was time to open up and let someone in.

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