Chapter 10

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"Here," It was Greenery giving Zeb a packet of chips as she put down her tea cup.

"Thank you," He said taking them and opening them while his eyes were glued on the screen. Greenery looked up to see a basketball match playing. She sat down on her own three seat couch pulling up her heavy warm fluffy blanket to tuck herself in. Warmth spread out her entire body making it tingle as she got comfortable. Picking up her cup she took a sip, eyes watching the match unfold.

There was a lot of running, bouncing, dunking and sweating on the screen. Basketball was pretty much straight forward as she easily jumped the hoops.

"So where are your folks?" Zeb asked while eyes on the screen mouth full of chips, boys.

She shook her head.

"My father is stuck at work," she said back freely. She knew Zeb almost as long as she had known Bash, those two were inseparable and she trusted him as much as she trusted Bash.

"Oohh," He said back then sat comfortably on the couch munching the chips which he held tightly to his chest.

"Did you want some?" He asked when nearly nothing was left leading to her to stifle a laugh and shake her head.

The rain had not passed on, they could hear it from inside as it poured to no end. The time trickled slowly as the two watched the match, Greenery trying to stay up to keep Zeb company but failing miserably as she would drip and wake up shaking the sleep off only to do it again.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, she pulled it out lazily wondering who that would be.

Bash: Forgot to wish you a good night.

Her heart drummed not being able to hide the excitement that shot up her body. She wondered how this had happened. She had dreamed of this for years and here she was now getting a text message from the one person who sent her mind in chaos, the person who made everything disappear and feel so small. She looked at the text again contemplating on how she had thought her feelings had gone only to be proven wrong. She was still in love with him and in a way it was getting worse. The question was, would she survive this? Would she handle being so in love with him? Or would it ruin her just like it did last time.

Green: Well, I also forgot to also wish you a good night.

She placed her phone down after sending the text only to pick it up and read the whole conversation again, waiting for him to respond, wanting nothing more than for him to respond. What if he found her silly? She shook those thoughts away impatiently waiting.

Bash: Well good night then Miss Smith.

She nearly giggled, covering her mouth slowly looking up to see that Zeb was still glued on the screen. Her heart faltered as she thought of how she did not want this conversation to end.

Green: Why so formal?

She looked at her sent text not believing how bold she was sending that. Her heart could not take this as it pumped blood so fast she thought she would faint.

What am I doing? It was a thought that had her nervous as she thought of the grave she was digging for herself.

'I should stay away,' she told herself yet her heart begged to differ, it wanted her deep in his arms. Her heart wanted to leap out into his hands, it wanted her to dance and laugh with the love of her life. It wanted her to know how it felt like to be held tightly in his arms, it wanted her to brush her soft lips against his own.

'I should stay away,' her mind fought as she stood on the ropes battling with her being.

The phone buzzed dragging her from her thoughts, it was a fight of whether to look or not. She tried ignoring it, tried not to think about it but he was a force of a magnet pulling her into his force field, dragging her close to him.

'Stop!' Her mind screamed but her heart had never played fair.

Bash: Should I say miss pigtails then?

Greenery could not help but burst in laughter this time.

Green: Shame on you😅

She continued, laughed remembering how she would always do pigtails because she thought she looked cute and young with them on. She shook her head thinking how silly she looked always having pigtails with her golden curly hair.

Looking up she found a pair of eyes on her causing her to clear her throat sitting up, looking away shyly. The phone buzzed again stealing her attention.

Bash: Okay, low blow, I will just stick to Green.

Green: Thank you.

Bash: Well goodnight then Green.

Greenery could not help the sadness that overwhelmed her, not wanting this to end.

Green: Good night Bash, and thank you.

She replied back her, phone in her hands waiting for a reply if there would be. She waited, tapping her finger on the screen minutes tickling away as the hands of time hit four o'clock. She sighed placing her phone on the table turning to the television as the game came to wraps with Zeb groaning in frustration as his team was the losing side.

It was eight in the morning when Mr Smith walked into his house, hands shaking from the cold as it drizzled outside, thick fog crawling down having it impossible to see anything. His neck and back ached as he tried to relief the pain by rolling it around only to get a snap that had his actions halted. He had basically worked around the clock getting less than five hours of sleep every day. Mr Smith had literally abandoned his daughter and as much as it was the norm he felt more guilty this time, maybe it was the fact that every morning when he got in he would be greeted by his daughter's screams as she fought off her demons at night. Maybe it was the fact that he would find his daughter at different parts of the house sleep walking only for him to guide her back to bed. She was practically a walking zombie and it pained him to no end, it had him turning in his sleep with no light at the end of the tunnel.

'How did all of this happen?' He thought closing the door behind him. His wife was probably turning in her grave. He had failed both of them. He was losing his family and he blamed no one else but himself.

His steps halted as he saw a hand hanging off the couch.

'Had his daughter slept walked again?' He questioned himself as he walked towards the living room to find his daughter scattered on the couch with the sports channel playing on the TV. A snore had him jumping and turn around ready to attack, there was someone else in the room.

He looked down to a young male he recognised. His heart halted as he found it hard to breathe.

'What was Greenery doing to him?' He thought, his heart seeming to fail as he clenched his chest trying to breathe. He did not know what to say, did not know what to do. He could not handle this, could not deal with this right now.  He just could not deal.

Mr Smith turned around walking up the stairs to his bedroom where he took out his aspirin and painkillers throwing them in his throat followed by a full glass of water then another. The man's head was spinning, he could not believe this was happening all over again. Taking a deep breath he walked back down the stairs finding the two sleeping in the two different couches.

"Greenery," He shook his daughter careful not to wake the boy up.

"Greenery," He said again shaking his daughter's shoulder.

"Mmhh," came the sound from the pale girl as she turned slapping her father's hand away.

"Wake up," He said shaking her again.

"Five minutes," came the raspy voice from the young girl, getting up was also a struggle with her.

"Now Greenery Smith!" He said assertively.

"Okay," She said rolling off the couch and falling on the floor groaning as her head pounded as if there was no tomorrow, her nose was blocked making it hard to breathe properly. She stretched her aching muscles, a yawn escaping her lips as she looked over to Zeb who was sprawled on the couch just as she had.

"Good morning father," she said getting to her feet seeing her father for the first time this week.

"Come here," It was her father leading her away from the living room to the kitchen letting her know she was in trouble.

"What is that?" Her father pointed towards the living room.

"Oohh, that is Zeb, he drove me home last night, I told you." She answered perplexed really.

"I know that but what is HE doing here, I know he is that Sebastian's friend."

"I had no one to call father and Bash was the only one I could ask for a ride home but he was not around so he asked his friend to get me." Greenery said playing with her sleeves knowing exactly where this would go.

"What!?" Her father shouted forgetting that there was someone sleeping on the other room. He clenched his chest with the chest pains coming again.

"What!?" He asked not sure what to do or say. He could not go through this again.

"Greenery Smith you stay away from that boy, this time they will arrest you. Didn't you learn from last time? I don't understand this obsession with this boy! There are a lot of boys out there, just take a pick. Stop this Greenery, please, you are ruining our life."

"I did not do anything father, he is the one that insists on talking to me. I can't father, I can't." She said back tears pooling in her eyes.

"It does not matter Greenery, run away, scream or whatever I do not care but stay away from him or this time they will lock you up in jail and charge you as an adult."

Greenery stood there, tears falling down her cheeks as her heart broke into a million pieces. Why was this happening to her? Why could she not stay away from him? At this point it was either him or her life and even as she stood there it was clear as day what her choice was, there was no debate.

Greenery loved Bash, she loved him so much he was all that helped her past those dark night, he was all that kept her sane. You would think that being in the institution had brought her back to her senses but it had grown the love she had for him as he was the only thing in her mind as they beat her to a pulp. She just learnt to control her emotions but with each day talking to him she was losing the control. She could feel her sanity for this boy slipping and it was not healthy.

'Did he understand what he was doing?' She thought shaking her head knowing that he probably wasn't. It was not safe for them to be on speaking terms, was not safe for them to be together but the question was, was it safe for them to be apart? The answer was unknown.

She had to stay away for him, she had to be strong and stay away before she destroyed him. He did not deserve it, he was the kindest person she had ever known and he deserved only the best.

"I will wake up Zeb and drive him home, you do something and think about what I said." Mr Smith said walking to the living room. Greenery walked up the stairs not wanting Zeb to see her this way.

She ran upstairs, tears clouding her vision but she got to her room closing the door and locking it before throwing herself on the bed only to weep her heart out.

Why was this happening to her?

Why couldn't she just be a normal girl?

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