Knight Ashton Irwin Imagine Pt. 1

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Where you are a princess, who doesn't like being treated like a prize, and he is a servant boy who is pretending to be a knight, competing for your hand in marriage.

Your father was forcing you to be married to a complete stranger.
"It's not about love." He says, "It's about the good of the country. A husband will be good for you, maybe he can tame you better than I can."
"I am not a feral beast, father! I do not need to be tamed!" You yell.
"Clearly, you do! How dare you talk back to me!" Your father's hand smacks across your cheek, making you lose your balance.
"Now get changed! The tournament will be starting soon." You watch as your father walks out of the large wooden door as if nothing happened.

As your dainty feet touch the stone floor you shiver, soon your lady-in-waiting appears and draws you a bath. As you sit in the tub, hot water surrounding your newly awakened body, you think about who you may be betrothed to by tomorrow. Would he be nice? Is he going to hit you like your father? Is he handsome? Will he love you? Will he even want you?

"Miss, would you like me to fetch your gown for today?"
"Yes please, thank you." You smile at your lady-in-waiting and receive one in return. She wasn't as much of your lady-in-waiting as she was your friend, (Y/F/N) has been with you since the beginning, her mother was your mother's lady-in-waiting, so you grew up together.

"Princess, your dressing gown." (Y/F/N) speaks as she holds up a towel, you slowly dry off and dress in your dressing gown before looking to your bed to see a beautiful blue gown with a lace up top and a collar stretching to your ears. The shoes on the floor were a gorgeous matching blue, with jewels upon the heels.

"Oh my goodness, this is beautiful." Your eyes widen, at the gorgeous dress and shoes.
"I figured we could put your hair up in a bun, and then have two pieces framing your face?"
"You are amazing! I have to go put this on!" You smile and go behind the dressing curtain and put on all the pieces of the dress and the shoes and walk out feeling beautiful.
"Oh Princess, you look absolutely gorgeous!" (Y/F/N) gushes, you smile and sit down at your boudoir.
"Thank you, oh! There's a nice blue one for you as well!" You point to the other side of the bed, where a light blue long sleeve dress is set with matching light blue heels.

After doing your face and hair, you and your lady-in-waiting head down the steps to the competition space outside of the castle.
"Princess, you seem tense? Is everything alright?"
"Oh! Yes, well no... I don't want to be married to someone I don't know..."
"What if you went to the knight's quarters and talked to them?"
"They'll know I'm the princess and try to woo me."
"Not if you aren't dressed as a princess."
A wave of realization washes over you, "Like what we did when I wanted to see how the people live? We change?" You ask excitedly.
"Exactly! Though we can't change shoes..."
"Yes, but please! Let's change!"

You both run out to the tents and find the one specially for you both, before changing out of our outfits and switching. You take your earrings off and put up (Y/F/N)'s hair.
"Perfect! Now I need an excuse to go over there."
"What if the Princess wanted to give the Knights some water before they compete?"
"That's genius! You have the best ideas!" You smile and grab a few chalices and go to the water pump and fill each chalice, later putting them all on a tray.

The first few Knights were boring and horrible to their squires, which definitely wasn't attractive to you. Towards the end of the road you were about to give up, but realizing there was one more, you powered through. Couldn't be worse than the last guy who asked if the princess was excited about marrying him because he was the obvious winner.

"Michael! This is serious! I need to be ready. My goodness why did I agree to this?" You hear coming from the tent, you walk in to see four boys, one of which is shirtless, another holding the shirt annoyed, a third laughing on the floor and a fourth eating in the corner.
"Oh! Hello, m'lady." The shirtless one says smiling. He grabs the shirt from whom you are assuming is Michael. Michael has very vibrant red hair, which immediately intrigued you.

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