Michael Clifford Imagine

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"You look absolutely beautiful, (Y/N)." Your mother gushes to you as she situates your veil.

Today was the day, the last day before you were officially a Mrs, and no longer merely a Ms.

You had said yes to your longtime boyfriend of one and half years the second he popped the question.

It wasn't as romantic as you had hoped. You two were merely laying on the couch cuddling when he paused the movie and looked down at you, asking you to marry him.

It wasn't what you were hoping for, and now that you think about it. Maybe this is bad idea. You had a lot of problems in the past, it seemed like after the engagement though, he had changed. He went from not wanting to be tied down to wanting to get married the week after he proposed. It was quite odd.

You knew none of your friends liked him, they said he was a player and an asshole and that you could do so much better, but if there was anyone who despised your fiancée, it was your best friend Michael. Michael was there for you when he cheated on you, each time you would run to his house, and each time he would let you vent and cry, and then you'd fall asleep and he'd take you to bed covering you in the comfy duvet you two had picked out back from when you were roommates.

Michael hadn't talked to you since you told him about the engagement, you knew he wasn't a huge fan of your boyfriend but you expected him to at least be a little happy, if not for the engagement then for you. But he merely hung up, that was two weeks ago, you had texted him everyday asking where he was and if he was okay, but he never responded. You had never gone this long without speaking to him, not even when he was on tour. He would always text you or find a way to contact you. But all you got in these two weeks, was radio silence.

"Are you having second thoughts dear?" You hear your mother ask as she looks to you, clear eyes on a mission.

"Y-Yes. Mom, I-I don't know if I can do this."

"It's okay dear, happens all the time."

"I know. Thank you Mum, I love you."

"I'll leave you be darling. Everyone gets the jitters before their wedding, it's normal."

"Yeah..." You watch as your mother shuts the door to the suite, as you turn back around you look in the mirror at yourself. Your hair is curled to perfection, your eyes sparkle like diamonds, your dress hugs your figure perfectly, you looked amazing, but something was off. Something wasn't right.

Your mind immediately goes to Michael, he should be here, he always said he loved you and that he would always be there for you. What changed? Why did he break that promise?

"Are you ready sweetie?" You hear your mom ask from behind the door.

"I suppose."

"Now, now (Y/N), you said yes to this boy. You need to follow through, I don't want to pay for this extravagant wedding to have you get cold feet last minute!"

"Mum, I just don't know. I can't help but feel like something is wrong about this."

"Oh no, I love you darling, but this is ridiculous! Just please hurry up." You huff and open the door, throwing on a fake smile, your father takes you down the aisle and you see your fiancée at the end. But he doesn't even look at you, he doesn't even glance, he just looks at his shoes. Why can't he look at you?

"Dearly Beloved we are gathered here today..." The priest begins, starting the ceremony, he still isn't looking at you.

"Is something wrong?" You whisper.

"No. Just shut up." You're taken aback by his tone and his words. Is this really who you want to spend the rest of your life with?

"...Speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest finishes, he looks around, and as no one objects he begins to look back at the book in his hands.

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