Partners - Jonathan Byers

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"Jonathan and Y/N-"
The teacher calling out my name along with one of the most beautiful girls in school, the girl everyone was obsessed with yet no one really knew, had stopped my heart and then almost made it drop out of my ass. It wasn't that she wasn't a nice girl, she was, she smiled at everyone, she helped the younger kids. In fact, Will commonly came home talking about her when she went to the middle school to help out. It was more of the fact that I was hopelessly in love with her, even though I could barely speak three words to her. She generally did most of the talking but now I would have to communicate with her.
"Hey Jonathan, so I was hoping that maybe we could work on the project after school?" (Y/N) asks me softly, trying not to disturb the class.
"Groovy. I'll see you after school."

The bell rang and I jumped out of my skin making (Y/N) giggle before waving goodbye to me. I sigh loudly and rub my hand over my face.
"Damn you're lucky Byers." Some random guy says as he packs up.


I hear knocking on the door and Will yells that he'll get it.
"(Y/N)? We don't have tutoring?" Will asks making me quickly rush around my room to tidy it up.
"I'm actually here to see Jonathan? We have a project together?"
"Oh! Um he's in his room."
"Thanks Will!" I hear a knock on my door and grip the handle opening it slightly.

"Hey, nice room." (Y/N) says as she steps inside my room making me close the door softly, she sits on the side of my made bed and fingers through my cassette tapes.
"You like The Clash?" She asks me smiling.
"Yeah, Will loves Should I Stay or Should I Go, I do too."
"No way! Me too!"
"You like The Clash?"
"Course! You know I'm not as odd as most people make me out to be." She smiles.
"I-I don't think you're odd... you're just different from everyone else."
"In a good way or a bad way?"
"A-A good way... at least to me it's good..." I can feel my face heating up again and she smiles before something catches her eye on my desk causing her to walk over and leaf through the photos I had forgotten to put away.

"These are amazing, did you take them?" (Y/N) asks in awe, delicately moving the photographs by the corners so as not to smudge them.
"Y-Yeah..." I scratch the back of my neck, silently begging her to not get to the last one.
"They're beautiful..." I watch her stop before she holds one up gently, "Though I think you should pick a better subject in this case." In her hand she holds the photograph I took of her one day when I came to photography late. It was actually one of my favorite pictures because she's looking out the window and the sun casts a shadow over her face causing her features to really stand out.

"Y-You're not mad?"
"Why would I be mad? I'm actually quite flattered that you felt the urge to document me staring off into space." She giggles making a small twinge of a smile fall on my face.
"You just looked really calm and the shadow on your face made your features really stand out... it's actually one of my favorites..." I admit softly, silently praying she didn't hear the last bit.
"A picture of me is one of your favorites?" She asks me, for some reason shocked.
"Yes... I know it's weird and I should have asked-"
"No! No! Jonathan you can take my picture whenever you want! I don't mind, really. You know maybe we can incorporate photography into our project? Do the science behind developing pictures? That way you get to do something you like on top of boring school work!" She announces triumphantly.
"I-I don't really show many people my photographs..."
"Well that's a damn shame, really, you're quite talented... is this what you want to do? Photography?" I nod and watch her pick up another photo.
"You definitely have a future in this but you'll have to let people see your photographs some time, better now than later. I won't make you do anything but I think it's worth a shot.... so? What do you say?"
"Perfect! We can ask tomorrow if it's okay for us to do our project on this!" (Y/N) checks her watch and sighs, "I should head out, I don't want to be late for dinner." (Y/N) grabs her messenger bag from the floor and turns around opening my bedroom door before turning back and kissing my cheek.

"See you tomorrow Jonathan." She bites her lip before heading out making me gulp and fall back onto my bed.
"Oh you are so in love with her." Will laughs as he stands in my bedroom doorway.
"Shut up!" I throw a pillow at my door effectively closing it before falling back in bed and touching my cheek...
"He's not wrong..." I admit to myself.

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