Winter (Any Boy Imagine)-Sad

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Standing in the cold winter air, you clutch your coat tighter around your body, tighter to keep warm because the absence of him is colder than any winter breeze. The feeling of him was warmer than being on the sun, the sight of him was like looking at stars, his voice reminded you of a beautiful symphony, his laugh like little bells, the way he walked to you with such a purpose. It was like you were his whole life, and you knew that this was true, because he was yours.

It all started on a Friday, in early November. You had just finished yet another terrible date and decided that walking home would be better than having to endure any more of his torturous stories.
"Excuse me, miss!" You hear someone call, you pay no mind to the unknown voice.
"Miss?" A voice asks, it's clear now they are right behind you, you turn around expecting it to be some little choir boy, but instead you're greeted with a man.
"You dropped your keys when you ran out of the restaurant." He tells you smiling.
You never knew when your heart started to beat for that boy, but thinking back, it might have been when he first smiled.

A few months passed by, you had exchanged numbers with the boy who had returned your keys and now talked almost everyday with him. It was the first time you two decided to go on a date, and you were dressing to impress. You can still remember the first thing he said when he saw you, "I wish-I wish you could see yourself how I see you, everyday. Then maybe you could realize how truly beautiful you are, inside and out."

After the first date, came the first kiss. It wasn't awkward, it was... cute.
"I meant it when I said you are beautiful."
"I know you do. Thank you."
"I should be the one thanking you." He says smiling brightly.
"Because I got to be in your company for the whole night, basking in such beauty." Your face had heated up at this point, and you had just made it to your house.
"Well, this is me. I should be going now..." You hinted, secretly hoping he would do something.
"Should you?" He asks.
"Why, yes, I should, it is quite late."
"Yes, I suppose it is. Alright then, goodnight (Y/N)!" He turns around and starts to walk away. But you call him back to you.
"Would you-would you like to come inside?" You asked shyly.
"It's getting pretty late." He shrugs, making you giggle.
"Yes, I suppose it is." You reply, to keep the banter going.

"How about we call it a night? We can see each other tomorrow." He suggests, standing in the cold.
"Yes, well okay. Uh, have a nice night."
"Yes, and you as well." He walks over to you and smiles down at you as you look to him with wide eyes.
"Goodnight (Y/N)..." He trails off looking into your eyes.
"Goodnight." You say breathily before he leans in, making you close your eyes.

It wasn't slobbery, it wasn't gross, it was sweet. It was perfect. Your lips meshed together like two puzzle pieces, they complimented each other perfectly, but as all good things it had to stop.

A month later, you both officially became a couple. It was a unanimous decision made while out at dinner in the same restaurant that he had first saw you at.
"What are we?" You had questioned after him.
"Yes, (Y/N). What are we? Because I want us to be a couple, I want us to be boyfriend and girlfriend, I want to be able to call you mine." He looked into your eyes as his hand moved to clutch your own.
"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" You asked.
"Yes, but I'm also asking you to let me be your boyfriend. This must be unanimous decision."
"I agree and I would love to be your girlfriend and have you as my boyfriend."

A year later, you two became intimate.
"I want to." You said softly, looking to him.
"But we don't have to, I don't want you to feel pressured."
"I'm not pressured. I really want to do this and I want to do it with you." Your hand casually strokes his cheek as he leans down and kisses you again. That was a night filled with passion, a night of bliss, it was just you both, no one else. The world disappeared around you. It was lovely, everything you had dreamed of, he was gentle and sweet and loving and so passionate. He made sure you weren't in any pain, and made it all about you. And when you both finally connected for the first time in such an intimate way, you knew he was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.

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