Imagines For All!

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Listen guys, I love y'all bunches and you guys make my day so I decided to give back a bit! Something y'all can enjoy! So I'm going to be doing imagines, please try to stay within pop culture of today but if you REALLY love someone from the past or someone who isn't as well known, by all means still ask for an imagine/one shot/ whatever the hell these things are gonna be called! I'll research them and try to the best of my ability to write them as they are!

Okay so I'm not placing many restrictions on this, just no incest or rape, or bestiality. That is not something I would like to go into detail about. Other than that, knock yourselves out!

So that means that yes you can ask for girlxgirl, boyxboy, and boyxgirl, or if you just want a solo one then cool!

So if you would like an imagine just fill this cute little questionnaire thing out and may the odds be ever in your favor ;)

Name:(or name you want the character to be)

Age of Character:(if you are under 15 and ask for a smut imagine, I'm sorry but no.)

Who with?

Rating:(G, PG, PG-13, R, or NC-17)

Background on the character in the story that you decided:(meaning you or whoever you want the imagine to be around, NOT the celebrity)

What would you like to happen?


That is all my lovely little.... Oh goodness what should I call you guys? Okay so if you have an idea then comment! Also you can just comment for an imagine instead of direct messaging me, but if you want to direct message me, that's fine as well! Hope y'all are having a wonderful day/night!

Imagines For All!Where stories live. Discover now