Chapter 59

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Colby's POV

Sam was silent the whole way home. He held onto me as if I would disappear if he didn't. I had my arm rapped around him, holding him securely.

Once we got home, Sam clung onto the back of my shirt. A habit he does when he's nervous.

"Hey Sammy." I spike once we were in the house, "how about you go take a shower, I think it might relax you a bit." He looked at me fearfully but nodded.

"Y-You won't l-leave, r-right?" He whispered, so quietly I'm surprised I heard it.

"Of course not baby, I'll be right down here the whole time. But first I'll help you ok?" He nodded, a lot more confident this time.

I smiled and led him up the stairs to the bathroom. I told him to grab some cloths while I got the shower ready. I quickly turned on the water, then walked out to help Sam.

"Ok, the showers ready, just come downstairs when you're done." He jumped at the sound of my voice causing me to frown. I walked over to him, giving him a big hug.

"I'm never gunna leave you baby, don't worry about that. No one will take you away from me, ok?" He nodded into my chest. About a minute later, I let him go to take his shower and went downstairs.

"How's Sam?" Corey asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"He's ok, just kinda tense." I replied simply, sitting down. "Sorry about your dinner thingy, it was fun while it lasted." Elton scoffed at my comment.

"Sam is way more important then some stupid dinner, besides, we basically did everything." I nod and put my head in my hands, resting my eyes.

The roommates continue to make small talk, me adding comments here and there. By the end of it, Elton was laughing like a maniac while Corey gave him a death stare. I chuckled and looked at the stairs just in time to see Sam walk down. The only thing throwing me off was that he was shivering.

"Hey Sammy? Why're you shaking?" I asked confused. He looked just as confused.

"Th-the shower." He said, only confusing me more.

"What do you mean?" I asked again. I could tell Sam was starting to get uncomfortable so I gave the roommates a look, causing them to walk out of the room.

"I-It was a-a c-cold sh-shower." He said through chattering teeth. I furrowed my eyebrows, extremely confused.

"Why did you take a cold shower baby?" I asked sincerely, he whimpered and backed away from me.

"I-I didn't touch th-the n-nob, I-I swear!" He spoke in a panicked tone. I was so confused, until it clicked. I didn't check the temperature. I never checked to see if it was hot or cold.

"Baby? Why didn't you tell me it was cold?" I asked in the sweetest tone I could.

"I-It w-was a p-punishment." As soon as those words left his mouth, my world stopped moving. I didn't check the water, I didn't make sure it was warm, it was my fault that he thought this was a punishment. I stumbled backwards a little. I was so mad at myself for messing up this badly.

"S-Sam, that's not what- why would I- why did you think you were being punished baby?" I asked in an extremely concerned tone. He pinned his ears.

"For th-the restaurant." He muttered, almost silent. My heart stopped. I wanted to scream. Wanted to yell that this wasn't supposed to happen. But all I could do was stand there, feeling like my heart was ripped out of my chest.

"Sammy." Was all I could say. I was on the verge of tears this whole time and at that moment, I couldn't hold them back.

"Sammy, it wasn't a punishment. I just wanted you to have a normal, warm shower." I cried quietly. "I'm so sorry baby. I should have checked the water." He walked over to me, letting me hug him tightly.

"I'm so sorry." I kept murmuring into his hair. He was crying now too which only made me cry harder. Words could not describe how awful I felt.

It felt like hours before we both finally calmed down. The whole time I told him how sorry I was. He kept telling me things like "it's ok." And "I forgive you." But I still felt horrible.

All the roommates had gone to bed by now. it was just us, crying in the kitchen. Sam still held me tightly as I pet over his ears. His knees had given out a few times during all this, only having me to catch him. This time when his knees gave out, I just picked him up.

"It's ok baby, go to sleep. Let me take care of you this time." He only nodded and nuzzled into my chest. I walked up the stairs and into my room, setting him down on the bed. Then, I got in and pulled the covers over us. Sam curled into my chest and fell asleep. I soon followed after thinking of all the ways I would make it up to him tomorrow.

This one was kinda sad, sorry about that. And again life has held me up as it always does. Anyway I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter :)

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