Chapter 20

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Colby's POV

I was awoken the next morning to a loud crash and laughing. I chuckled to myself, knowing that one of the roommates probably fell and it was probably funny as fuck.

I checked my phone before getting up  to check on Sam. I was very relieved when I found him still asleep. I walked out of the room and down stairs to find Corey filming.

"Mr. Brock has finally decided to join us!" He said sarcastically.

"Hey, I need my beauty sleep." I laughed. Corey then turned the camera back to him and Aaron.

"Oh yeah, everyone would be mad if we messed up your looks." Aaron joined in. We all laughed for a minute before turning off the camera.

"So how's Sam?" Corey asked after a few seconds of silence.

"He's sleeping right now, but when I came home last night he was in a lot of pain." I said, Corey looked guilty.

"Sam only wanted Kat in there with him." Aaron spoke up. I nodded.

"Yeah, I figured he wouldn't want you guys in there. It's a lot to take in." They nodded.

Before anyone could say anything else, a shrill scream pierced my ears. 'Fuck' I thought as we all ran upstairs. I bolted through the door to find a absolutely terrified Sam.

"Wait n-no p-please!" He begged curling into a smaller ball. He had his hands over his eyes and it looked as though he was bracing himself for a hit.

I looked over at Corey and Aaron, signaling then to leave. They quickly did so, giving Sam and I some privacy. He whimpered and cried harder as I sat down.

"Sammy," I whispered while laying my hand on his hip. "It's Colby." He peeked through his fingers, almost to check if I was lying. He visibly relaxed when he found out I wasn't.

"I-I'm s-so sorry. It w-was just so r-real. I-I'm s-sorry. I-" I cut him off.

"Sammy you don't have to apologize. It's ok. You had a nightmare and you were scared." He looked up at me before starting to cry again.

"Wh-why are y-you s-so n-nice to m-me? I-I'm not worth a-anything." That entire statement broke my heart. I can't believe that someone would put all these toxic thoughts in his head.

"Baby, that's not true. I think your perfect and we're mates right? And as a good mate I need to show you that you're loved." I said. I was thinking of this on the spot and honestly it was pretty shit but it was true.

Sam on the other hand looked at me in complete shock. "Y-You except me a-as y-you're mate?" He questioned. His blue eyes filled with hope.

"Of course I do." I said sweetly. Sams tail thumped on the bed. "Aww" I cooed, he blushed and hid his face. "Don't hide your face, it's cute." I said as I lifted his chin.

"You feel better?" He nodded. "Wanna go downstairs?" He froze and stared at me with scared eyes.

"Sammy, there not gunna hurt you. I promise that they're nice." I reassured, he hesitantly nodded and tried to get up.

"Hold on, stay there, let me get you some clean clothes." He nodded as I exited the room to grab some sweats and a t-shirt. I brought them back and helped him change, cutting a hole for his tail.

He nodded his thanks as he shakily stood up. As he tried to take a step, he legs gave out from under him. Thank god I was there to catch him.

"You haven't been up in a while. Why don't I just carry you?" He nodded and I picked him up bridal style. He snuggled into me as he rapped his skinny arms around my neck.

"Aww, feeling better Sam?" Devyn cooed as soon as she saw us. He shyly nodded into my chest, holding onto me tighter.

"Hey Colby." Elton called out, "Are you gunna introduce him to your fans anytime soon?"

"Oh shit." I swore, "I should probably do that soon huh?" Elton nodded rolling his eyes. I put Sam down on the couch as I sat next to him, pulling out my phone. I quickly went to Instagram and started videoing.

"Hey guys." I said smiling, "just wanted to let you all know that we have a new member of the Trap House. His name is Sam and he's a werewolf we recently saved. He's super shy and timid so if you see me in public with him, just keep that in mind." I panned over to Sam who looked at me confused.

"He doesn't really know what this is yet but anyway, just wanted to let you guys know so that if you see him in videos you guys won't be confused. Anyways see you guys soon. Peace."

I quickly typed about how he was abused and how he would be timid and shy to the other roommates till he learned to trust them, then posted it. Within minutes I was getting comments but I ignored them and focused my attention back to Sam.

He was still extremely confused. I smiled as I explained, "My job is on the internet. I post funny videos to make people laugh. So what I was doing was telling the people that watch my videos about you."

He nodded as he cuddled up next to me. I put my arm around him, pulling him closer. Corey then came in, ruining the moment.

"Aww, hey there Colby and Sammy." He said while zooming the camera in on our faces. Sam hid between my shoulder and the couch. I glared at Corey who then put his camera away.

"Sorry." He apologized, "So, Sam, anything you wanna do?"

"A-Anything you g-guys want t-to do, I-I don't mind." He shrugged. He seemed almost scared to speak his mind.

"You know that you can speak your mind here. None of us will be mad at you." I told him. He nodded but he didn't seem fully convinced.

Then I remembered the prank I wanted to do on Elton. I had made an appointment to get circa dyed pink. Thank god Elton had to do his taxes today. I checked my phone for the time. It was already 1 o'clock.

"Hey guys I'm gunna head out, I have some meetings I have to go to." Elton said. Thank god. I got lucky.

"Alright man, see ya." I said while pulling out my phone to text Amanda.

To Amanda: Hey, wanted to know if you're down to help me with a prank.

From Amanda: Sure, what is it?

To Amanda: Oh ya know just wanna dye circa pink...

From Amanda: I'll be there in 5. I hope you know Elton's gunna kill you.

I smiled and put my phone down. Now all I had to do was wait.

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