Chapter 4

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I couldn't sleep, no, I won't sleep. If I do I'll have a nightmare, and if I do that he'll be mad at me and send me back. I couldn't go back, they were such awful people.

So I will stay up.

A few hours passed and I got bored so I turned the lights on. The floor creaked loudly under my feet. I cringed and whimpered. I heard rushed footsteps and I immediately curled up on the ground. I was shaking so much that I didn't even notice when someone came through the door

"Sam? Are you ok?" A female voice asked getting on her knees.

"Y-yes ma'am" I said back. "I-I'm sorry I won't do-"

"Sam it's ok." She put her hand on my back. I flinched, of corse, it's was just a habit of mine. "It's ok Sam your ok." She continued to rub my back.

"I-I'm sorry" I said still shaking.

"For what?"

"For w-waking you."

"You didn't wake me, I was already up." She smiled and ran her hand through my hair. After a while she quickly got up. I panicked. Was she only nice to me so I could trust her? Would she hurt me like everyone else?

"P-please don't hurt me, i p-promise I will do anything you want!" I was begging at this point.

"What? No! I'm just going to get Colby." She said calmly. I was still tense and I think she noticed because she got up much slower this time.

I was still shaking and crying on the floor, when Colby burst through the door. I curled into myself as much as I could.

"Hey bud, what happened?" He asked me, getting on his knees. I Immediately scooted away from him until I hit the wall.

"Sam, I'm not gonna hurt you, I just want to know what happened." I looked up at him, his eyes showed confusion and sincerity.

"I-I couldn't sleep sir." I stuttered out. I covered my mouth as soon as the words came out. I messed up, I always mess up! I rapped my tail around myself trying to become as small as possible.

"It's ok Sam I have trouble sleeping sometimes" He said, "So if you ever can't sleep you can come to me."

"Is there any reason you can't sleep?" The girl asked. I nodded.

"And what might that be bud?" Colby asked

"N-Nightmares sir" I said as quietly as I could.

He nodded, pinching the bridge of his nose. I held my knees tight to my chest waiting for him to say something.

"Look, Sam, I know nightmares get bad, trust me I've had them, but I'll always be here to help you through it. And trust me I won't be mad if you have one."

I was shocked. No one has been nice to me in years. So stunned that I just nodded and rested my head on my knees.

Colby and The nice lady talked for a while. I only heard certain things like 'has to sleep' and 'poor kid.'  It's true, I did need to sleep, but I didn't want to get hurt. Colby soon came over to me.

"Hey Sam, Is there anything I can do to help you sleep?"

I thought for a second "Katrina would s-stay with me." I thought out loud.

"Katrina? Like as in Katrina Stewart?" He asked me.

"I-I don't know h-her last n-name." I tensed a little.

"What was she like?" Colby asked

"She would a-always help with after care." He looked at me confused "S-she would help after a punishment a-and after y-you know"

"Sex?" He asked, i nodded. "Oh god."

" I'm s-sorry that I-I'm used." I stuttered out.

"No, Sam , not that. Did you want it to happen?"

"N-No Sir"

"Jesus Christ." He muttered under his breath "Ok" he breathed, "let's get some sleep alright bud?" I nodded as I crawled off into bed and curled up in the middle. Colby came over an put a blanket on me. With that I fell asleep.

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