Chapter 36

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Sams POV

I watched as Colby looked at his phone and smiled. "They all love you Sammy." He said as he put his phone away.

He walked over to me and began to pet behind my ears. I leaned into the touch that I had been craving for a while. I sighed contently as he massaged my scalp.

"Eat your food baby." Colby said, withdrawing his hand. I whimpered, missing the gentle touch.

"Eat a little more then I will continue, ok?" I nodded eagerly once he said that, picking up a piece of bread and putting it in my mouth.

I ate slowly, not wanting to get sick, but I also didn't want to disappoint Colby by not finishing. So, even when I was full, I kept going.

"Sam, you don't need to eat it all if you don't want to." Colby said. He must have realized my discomfort. I felt tears fill my eyes as I thought about how disappointed Colby would be that I wasted food.

"Sammy? What's wrong baby?" He asked concerned. I tried to hold back the tears but it was no use. I felt one drip down my cheek.

"I-I'm s-sorry I-I can't f-finish I-it." I wept. God I was such a pathetic whore. Master was right, I'm a good for nothing slut. Only used when someone wants to fuck.

"Sam stop it." Colby said sternly, snapping me out of my thoughts. I felt a sharp pain in my arm before realizing what I had done.

"I-I'm s-sorry I-I didn't r-realize-" I was full on sobbing as I panicked.

"Hey, hey, shhh, it's ok. You're ok. Calm down baby, I know you didn't mean to." Colby said in a shushed tone. I couldn't help but feel like I let him down.

"It's ok baby, take deep breaths with me ok?" He took a long deep breath, urging me to do it to. I tried as hard as I could, slowly calming down.

"There ya go, good job baby." He praised. It felt good to know I had done something right. He grabbed the tray and set it on the table next to me.

Just as he promised, he continued to pet behind my ears. I leaned into his touch, lowering my head to his chest when he laid down.

I heard him chuckle as I curled up, trying to stay warm. I hadn't released how cold it was in here, but I didn't want to say anything. I wasn't gunna risk making Colby upset. Although I tried to stifle my shaking, Colby noticed something was wrong.

"Hey baby," he said, catching my attention, "are you cold?" I didn't know what to say.

"U-Um." I hesitated, my teeth beginning to chatter. Colby sat up and looked at me sadly.

"Sam, you can tell me if anything is ever wrong ok? I want you to feel comfortable and trust me. Let me go turn up the heat ok?" He spoke softly in my ear. I whimpered at the loss of heat once he got up.

"I'll be right back, let me turn this up." He said, making his way to a little device on the wall. I watched as he pushed a few buttons before I heard a sound that startled me, making me jump a little.

"Aww, Sammy, that was just the air turning on." He told me. I nodded and began to relax a little before I heard a knock on the door. Colby walked over and opened it to reveal the Corey and Devyn.

"Hey guys, you're all here really early I mean it's only 10." Colby pointed out, showing them a time on his phone.

"I know but we could wait any longer. I just wanted to make sure everything was ok." Devyn smiled, she looked over Colby's shoulder and smiled at me. I blushed as I felt a small smile start to form and looked down from embarrassment.

When I lifted my gaze, I was met with Colby smiling at me as he let them in. I was pretty uncomfortable, feeling all the attention on me.

"So how you feeling Sam?" Corey asked, taking a seat.

"G-Good." I answered quietly. I was still nervous that I would mess up somehow and make them mad. I didn't want to risk that.

"That's good! How'd you sleep last night." Devyn asked, joining the conversation. I froze, unsure of what to do. I looked up at Colby with a begging look.

"We had a few bumps, but it was fine." Colby answered smoothly. I looked back at the two people, who were now both seated, and nodded. They didn't seem convinced but went with it anyway.

"So Sam, I was thinking that when you get better and come home that you could, maybe, try some foods and see what you like? Colby could also post it! His viewers love you." Devyn paused, taking a second to breath. "Only if you want to." She added.

I looked up at Colby who shrugged and nodded. I thought about it for a moment. Honestly the thought of eating doesn't sound very appealing but, if it makes Colby happy then I'll do it. I then nodded making Devyn smile

"Yay! I can't wait for you to come home. It's so boring without you guys." Devyn said, mumbling the last part.

"Hey! We're not boring" Corey exclaimed, "but we do really miss you guys." He added.

"Well we'll be back soon, but right now Sam has to see the doctor." He paused and thought for a moment, "you guys can swing by tonight if you want. Is that ok Sammy?" I nodded.

"Ok, well, see you later Sam. Bye Colby." Devyn said as she exited the room, dragging Corey behind her.

"Bye guys." Colby laughed, coming to sit by me, "The doctor will be here soon, you feeling ok baby?" I nodded, even though their was a slight stinging sensation in my back, I didn't want to trouble anyone.

"I'm glad." Colby said before returning to scratching behind my ears. I relaxed immensely enjoying his gentle touch. I really hope this lasts.

So I think I'm gunna start uploading everyday until I reach where we stopped. Hope you guys have a great day ❤️

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