Chapter 1

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Colby's POV

I walked in to the auction place and it felt like I was hit in the face with the smell. It was disgusting. It smelled of mold and blood, especially blood.

I walked into the a theater looking place and took my seat, it was next to a fat, ugly, man that was breathing so heavily that you would have thought he just ran a race.

When the auction finally began, sweaty guy started breathing harder. He raise his arms and all I could smell was bo. I couldn't help but gag.

I hadn't really payed attention to the auction, until one little guy caught my eye. He had blonde hair and big blue eyes. His brown ears pinned and his tail tucked, and he was so skinny, oh my god so skinny. He had so many scars all over his body. The fat man raised his hand,"$200"he shouted

"300" I was not going to let him take this poor thing home.

"600" he shouted giving me a death glare

"1,000" I shouted as loud as I could

The fat guy looked at me, we were both standing at this point. Then he sat down "you win" he said.

"Going once, going twice, sold to the man in the forth row" the auctioneer hit a gavel looking thing, the poor wolf flinched so hard I'm surprised he didn't fall. Two men came and yanked him off stage. I immediately ran out to the lobby to get him.

I told the lady what seat I was in and she went to go get him. He had a collar around his neck with a leash attached. The man handed the leash to me, yanking the poor boy forward.

"Here's his papers" he said as he gave me the papers and handed me the leash.

"Thanks" I muttered, the big guy walked away. I looked at the poor wolf, he was shaking like a leaf, wild eyes filled with panic and pain. I shrugged off my jacket, because he was naked. I reached to give it to him, but he shrunk away from me.

"Hey, hey it's ok, can you rap this around your waist for me?" He hesitantly nodded, reaching for the jacket, taking it, then raping it around his waist to cover his privets.

I looked outside, it was so hot it was going to burn his feet. "Hey, can I carry you, the ground is really hot and I don't want you burning your feet."

He started to shake violently,"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you I promise, ok?" He just shook his head and backed away.

I shushed him as I slowly got closer, I watched as a tear fell from his eye. Slowly, very slowly, he let me get closer "there you go, see it's ok" I said as I picked him up, he was so light, good god he was like a fucking feather . He just went limp in my arms.

When we reached the car, I carefully opened the door and put him in the passenger seat. When I knew he was safely in, I went to the drivers side and turned on the car. I started to look at the papers while the car cooled down.

Name: Samuel prefers Sam

Species: werewolf

Age: 18

Date of birth: November 27th

Job title: anything

Weight: 75lbs

Number of owners: 19

Height: 5'8

Wolf height: 4'5

Pack rank: Omega

I was shocked, I looked over at Sam, he looked terrified. "Hey, can you tell me your name bud?" I knew I already knew it but I wanted to hear his voice

"Sam sir"

Um so, this got deleted. Idk why. So I'm re doing it. Hope you enjoy

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