Chapter 2

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Colby's POV

The drive home was silent, the whole time the poor kid kept his head down. We finally arrived and I noticed The roommates were home so I quickly texted them.

To Trap House: hey guys when I bring him in don't freak out, please, I'm pretty sure he's been abused so no sudden movements or loud noises

From Aunt Corey: ok, I'm excited to meet him :)

I rolled my eyes at his lack of emojis. "Hey Sam, we're here bud, let's go inside, yeah?" He slowly nodded.

I opened the door for him and unclipped that stupid leash. Luckily I had some extra shorts so I gave him that. Then I helped him out and carried him inside. It went a lot faster  then before, I hope it's because of trust and not of fear.

I saw the roommates and called them over. They took one look at me then at him. "Who did that to him..?" Corey asked softly.

"I have no clue." I replied as I put him down gently. He just kinda stood there waiting.

"Take that thing off him." I knew what he was talking about, so I turned around and reached for the collar. He flinched.

"Shh it's ok bud, I'm just going to take this off ok?" He nodded. I reached for his neck to take the damn collar off but my fingers brushed up against his neck by accident. He flinched away and whimpered.

"Oh I'm sorry Sam, can I try again?" He nodded again, this time I was careful not to touch him. I unclipped it and handed it to Corey who threw it away.

"There that's better!" Elton said softly, "now, who's hungry?" He walked to the kitchen to heat up some leftover lasagna.

I sat at the table with the guys waiting for Sam to sit down, but he never did. He just stood quietly behind me with his little head down. "Hey, you want to eat?" He opened his mouth to say something, but then quickly closed it and shook his head. I frowned at his actions.

I quickly pulled up a chair, making him jump a little, and patted it. "Here, sit here, I'll get you some food." I said as I got up to go heat up a little lasagna. He quickly and quietly got in his chair.

I set the plate down and told him to eat. He slowly picked up the fork and began to eat while the guys and I talked about some work things. When he was finished, he immediately got up, grabbed our plates, washed them, and put them away. It all happened so fast that I didn't have enough time to stop the little guy.

"Why don't you show him his room" Aaron suggested when Sam returned.

"Oh yeah, c'mon I'll show you." He nodded and followed behind me. I walked into the room, it was plain but I figured he could decorate it. It just had a bed with a window to the right of it.

"Wow" I heard him say under his breath. I chuckled softly.

"Like it?" I asked, he nodded, quickly looking at the floor again. I frowned, "You can look around Sam." He nodded and went over to the window.



"A-Am i aloud to g-go on the bed?"

"Of course!" I said a little too enthusiastically, the poor boy flinched at the loudness of my voice. "I'm sorry" I said quietly, "hey why don't we get you some cloths, yeah?" He nodded as I walked out of the room and into mine.

I quickly grabbed a sweatshirt and some sweat pants with a drawstring so he could adjust it. I grabbed some boxers that were too small for me and returned to his room.

"Here, do you know how to put these on?" I asked handing the cloths to him. He nodded taking the cloths and putting them on. I watched as he would flinch every time he moved to fast.

"I'll go get you some painkillers" I ran out of the room to go get them out of the cabinet, I also grabbed some water, then returned to his room. When I got there, he was just sitting on the floor playing with his tail.

"Hey," I said making him jump a bit "it's ok, here I got these for you." I tried to hand him the pills, but he backed away and started shaking again.

"Hey it's ok, these will have the pain go away bud." I said reaching out to him with the pills again, but he backed away from me. I felt awful but then I had an idea.

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