Chapter 41

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Sams POV

I sat with Colby on the couch, still fascinated with this 'balloon'. It's so cool! It can even float in air. I pushed the sides in together, squishing it.

"Sammy, be careful you're gunna-" he was interrupted with a loud, gunshot type noice. I jumped up in the air, getting the remains of the now dead balloon, off me quickly. "Pop it." He finished as I buried my head into his side.

"I-I don't like it." I whispered. I hated loud noises still. They hurt my ears and scared the poop out of me.

"Well they're fun if you don't squeeze them." Elton joined in, "Then that doesn't happen." I pinned my ears before rapping my arms around Colby, holding him tight.

"Hey why don't we go shopping now?  I'm so excited to pick out clothes." Devyn asked. I could hear the excitement in her voice but I felt bad making Colby spend money on me. I released Colby from my death grip and nodded, making him smile.

"Alright let's go!" Brennen exclaimed already almost at the door.

~~~~~time skip cuz I'm lazy~~~~~

We arrived at this huge building and walked in. There were so many people, too many people. I felt my breath hitch and luckily Colby noticed. He pulled me to the side as the rest headed inside.

"You ok baby?" He asked, concern all over his face. I was looking around wildly, noticing all the people watching. I was trying to tell Colby but I couldn't get enough air to do so.

"Hey, calm down baby, you're ok." He said reassuringly, pulling me into a hug. I calmed a little as I listened to his steady heartbeat and after a few minutes, I was able to take deep slow breaths.

"A-A lot of p-people." I whimpered. I felt Colby nod and hold me tighter. A few seconds passed before he pulled away and gripped my shoulders lightly.

"They're not gunna bother you ok? Just stay by me, I'll protect you baby." He spoke confidently. I looked down and blushed a little until Colby lifted my head and smiled.

"Now come on, it's time to spoil you." Colby exclaimed excitedly. He then grabbed my hand and pulled me into the big building, giving me no time to argue.

I was very relieved when no one said anything about what had just happened. It was already embarrassing enough to have all those people watch me panic.

"So what store do you wanna go into first?" Devyn asked, walking up next to me. I jumped a little not expecting her. She just smiled sympathetically and whispered a soft sorry.

"U-Um I-I don't know." I stuttered nervously. I hate that I stutter when I'm nervous, it's so annoying. I felt Colby rap his arm around me and rub my arm comfortingly, making me a little less nervous.

"How about there?" She asked pointing into a store. It looked pretty cool so I nodded and we turned to walk in. As soon as we made it in, Devyn took my hand and dragged me into the store. I looked back at Colby who was just smiling.

All the boys waited outside the store, leaving me with Kat and Devyn. I pretty much just followed them around as they chose things for me to try on. By the time they finished they had a mountain of clothes.

"Ok go with Kat to try these on, I'll go get the guys." Devyn said excitedly, clapping her hands as she rushed out. Kat laughed before showing me to a little room where I could change.

"So Sam, what you gotta do is put on a top and some pants. Then you can come out and show us." Kat told me. I nodded along before walking into the little room.

I quickly took off my shirt before I caught site of a mirror. I took a second to look at myself. My ribs were still very prominent, but not as bad as before. I spun around and looked at my scared up back.

'I'm so ugly, I can't believe Colby has put up with me for so long.' I thought as I ran my fingers over the pink scars that covered my entire back and chest. I was startled out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door.

"You ok in there Sammy." It was Colby.

"Y-Yeah almost done." I responded, throwing on a brown hoodie and some long, dark jean shorts that already had a hole for my tail. Then I cautiously opened the door, only to see Colby. I sighed in relief.

"I like that on you baby." He smiled. I pinned my ears and blushed. "Now that we know what size pants fit you, we can get get a few pairs of those. So put your original pants back on and just try on the tops." I nodded and walked back into the small room to try on the rest of the clothing mountain I had.

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