"He's still alive. Barely," he said as he pulled one arm around his neck and looked to Omoi, "we need to get him help before he dies."

"R-right!" Omoi nodded quickly and ran to the opposite side of Ren and pulled his arm over his neck before the pair supported the pink haired boy back to the village, taking him straight to the village hospital.

"That's Ren Haruno," A said as he stared through the glass window that separated him and Darui from the pink haired boy and the medic nins who were frantically running around to help him, "send word to the leaf village immediately. This is sure to bring much joy to them."

"Yes, sir," Darui nodded and walked away as a medic nin came out to see the Raikage.

"Well? How is he?" A asked.

"It's strange," the nin stated as he looked the Raikage in the eyes, "it's like he's in a coma but not? I honestly can't tell you much more than that, I don't know when or if he'll ever wake up. Not to mention that his chakra is basically drained to only a small amount. It doesn't seem to be replenishing either."

A turned to look at the pink haired boy, a look of astonishment washing over his face.

"How is that boy still alive?" A wondered out loud.

A day later_

"Lord Hokage!" one of the men working in the messenger nest in the leaf village threw himself into the office, "we just got word from the Raikage!"


"Is it true?!" Sakura burst into Kakashi's office with wide eyes, "is my brother really alive?!"

"It seems that that is the case," Kakashi nodded, "he is currently in the care of the Raikage."

"Can I go to the hidden cloud, Kakashi sensei?" she asked him with desperation, "I need to see my brother. We thought he was dead and now this—my parents are going to be so happy."

"I'm allowing you to go, I've already assigned someone to go with you, Sakura," Kakashi told her, "so don't worry. You'll leave tomorrow morning at first light."

"Thank you so much, sensei!"

A week later_

A similar occurrence happened in Kirigakure. A flaming ball surrounded by a red sphere of light.

"Lady Mizukage!" Ao came flying into Mei's office, "you'll never believe it, but Choro Akimichi just fell from the sky in a flurry of lights, my lady!"

"What?" Mei gave the ninja a confused look before following him to where two other ninja were awkwardly supporting the red-haired man.

"What should we do with him, my lady?" one of the ninja asked.

"He's kind of heavy!" the other one strained.

"Get him medical treatment immediately and report to Lord Kakashi that we have one of his ninja in our care!" Mei ordered.

"Yes, Lady Mizukage!" they all nodded and ran off to do their assigned jobs.

"This also happened in the hidden cloud, didn't it?" she mumbled to herself as she turned to go in the direction the ninja had just taken the red-haired ninja, "this is so strange. Heroes thought to have died in the war, returning from the heavens? Did the gods decide that it wasn't their time to die?"

A week later_

"Lord Tsuchikage, watch out!" Onoki was swiftly picked up from a boulder he was happily enjoying his tea on by one of his ninja. A sudden burst of flames dropped down in the ground where Onoki was previously sitting.

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