Chapter 36 - Love

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing in my house so early in the morning?" His previously soft face melted into a stoic one.

Felix raised his eyebrows "It's ten am,"

Austin ignored the sarcasm in his voice and waited for his question to be answered.

Felix sighed "Lucy's here to talk to you, it's about Amara,"

The mention of Amara's name immediately piqued his interest. Seeing that Austin was willing to listen Felix nodded at Lucy to continue.

Lucy hesitantly stood up, she began by introducing the unfamiliar face beside her, "This is my father, his name is Clive Allman,"

"Is he-"

"No, that's... my mother," she felt a little awkward using the term.

Clive slightly bowed his head to greet him, he then looked at the woman who stood a little behind Austin before his eyes widened in disbelief.

"You... are so similar to her," he says quietly, but thanks to the werewolves heightened senses they were able to hear him loud and clear.

He was not the only one surprised. Lucy had rarely heard his father mention anything about his mother, but for some reason, she always knew when he was thinking of her. The face he's making now was it, his face showed a mix of nostalgia, sadness, and love.

Clive looked at his daughter, " I think it is finally time for you to know your mother and I's story. I just fear that after telling you this you would hate me or... her"

Before he started his story, Austin interrupted him saying, "Amara hasn't eaten yet, we'll move this to the kitchen,"

Everyone silently sighed at their alpha's obvious doting but still moved to the kitchen nonetheless. They were still surprised at the complete personality change in their alpha, I mean, it was only a couple weeks ago that he resembled an ice block, but now, he was as soft as butter and perfectly portrayed a doting husband.

One they were seated, it wasn't long until plates of food were in front of them, no one seemed to be in a chatting mood so they all ate their breakfast in silence. One they were finished eating Clive began his story.

"When I was younger, I would often go on fishing trips with my dad. One day, he decided that we go to a lake a bit farther to catch better fish. While he was setting up our spot I decided to explore a bit and that's when I saw a trail of blood. Thinking that someone got hurt I followed it and that's when I saw... her, your mother. She had red hair, just like you," he smiled at the memory "Getting close to her was not easy, she nearly sliced me in half once," he joked "Anyway, day after day, I would come back and help her with her wounds, and as time went by we fell in love... I told her about the human world but she's never once talked about herself so I don't know much about it," he said sadly "We were happy though, but good things never last. One day she just disappeared, I looked for her every day, and then nine months later she came back... but with a baby girl in her arms, she handed you to me and told me to look after you and that was the last time I saw her,"

The room remained silent as they carefully listened to his story, Jessie was on the verge of tears; she had never handled love tragedies very well.

Remembering those times, Clive felt the same sadness and pain as he did many years ago. His heart wrenched in pain, it was like a wound that was reopened.

He then moved his eyes to Amara who sat opposite of him, "You remind me so much of her... the way you two feel like you don't belong in this world..."

Amara squinted her eyes, "She was like me, a siren,"

Clive slightly smiled and nodded.

The silence in the room was suffocating, no one knew what to say or if they should even say something at all, even Austin stayed quiet. Lucas who sat with them could no longer reign in his curiosity, the moment he heard his hypothesis was correct he had been dying to talk to Amara, to find out more of what she was. Werewolves weren't the only supernatural species to exist! This was a discovery of the century!

"How many sirens are out there? Why haven't we ever discover you existed, especially with today's technology?" He threw out one question after another,"

"Lucas! One question at a time" reprimanded Felix

"Ah, I apologise, I got a little too excited," he took a deep breath, "How many sirens exist?"

Amara glanced at Austin before looking at Lucas, can she trust him?


"How have we not discovered any of you,"

"We are good at hiding. We... live in the darkest parts of the water, we come up only to hunt and... mate. Anyone who has seen are not alive,"

Austin's eyebrows knitted in displeasure when he heard that they 'mate' with men, has she...?

"And you hunt..." Lucas asked cautiously

Amara's lips slightly raised, "Men"

Suddenly the atmosphere inside the room shifted, even Lucas was silenced by the blunt answer and a cold shiver ran down his spine.

It wasn't long until Amara go bored of this conversation, what she was most interested about was that one of her brethren fell in love with a... human? Her first thought was that it was impossible but then again... she glanced at Austin.

"How much time did you spend together?" Amara asked him

Clive was slightly taken aback at the question "... a year, why?"

"We don't usually spend that much time on a single human, 3 months at most but if we fail, which we rarely do," she says arrogantly "we move on to our next. Our only purpose for doing that is to mate and reproduce, it's strange for one of us to spend that much time with someone but what's even more strange is that she did not take her daughter with her,"

Clive knitted his eyebrows "What do you mean?!"

"When we reproduce, our offspring will either be a human or a siren, a hybrid is a very rare case. When the child is human we leave it on land or... drown it" they gasped in horror "if it is a siren then we take it with us"

"Not even an animal kill their child!" Yelled Clemente.

Amara indifferently looked at him, "but they do, it's just part of nature, only the fittest survive" she said emotionlessly

Just as Clemente was going to argue back Lucy beat her to it.

"-Are you saying my mother abandoned me?" She said in a shaking voice, she clenched her fist.

"She should have known you were a hybrid... so I don't know,"

"Then why did she leave me?" She asked on the verge of tears.

"Maybe it's because she loved your father so much that she wanted to leave a piece of her with him," Jessie suggested, trying to say something positive.

"...Love?" Amara mumbled.


She innocently tilted her head, "We don't feel... love,"


Ok, I take it back, THIS is the longest chapter I've written, 1900 words!!!!! it didn't even feel that long lol wtf

Anyways, ENJOY! but don't forget to comment, vote and share if you like hehe xx

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