Dragon Stones

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Everything is black. That's all Hiccup has known for what feels like an eternity. It feels like when he lays down and tries to sleep but can't. Where he just holds his eyes closed, searching for the sweet renewal of dreams. Yet, unlike those nights, this is different. He's unable to open his eyes.

When things change, it's sudden. First a spot of light in the distance, then the colors blur around Hiccup in all directions. He blinks. Suddenly he's in Berk. He's standing outside of of his own hut. The normal hustle and bustle of Berk life going on around him.

Hiccup steps towards his dad's hut. He has to see Stoick. An urgent voice comes from out to his left, towards the Great Hall.

"Oi, Stoick! They're a comin' from the North!"

It's Gobber. Hiccup runs towards his friend and mentor's voice. After rounding some huts, he comes across Gobber and his Father. The Vikings around them have started running here and there, gathering weapons and tools for an up and coming Dragon Raid.

"Dad, Gobber!" Neither man turns to his calls.

"Get all the remaining children into hiding, my old friend. Then meet us on the cliff to the North. We'll meet these monsters head on!"

"Right. On it Chief!" Gobber thumps away on his one good leg to do Stoick's bidding. Stoick turns to the North and jogs away.

"Dad! Wait!" Hiccup chases his father. He catches up to him just before he reaches the North side of the residential area when Stoick stopped to talk to someone.

When Hiccup reaches Stoick, he trips and falls through Stoick and who he is talking to. When Hiccup is able to look up, he sees Astrid. Clearly he is a spirit or some other kind of apparition.

"Where do you want us, Chief? I have Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Snotlout with me."

"Very good, Astrid. Take those three and head over to the Great Hall. Gobber will be bringing the other children."

"Chief, we're not going into hidding! We're not little kids anymore!"

Hiccup tries to speak. "Astrid, Dad just wants you to be the last line of defense. In case the Dragon's get through."

As if he heard his son, Stoick says "My dear, I'm not sending you off to hide. We need you younger Vikings to watch over the children. If any Dragon's, or their bloody riders, make it through, I trust you'll keep them safe. Now go! That's an order."

"Aye, Chief!" Astrid does a crude salute before running off.

After she is out of earshot, Hiccup hears Stoick mumble. "If only I hadn't allowed the counsel to exile My son. Maybe we'd have our own bloody riders to fight back with..."

Look on his father's face makes Hiccup fail in standing. The brave and powerful Chief of their village looks... remorseful, almost sad at the thought. After a moment, Stoick continues North and Hiccup rises and follows.

While the two make their way to the cliff's edge, Hiccup contemplates everything.

Is he dead? After getting ran through with a blade, that would make sense. Yet, he doubts he is. Some flow of magic, some sense of Toothless makes that impossible.

What did Stoick mean by "remaining children"? The Dragons were known to steal food and attack in self defense. Most of the time, Vikings were only killed if they failed to finish off the Dragon they were fighting. This low death toll was why Berk was usually able to rebuild so quickly. Are the Dragon's out right attacking now?

Who, exactly, are these 'other Riders'? He guesses he'll find out soon enough.

What exactly happened in Arendelle Castle after he had blacked out?

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