Witch's Stone

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Elsa knows she has to do somthing. What, she has no clue. If she moves to attack Hans, he'll roast Anna alive. If she doesn't, he'll likely still burn her to death then turn the flames on Anna anyway.

She finally takes a moment to consider Hiccup's words on their way through the castle. People who have ambition have a tendency to also be vain. Specifically, men love to have a beautiful woman stroke their ego. Play to that and buy me some time.

But how? How can she distract him...? An idea blossoms in her mind.

"We don't have to fight, Hans." She lets the blue energy fade from her hands and turns towards the stairs that lead down to the ground level. "I will do as you ask. Just don't hurt Anna."

"I'll make sure her pain is short lived, but only if you kneel before me." He twirls his staff and points it to the ground in front of him.

She raises her hands in the air once she's off the stairs and slowly strides forward. "Before we get into all that, do tell me. How did you manage such a feet? Becoming such a powerful Mage. I didn't know magic runs in your family."

When his eyes glint with pleasure at the memory, Elsa knows he'll monologue. All villains monologue. At least they do in the stories she's read.

"It's a long tale, you see, and I couldn't possibly let you walk around freely while I tell it. So no." He reaches his staff just a little closer towards Anna. "Now, come over here, bow before me and relinquish your throne."

Hesitating as long as she felt was safe, Elsa approaches the dias. Well crap. That didn't work. She scans the glint in Hans' eyes and the strung up Anna who looks terrified. There has to be something she can do.

Hans gives a simple gesture and a sharp prick in Elsa's back makes her squeal and move forward faster. Two of Hans' guards have their swords drawn and are poking at her. Each suppressing their mirth with each stab.

Yeah, yeah, poking a Queen in the ass must be amusing. Panic and fear well up within Elsa, overcoming her outrage. She has no idea what to do. She always thought a dire situation would slow down time, allowing for one's life to flash before their eyes, or some such non-sense. Instead, time almost speeds up and she reaches Hans too soon. Another sharp prick and she falls to her knees.

Time to gamble. Hopefully she can get Anna out of this with her risky plan B. She calls her magic. The blue orb reappears and starts to grow. "I will comply, IF you let Anna go. If not, I'll just kill everyone in Arendelle." She makes eye contact with Hans who is looking at her, studying her face. "If you're going to kill us anyway, what do I have to loose?"

The tension between the two lingers for what feels like an eternity. Then, almost bregrudingly, Hans nods and flashes another hand sign to his men. "Keep Anna tied up and leave a blade on her. If Blondie twitches, cut her throat. It is my royal decree, Anna shall be released after I am officially King of Arendelle."

Elsa is surprised at how genuine the order was. She knows he means to release Anna... eventually. No use trying to get a better outcome. Hans, while a horrible human being, is still Royalty. The likelyhood of him killing Anna after that order became zero in her book. She lets the magic wink out sight.

Elsa sits up on her knees and bows her head as if praying. She places her hands on the ground and begins speaking. "I, Queen Elsa of Arendelle, do hereby renounce my throne. With it, the Power to govern, decide policy and command the armies of Arendelle."

While she speaks, Elsa gathers energy once again, this time in the very stone beneath her hands. Maybe he won't sense it. The concentration this next move will take is emense. It will take every ounce of practice and control she has fought for ever since landing in that ice cube.

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