Chapter Twenty-Two

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Wade woke up just as the sky was beginning to lighten. He stared at the dim, reddish glow spreading from the east through the canopy, still sluggish with sleep. The air was freezing and thick with moisture; with each breath, it felt as if he were inhaling more water than anything else. Without his jacket, his clothing did little to protect him from the cold; he shivered and curled up tighter.

A muted rustle came from Wade's right. His eyes flicked to the side, where he glimpsed Serafina slip away into the forest, her face bright and alert. Asher was only a step behind her, his arms folded against the chilly air. No doubt they were going to practice magic.

Wade groaned and sat up, groping for his sword. He wasn't going to miss seeing this again, even if it did mean he wouldn't get any more rest. He stumbled past Aurum, who's scales glimmered with dew as he twisted his head to the side. Kira lay nearby, her head on the dragon's hind leg and Wade's jacket wrapped around her like a blanket.

Have fun, Aurum said, his gold eyes flashing.

Wade nodded tiredly in response. As he made to step over a fallen branch, his left shoe skidded across the wet grass, throwing him off balance. With a choked cry, he toppled across Aurum's back, driving all the air from his lungs. He grasped Aurum's slick scales before he could fall on top of Kira and stumbled upright, adrenaline jolting him awake.

That was quite graceful, Aurum commented, his mirth flooding through the bond.

Thanks, Wade replied, heat flooding his face. Before he could embarrass himself further, he trotted after Serafina and Asher. Their footprints were easy to spot in the thick mud, and before long he glimpsed Serafina's dark, curly hair up ahead.

"Hold up," he said, his voice quiet and ragged with sleep. Thankfully, Asher heard him and slowed to a halt, tugging at Serafina's sleeve. She turned around, surprise flitting across her face at the sight of Wade.

"Wade! I thought you were asleep."

Wade cleared his throat and crossed his arms. "I was. Fortunately, my keen senses detected that I was about to miss something interesting and woke me up."

A brief silence. Asher moved forward and held a hand to Wade's forehead, mischief gleaming in his eyes. "Are you feeling alright, Wade? You're talking nonsense."

Wade batted his arm away and scowled. "I just woke up; don't expect my jokes to make sense." He looked at Serafina and dipped his head. "Morning, Serafina. Where are we going?"

Serafina shrugged and pushed on, ducking under a low branch. "A place far enough away so we won't disturb anybody. Follow me."

Wade nodded and trailed after her, grabbing Asher's arm when he hesitated. "What are you waiting for, Ash?"

"Nothing, I just . . . I'm not used to having an audience." Asher chuckled nervously. "It feels strange, using magic so openly. Especially in front of you."

"Relax, Ash. I'm your friend, not a crowd of onlookers," Wade reassured him. "You won't even know I'm there."

Asher's posture eased a little, and he nodded. "Thanks, Wade."

"No problem."

It didn't take long until Serafina stopped their little group and turned around, examining the forest. "This spot will do. Wade, you might want to stand back a little." She grinned. "Unless you'd like to help Ash fight me."

"I'm happy to watch, thank you." Wade retreated underneath a tree, where he had a good vantage point of the two magi. "Is this good?"

"Perfect." Serafina turned to Asher, a more serious expression crossing her face. "Right. I've been thinking, and I want to try fighting again. This time, however, we can only use water. It will force you to be more creative and resourceful."

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