Chapter Nineteen

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The magi stiffly sat down with her back to the pouring rain, muttering something to the child next to her. Asher could tell by the way that they looked at each other—endless, innocent trust on one end, fierce love on the other—that they were siblings. The older girl was wearing a simple, thick brown dress that was streaked with mud and dirt. The child clung to her skirt, her eyes wide as she stared at Aurum.

Wade, who'd been watching the two of them, shook his head and walked to Henry. Like Asher, the blacksmith was still waking up. Wade whispered a hurried explanation to his father, shoving Aurum's head away so he could have more space. The dragon snorted and curled up against the opposite wall, watching the new arrivals.

Asher sat down as well, shaking his hands to extinguish the heatless flames now licking up his elbows. It took him a few seconds: the magic inside of him had risen along with his shock and apprehension.

"So," the older girl began. "I'm Serafina, and this is my sister, Kira."

"Asher," Asher replied after a short pause, jerking a thumb at his chest. "And that's Henry"—he pointed at the blacksmith, who was struggling to a sitting position—"Wade, and Aurum."

Aurum, Kira mouthed, her eyes fixed on the dragon. She blinked a few times, still hiding behind her sister. "Is he a nice dragon?"

"Yes," Asher answered, feeling a small, surprised smile tug at his lips. "He's the best dragon ever."

"Sera?" Kira asked, looking up at her sister. Serafina hesitated, gnawing at her lip. Her eyes flicked over to Aurum, lying mere yards away. Her fingers tightened on Kira's shoulder.

"He won't hurt her," Wade said, sitting down and crossing his legs. "He's a sweetheart, once you get to know him."

Aurum's gaze shifted to Wade and sharpened into a glare. Asher snickered.

"Can he understand us?" Serafina asked, looking between the three of them.

Wade nodded. "He doesn't speak a language exactly, but yes. I'm translating for him."

Serafina frowned at Wade. "What?"

"He speaks through thoughts and emotions. It's difficult to explain."

"Sera," Kira repeated, a pleading note in her voice.

". . . Stay very close to me," Serafina relented.

A small, nervous grin spread across Kira's face. She hesitantly took a few steps toward Aurum. He lowered his face to hers, tilting his head curiously. Kira carefully touched his snout. After a second, her mouth fell open. She glanced over her shoulder at Serafina, her eyes lighting up. "He feels really warm!"

Serafina flashed the girl a quick, small smile, though her eyes were filled with unease. She moved a little closer to Aurum as well, keeping her sister within arm's reach.

"Er," Asher said after a moment, trying to voice one of the questions spinning through his head and failing horribly. Serafina slowly turned to face him again.

"How many?" she asked.


"How many Valkir do you have after you?"

Wade had folded his hands, resting his chin atop his knuckles. "One, maybe two."

"And you've led them right to us." Serafina's eyes narrowed, and she looked at Kira again.

"We haven't seen them in days, if not weeks," Asher said quickly. "I think we've lost them."

"You know they'll find you again, don't you?" Serafina asked, her dark eyes seeming to see straight through him.

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