Chapter Twenty-One

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For Wade's sixteenth birthday, his father had gifted him a new pair of leather shoes. They were well built, and though over the last year they'd become scuffed and worn, Wade had never found himself in need of a replacement. Now, however, the soles were peeling away, the laces fraying. Wade couldn't stop looking at them as their group rested beside a small stream, refilling flasks of water and organizing supplies. They hadn't been like that when he left Aleran, he was sure of it. The realization sent a strange pang through his heart. Had he really gone that far from home?

And yet, even this could not truly dampen Wade's spirits. With a decent night of sleep behind him, his energies had finally been replenished. The air was fresh and cold, and he felt more awake than ever. Aurum had seemed to share his heightened mood as he guided their ragged group that day, even telling Wade and Asher a few stories about the mountains. The dragon's thoughts were laced with an eager nervousness that matched Wade's own, though for different reasons.

Wade sat down beside the stream, cupped some of the cold spring water, and drank, shivering as the liquid seemed to freeze him from the inside out. He splashed some of it on his face, combing his fingers through his hair. It was amazing how easily one could get dirty after one night in the woods, let alone weeks of hard travel. He wasn't the only one who could use a good wash.

Agreed, Aurum said. He'd been lurking in the back of Wade's consciousness, keeping himself connected to their group while he circled above them. I can smell all of you from here.

Oh, be quiet, Wade replied, glancing up at the dragon's distant form. His eyes strayed to the left, landing on the dark mountain that they'd skirted around that morning. A distinct air of danger still hung about it; he was glad they hadn't had to travel much closer. Aurum, do you know anything about that mountain?

Yes. Aurum answered slowly, carefully. Many years ago, there was a great battle between two humans on it's peak. I have heard that the magic they used corrupted the whole of the mountain, though none know exactly how.

Wade's eyes widened. We slept right at its base! Why didn't you tell us?

There was no need to. It only becomes dangerous when you near the top.

"Ash, did you notice anything strange last night, at the mountain?" Wade asked, glancing to his right.

Asher looked up from where he sat against a tree, picking at a small piece of bread Wade's father had given him. "No, why?"

"Aurum told me . . . well, nevermind. It's not that important." Wade sighed; speaking to Aurum and anyone else at the same time was far more trouble than it was worth.

"Right . . ." Asher's eyes rested on the distant mountain for a moment before he returned his attention to his food.

Aurum, Wade said after a moment.


How do you know so much about the mountains? Aren't we still far away from your home?

We are, but I still know much about this place. My mother would tell me tales of the range; it has a long and complex history.

It must; the mountains are ancient. Wade paused and frowned, his hands still submerged in the stream. They certainly were old. So why didn't he know anything about them? Now that he thought about it, he'd never heard or read anything that had to do with the region past the northern forests.

"It's getting dark," Serafina observed, jolting Wade from his thoughts. She was gazing up at the reddening sky, her brown hair tinged a beautiful bronze shade in its light.

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