Chapter Fourteen

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Aurum was fast. Though he wasn't able to carry Asher for more than a few hours at a time, he made up for it with his speed. Moreover, he didn't need sleep like humans did: the dragon only took a few short naps every now and then while Asher watched over him. For most of the night, he would stand guard, gazing at the forest like a dark statue.

Only a day after they set off, they reached the mountains. Asher marveled at their size as Aurum weaved through the peaks, obviously at home in such an environment. They blocked off huge chunks of the sky around them, like the broken stone pillars of a massive ancient ruin. Aurum headed east, his curiosity mingling with Asher's excitement.

On their third day of traveling, very early in the morning, the mountains were shrouded in a thick mist. Everything looked hazy, indistinct, and ethereal. It was bitterly cold--Asher's teeth chattered as Aurum raced down a narrow pass between two mountains, skimming yards over the treetops.

Why are you finding this so difficult? Aurum asked, dark frustration flashing through his mind. He'd been trying to teach Asher to conceal his thoughts for the last few days, to no avail.

I don't know, Asher replied, gritting his teeth. It's just not working.

Aurum let out a growl, soft and dangerous. Asher would've been scared if the dragon's anger had been directed toward him. I do not know how else to explain it. Aurum had tried to show him how to do it with those strange, wordless thoughts, but for the first time, Asher couldn't make sense of them.

Asher closed his eyes, yet again attempting to block his mind from Aurum. Can you hear me?

Yes . . .

Asher cried out in exasperation and stared up at the sky. What am I doing wrong?

Aurum beat his wings and began to climb upwards, fighting the thin air with a fierce annoyance. I have no idea.

Asher sighed and surveyed the forest below them. The chill in the air grew sharper as they ascended. He shivered and leaned closer to Aurum, using the dragon as a refuge from the wind.

Aurum evened off when they were level with the mountains. From this height, Asher could see for miles. A beautiful waterfall roared down a cliff to their left, sparkling in the soft light.

Okay. Asher took a deep breath, trying to clear his mind. I just need to focus.

Aurum snorted. You've been focusing for the last two days.

Asher rolled his eyes and ignored the dragon. This time, he cast aside what Aurum had tried to show him and simply reached out for the magic, touching the mental link between them. He could sense it clearly now: a clean yet intricate connection between their minds, stronger and brighter than he would have imagined. Whatever Aurum had done, he'd done it well. Maybe too well.

Right. He imagined raising a barrier around himself, hiding his thoughts from Aurum behind a thick wall. To his amazement, he finally felt something shift in the connection. Aurum?

No response. Asher perked up, hopeful.

Aurum, can you hear me?

No. I think you finally did it. Good job.

"Gah!" Asher flung his hands into the air, wishing there was something he could punch.

You punch me, you die. Aurum paused. But you were closer this time. Your thoughts were very faint.

Asher rubbed his temples. I'll keep trying, then.

You do that.

And he did. As the sky lightened, he tried over and over again to block his thoughts from Aurum. Now that he was on the right track, it was a little easier--he actually succeeded once or twice. Aurum tried to work on the bond, too, making small adjustments Asher wasn't quite able to understand.

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