Chapter Twenty

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"Wake up."

The tip of a boot nudged Asher's shoulder, rudely tossing him out of his dreams. Caught someplace between sleep and reality, he screwed his eyes shut and clumsily pushed it to the side. It slipped out of his hands and nudged his shoulder again.

"C'mon, wake up."

Asher's hand froze: the whispered voice didn't belong to anyone he knew. Suddenly alert, he rolled to the side and shot to his feet, raising his fists to block an imaginary attack. Serafina yelped and leapt back to avoid him. She sunk into a half crouch, silhouetted against the weak moonlight that filtered in through the cave's entrance. Her eyes glinted in the darkness as they stared at each other.

"Oh," Asher said, slowly lowering his hands. "It's you."

"Skies above, you're fast," Serafina hissed, relaxing and holding a hand to her heart. "I thought you were going to kill me."

"No, no—I was just surprised. Sorry." Asher looked around, running a hand through his hair. Aurum was lying next to him, Kira nestled against his side. The dragon's eyes were half open; he met Asher's startled gaze and blinked. Wade and Henry were also sleeping nearby, drawn to Aurum's warmth. "Why did you wake me?"

"I wanted to ask if you'd like to practice some magic. I want to see what you can do."

"Why so early?"

"I, er, couldn't sleep. Besides, we'll be busy walking all day."

Asher thought for a moment. "Alright, fine. I usually get up early anyways. Where to?"

Serafina smiled and turned around, quietly making her way out of the cave. Asher followed, glancing over his shoulder at Aurum just before he left.

I'll be keeping an eye on you, the dragon reassured him.

I'm not worried, Asher replied. And it was true: he trusted Serafina, even though she seemed to have difficulty doing the same for him. I just don't like leaving you all alone.

Do you not trust me to protect us?

What? No, of course not! You're the only reason I'm not with Rivas right now.

Then stop worrying, Aurum said, not bothering to hide his exasperation, and go.

Asher sighed and turned back around. Yeah, you're right. You're always right.

I know, the dragon said dryly.

Traces of the recent storm lingered outside. The air was cool and wet, piercing right through Asher's thin clothes. Fat droplets of water fell intermittently from the canopy, where the leaves were still heavy with rain. The moon slid in and out of view behind a thick layer of clouds, giving the trees a dim silver lining.

Ahead of him, Serafina slipped through the underbrush like a ghost. Asher stumbled after her, his boots sliding across the wet grass. His breath plumed in the air, blending in easily with the thin mist that hung over the ground.

Serafina finally stopped in a small clearing some distance from the cave. She looked around, hands on her hips, and nodded. "This'll do."

Asher hung back, scanning the dark trees. He felt Aurum lingering in the back of his mind, silently observing everything. "What do you want to do?"

"Not sure. I haven't exactly done this before . . ." Serafina reached behind her head and tied her hair back into a loose braid as she thought. "How about a duel?"

Asher blinked. "You want to fight?"

"Well, we obviously can't hurt each other. But it would be the best way to figure out where we're both at." Serafina swept her arm through the air, and streaks of water trailed behind her fingertips. They twisted around her hand, sparkling dangerously. "Ready?"

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