don't leave me in this cruel world, alone

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Darryl awoke to a nurse gently shaking him awake, as he had to go home. He thanked her and walked out, heading to the main area of the building and walking out into the evening. He had noticed the direction to the hospital wasn't too far from his house, and he started to walk. He didn't want to think about anything, he just wanted to get home and sleep at this moment. Finally after walking around almost aimlessly he got back to his house and walked up the driveway. He reached his front door and unlocked it, stepping inside and putting his stuff he had grabbed on the floor. He mindlessly slumped up the stairs and into his bedroom, closing his door. He flopped onto his bed, not bothering to change into sleep clothes.

He closed his eyes and willed himself to sleep, and to his surprise, the world complied. 

Darryl groggily opened his eyes as he heard his phone ringing. Tiredly, he reached over to his nightstand and answered it, putting it to his ear.

"Hello?" He asked. A voice on the other end of phone responded in an upbeat tone, "Hello, this is Darryl Noveschosch, yes?" Darryl nodded, then remembered they couldn't see him, and responded, "Correct." The voice continued with a cheerful tone, saying, "I think you'll be glad to know that Zak Carder is doing well! He can be released from the hospital tomorrow." Darryl nearly shouted in joy. 

"O-okay! Thank you so much!" Darryl managed to stumble out, then hearing a resounding click as they hung up. Darryl practically jumped out of bed and threw on some new clothes, rushing into the bathroom and combing his hair and brushing his teeth. After, he called the school and said that he couldn't be at school that day because of "family business." He ran downstairs and grabbed a light jacket, heading out the front door and walking down the sidewalk. He called an Uber to take him to the hospital, arriving within 10 minutes. He thanked the driver and got out, heading into the front room of the hospital and checking in to see Zak.

After a wait, Darryl was cleared to come and see Zak, and as he reached his door, the brunette carefully opened it, and upon seeing his friend sitting up, facing a window, alive, he rushed in with joy, surprising Zak with a big hug. Zak sat there, a little disoriented, then hugged Darryl back. Darryl was practically sobbing, the poor boy driven with worry.

"I'm so glad you're okay," He choked out. Zak smiled, giggling.

"I'm not going down that easily," Darryl laughed and ruffled the boy's hair. 

"Just one day, it won't be too bad!" Darryl exclaimed. Zak nodded in agreement. The rest of the time that Darryl had for visiting hours was spent talking and laughing, watching various funny videos, and generally having a great time. Darryl smiled at Zak as he left his room, Zak needing to get some sleep and the visiting times having ended. Zak smiled back, waving. Darryl giggled, and a nurse closed the door behind him as he left. He giddily left the hospital that day, and when he arrived back at his house, he checked his phone.

Seeing the notification he had from yesterday that he had forgot to check he became uneasy.

One missed call from Dave

What could he want..? Darryl opened the notification, bringing him to a call app. He hesitantly hovered his finger over the call button, making a decision. He held his phone to his ear, hearing it ring. It rang once, twice, three times, before the Dave picked up.

"What do you want," Dave's monotone voice came out of the phone speaker. He sounded like he had been crying, which surprised Darryl as Dave did not seem like the type of person to cry.

"O-Oh, hi, Dave... I noticed you called yesterday..?" Darryl responded, his voice shaking slightly. Shuffling noises came from Dave's end and he answered, "Oh, right." He went quiet.

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