
124 11 14

!TW!: Mild blood

Darryl sat in his room on his phone while waiting for his mom to get back. He had gotten back sooner than expected so it was just waiting at this point. He heard a small bark as his Rat came into his room. He smiled and laughed as she licked his face. Suddenly they both heard the door open from the living room and Rat ran out through Darryl's door, barking like a crazy animal to greet the woman at the door.

Darryl stood up and walked out of his room, peering down the stairwell and seeing his mom pet Rat excitedly. Darryl smiled widely and ran downstairs as well. Upon seeing him, Darryl's mom shouted in excitement and scooped her son up, hugging him tightly and giving him kisses all over.

"Ack, Mom, stahp!" She laughed and set Darryl down.

"Sorry, hunny, you know I miss you after my trips!" Darryl smiled. "I missed you too, Mom!" His mom set her things down on the floor.

"So how has school been?" She asked kindly. Darryl rolled his eyes. "Mom I don't think anything has happened since you left... Two days ago, mind you!" He cringed inwardly at his choice of wording. Something had definitely happened, but he wasn't ready to share that with her yet. The truth was, Darryl was worried. Worried his own mother would think he was crazy. He knew that it was unlikely but it's normal for humans to fear things.

"Psh, fine," His mother said playfully, planting a kiss on her son's forehead. Her phone started to ring and she grabbed it out of her bag, answering it. Darryl sat down on the couch, pretending to not listen. But he always did.

"Hello, this is Amber Noveschosch of the- Oh. Oh, my. I... I see," Darryl was getting worried. By the sounds of it, another trip. His mother worked as the front desk of a hospital several miles away, but she was also often called for backup as a nurse. She didn't get a degree in the medical field for nothing.

Darryl watched as she nodded her head, replying with several 'mhm's and 'okay's as the caller talked.

"Yes, I'll be there right away," Amber said and hung up with a sigh. She looked over at Darryl, a sad smile on her lips.

"Oh," Darryl simply said. He ran up to his mom and embraced her in a big hug.

"How long?" He asked. "4 days at the minimum," Amber started to tear up. She ruffled her boy's hair and kissed the top of his head.

"I'll see you soon, sweety," Darryl's mom said as she grabbed her stuff again and walked out the door.

"I love you, Mom!" Darryl called out, but no answer came. She had already gotten into her car and started to drive away. Darryl's eyes started to water and he ran back upstairs into his room, flopping onto his bed in defeat.


Darryl awoke to the sound of texts flooding his phone. He looked over at his alarm clock and it read 5:32. He grabbed his phone to look over at the texts that were causing his phone to blow up.

7 missed messages:

5 Group chat- Clay, Zak

2 ur literal bff <3

Darryl unlocked his phone and went to the group chat Clay had made

Clay, Zak


C: Yo guys. U ready to talk about Dave and stuff


Z: yeah ig


C: Cool. hey dar you awake?


Z: here ill text him real qeiwk


Z: quick*


Darryl left the group chat and went to Zak's contact.

Ur literal bff <3


Z: hey u good?


Z: u fall asleep or smth


Darryl quickly typed a response: "Yeah I'm fine. I'll text the group chat in a minute. Can i call you later" Zak quickly responded with "yeah". Darryl went back to the group chat.

Clay, Zak


Hey guys I'm fine, sorry I took a nap haha. :You


Darryl sighed and put his hand over his face, placing his phone on his bed beside him. Suddenly he heard Rat barking from the main floor. He uncovered his face in confusion, and got out of bed. He ran out into the hallway and peered down over the balcony, seeing nothing. He could still hear Rat, but couldn't see her. She suddenly stopped barking, seemingly losing interest. Darryl shrugged it off and headed back towards his room.

He was halfway to his bed when a searing pain shot through the left side of his head. He screamed and stumbled, feeling a warm liquid running down the side of his face. His vision was going blurry, and the world started to spin. Darryl grabbed his phone and quickly unlocked it. It was too late to call 911, he would be passed out before he could speak. So he texted the next best person, before blacking out.

[bish you thought the chapter would end here, NAh]

Zak POV:

Legit best person ever


D: hellp0

5:43 PM

                                     Darryl? dud e u ok? :You

5:44 PM

                                     hello? :You

5:45 PM

                                     Im comignd over :You


So that's where Zak ran to now, almost halfway there with no breaks. He knew his friend wasn't okay, he almost never made unfinished or incorrect texts like that. He knew he was probably overreacting but he just had to make sure.

The wind whistled in Zak's ears as the scarf he'd hastily thrown on over his long-sleeved t-shirt blew in the wind. The weather was getting colder as the seasons approached winter, and most of the leaves on trees had fallen. Some of them had no leaves at all already. Darryl's house soon came into view, and Zak rushed up the front steps and knocked on the door. He soon noticed the door was unlocked, and pushed open the door and went inside.

"Darryl?" He called into the house. He spotted the staircase at the back wall and remembered his friend's room was in the loft. He ran over to the stairs, calling his name again, and once more as he reached the top of the steps. His door was closed.

"Darryl if you don't open this door by the count of three I'm coming in," Zak shouted at the empty silence of the house. "One," He began to count, grabbing the doorknob of the door. "Two," He twisted the doorknob. "Three!" He shouted, fulling turning the doorknob clockwise and throwing the door open. Zak looked around, panting, and at first didn't see Darryl. That is, until he looked down.

Zak let out a blood-curdling screech as he saw his best friend on the floor, blood pooling around his head and his now broken glasses on the floor next to him. He fumbled around in his pockets for his phone, finally managing to grab it. His eyes didn't leave Darryl's body as he called 911, almost in fear for him suddenly disappearing. Breathing shaky and shallow, he explained what happened to the operator on the other line.

"Okay, sir. We'll be there in 10. Please stay calm. Help is on the way."

[1140 words]

reet yeet skeet badeet goodnight

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