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Darryl awoke with a ringing in his ears, and as he looked around his surroundings he noticed he was back in his room, in his bed, at his own home.

'Wasn't I just at school?' He thought, eyes widening in surprise. He looked over at his alarm clock. It read 5:26 PM. He gaped at it, before rushing out of bed and running downstairs, he saw his mom, quietly cleaning the kitchen counter.

"Uh- hi, mom?" His voice rose up like a question at the end of speaking. His mother remained silent.

"Mom?" Darryl walked in front of the counter, waving his hand under his mom's eyes. She suddenly looked up, and Darryl let out a yelp of surprise.

Instead of his mother's usual hazel eyes, they were pure white with a red symbol as a pupil.

The symbol was a crescent moon shape, but the two points were facing down. 3 lines came out of it on the top; one directly on the top, and two others on the sides, while one more line on the bottom.

 3 lines came out of it on the top; one directly on the top, and two others on the sides, while one more line on the bottom

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Darryl backed up, crashing into the wall behind him. Suddenly the world dissolved around him, into black, dark, nothingness. He heard a faint voice, but he couldn't tell who or what they were calling for.

Suddenly the voice got clearer.

"Darryl!" The voice called. Darryl felt like he was drowning in the darkness.

"Darryl!" The voice called again. This time, he could tell who said it.

"Zak! Where are you?" The boy called.


Suddenly, Darryl awoke to his best friend calling his name over and over again, shaking his shoulder, a worried expression crossing his face.

"Darryl! You're awake! Oh my god..." Darryl sat up, groaning. He shook his head.

"What.. happened?" He asked. He was in what appeared to be a nurse's office. Suddenly, Darryl remembered something; "Clay! Where is he? Is he okay?" He tried to sit up but felt nauseous and had to lie back down.

"Hey! Careful!" Zak scolded. He looked down. "Well.. after Dave punched Clay, you kinda.. fainted?" Zak started to explain. He shifted with nervousness. "You... You wouldn't wake up. After the crowd had cleared, you still weren't awake, so.. I took you to the nurses office, where we are now."

Darryl's eyes widened. "But- everyone's okay, right? No one got seriously injured?" Zak nodded.

"Everyone but you, I guess." Darryl suddenly got a horrible feeling in his stomach.

"How long was I.. out of it?" Darryl's voice was barely an audible whisper.

Zak laughed nervously. "Uhm... 5 hours? Ish?"

Darryl suddenly sat up. "5 HOURS?!" Zak nodded slowly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's.. really no big deal. I have a ride home, if you want to come back with me? You could stay over for the night, I have a spare room," Zak offered. Darryl nodded, since his parents were supposed to be out of town for the next 2 days, at minimum.

Zak helped Darryl get up. They walked out the door, thanking the nurse in her office as they left.

Soon they walked out the front doors of the school, almost forgetting their stuff from their lockers.

As they carried their stuff out to the car of Zak's ride, Zak asked quietly, "Are you okay?" Darryl hesitated a moment before answering. Was he okay? He didn't really know what happened, one minute he was trying to see if his friend was okay, and next thing he knows he's been unconscious for 5 some hours.

"I... Think so," Darryl replied. Zak nodded, and opened the door to the car. They both got in and headed back to Zak's place.

[610 words]

Hello, this chapter was still a little short so I'm sorry about that, I have a plan, but I don't know how to get from one plot point to the other ;-; anyways if you are reading this have a nice day/afternoon/evening, voting is always appreciated, along with comments! Critiques, suggestions, etc are always welcome!

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