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The following morning, Darryl awoke in Zak's spare bedroom again. This wasn't out of the ordinary, however, since they had decided it would be best if he slept in Zak's house because his mom left for another emergency trip. He yawned and stretched, subconsciously glancing over at his alarm clock. Light shown directly into his eyes and he squinted, moving his hand over his eyes to block the light. Looking at the digital surface of the clock, he could now tell that it was 10:15 AM. He yawned again and rolled out of the bed, grabbing for his glasses and putting them on. He quickly got dressed into a change of clothes he had grabbed from his house and walked out the door of the room.

From the second floor he could smell breakfast cooking in the kitchen the floor below. Darryl walked down the stairs to see Zak making something. Zak turned around and saw Darryl. He greeted him with a smile and went back to whatever he was making. Darryl blinked.

"You're up early," He said to the raven haired boy, pulling up a chair for himself at the table. Zak shrugged from the kitchen. 

"Eh, just thought I'd make some breakfast for when you woke up," he paused, then continued, "I was surprised, you're almost never awake this late." That part was true. Darryl always usually woke up around 7 or 8, no matter if there's school or not. Zak seemed to remember something and spoke once again, "And don't worry, I usually do this for guests.. It's not... different, I guess," He said, slightly mentioning what he remembered Darryl telling him, that things appeared to be the same, yet slightly different in his 'dreamscape' he called it. Darryl nodded.

"So anyways, I've prepared just some simple bacon and eggs, nothing special," As he spoke, Zak set out two plates on the counter and brought over a pan with two eggs on it, sunny side up, and four pieces of bacon. He set it all out onto the plates, dividing it equally.

"It smells really good, thank you," Darryl thanked him as he stood up and got a plate, bringing it back to the table he was sitting at. He was joined soon by Zak.

"I hope the eggs are okay, it's the only way I know how to make 'em," Darryl nodded,

"Of course! They're perfectly fine." The two sat in silence, eating their food. Once they were both nearly finished, Zak spoke, breaking the quiet.

"So... What do we want to do today?" He asked his friend. Darryl shrugged.

"Dunno." The awkward silence resumed. Zak looked like he wanted to say something, closing and opening his mouth, but deciding to stay quiet. Darryl glanced over at Zak.

"Well?" He said, a tone of harshness he hadn't meant to put in in the words.

"Well, we could do a variety of things," Zak said, a little quieter than usual for him, noticing the tense environment and sternness of his voice. Darryl nodded for him to continue.

"Uhm.. Go to the park, we could hang out there... We could play Minecraft, I have an extra PC you could use..."

Darryl smiled. "Minecraft is fine," he said, then remembered, "but I don't have an account,"

"That's okay," Zak reasoned, "you can make one!" He suddenly stood up, grabbing his now empty plate. He took it over and placed it in the sink, rushing up the stairs to his room.

"Hey, wait up!" Darryl called as he took care of his dish and raced after him. Zak laughed, turning a sharp corner and bursting into his room, Darryl close behind. Zak jumped onto his bed on the far side of his room, still laughing. Darryl came in soon after, panting.

"I'm.. Out of shape," He gasped, leaning his hand on the doorframe. Zak giggled, and patted the space next to him on the bed. Darryl slumped over and flopped onto the bed. Zak stood up and went to his desk, grabbing the spare PC out from a drawer, handing it to Darryl along with a mouse and mouse pad.

"You expect me to play without a desk?" He asked Zak. 

"Oh, right, you don't know how to play," Zak giggled again. "You can take my desk, then," The two switched places and Zak helped him log on and make an account.

"What should I be called?" Darryl asked. Zak thought for a moment, then clapped his hands together, making Darryl jump.

"Don't look, it's gunna be a surprise," Zak spun the chair Darryl was sitting in a circle.

"Hey!" Darryl complained, but agreeing and turning to face the wall. He could hear Zak typing something in, a lot longer of a username then he would've gone with. He could hear Zak laughing again.

"Can I turn around yet?" Darryl protested.

"Almost done..." Zak spun Darryl's chair again, facing him back towards the desk.

"Okay okay, now join my game," Zak said, hurriedly going back to his computer and booting up Minecraft. He started a survival world and opened it to LAN, Darryl joining a few moments later. The chat in-game read BadBoyHalo has joined the game.

"What- why?" Darryl asked, confused. Zak started laughing like a maniac.

"Because! It's not you at all!" He continued laughing, leaving Darryl sitting there, still confused.

The two messed around together on Minecraft for another 3 hours, Zak teaching Darryl how to play, and of course numerous deaths from each other and the various enemies in the game. Zak's stomach grumbled and he set down his computer, stretching. Darryl logged off, closing the laptop and putting it back where Zak had gotten it.

"Eat?" Darryl asked.

"Eat," Zak agreed, and the two went downstairs to make themselves some lunch.

[964 words]

Ahh sorry for the short delay, I'm putting a little too much pressure on myself.

Also sorry it's more of a buildup chapter, but it's kinda necessary
As always, voting and commenting are very much appreciated! 200+ reads already! Thank you guys so much for reading :)

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