
160 12 37

TW: Language

Zak was sitting at his desk in his classroom, zoning off and letting his thoughts take over.

Is Darryl going to be alright? Will he wake up soon?

Quietly, a student opened the door to the classroom and peeked his head in. Zak didn't pay much attention to him until he spoke.

"Uhm..." The kid cleared his throat. "Z-Zak? Zak Carder?" Zak snapped his attention to the kid as everyone else looked at him as he stood up and walked to the teacher. He handed her a note from the nurse excusing him that he had been holding on to. She glanced at him suspiciously, but let him go nonetheless.

Zak walked his way over to the kid standing at the doorway and walked out of the classroom, speed-walking all the way to the nurses office and leaving the kid behind. Once he got to it he opened the door carefully and saw that the same nurse was sitting at her desk. She nodded, saying, "He's awake and looking for you." Zak, taking that as an invitation, opened the door to the back room and saw his best friend, sitting up, looking up at the ceiling.

"Darryl! Oh my god," Zak rushed up and hugged his best friend, Darryl's shocked expression slowly turning into a smile as he hugged Zak back. Zak released Darryl and looked him in the eyes, worry suddenly melting onto his facial expression.

"Are you okay? What happened this time?" He asked. Darryl looked down at the floor. "I-I'm not really sure," He replied quietly.

"Oh," Zak said, barely audible.

"B-But you might be able to help me figure out what's happening," Darryl said quickly. Zak raised an eyebrow.

"Oh?" He said again, this time with curiosity.

"I'll try to do the best I can to explain, but it's kind of complicated," Darryl began. Zak sat down in a chair and waited patiently. Darryl took a deep breath and began to speak.

"Yesterday night, I think I had a nightmare. That doesn't sound too bad but hear me out. I can't really remember what that nightmare was about. I just woke up with tears running down my face. But then... When we went to school that day, and we saw Clay and Dave fighting... Something triggered in me, and it's like I remembered a part of my nightmare. Clay... He was..."

Darryl paused and took another deep breath, continuing, "He was bleeding, and I think he had several arrows embedded into him. He- he was bleeding out. I couldn't do anything to save him, and he died in my arms. I know it wasn't real because the real Clay was right in front of me, but... It just felt so real. When I saw him bleeding it just... came to me."

Zak sat in silence and listened carefully, processing what he just heard.

Darryl hesitated, then said, "But that wasn't all. When I had passed out because of that, I had another... Dream, I guess. I woke up, and I was in my own bed, and it was around 5 PM, I think. Of course I was confused and when I went downstairs my mom was cleaning the counters. I tried to talk to her but she remained silent. Then she.. looked up at me, and her eyes were... odd. There was a strange symbol in them and they were pure white. Then, I woke up here."

Zak stared at Darryl in astonishment. "Ha-"

"There's more." Darryl interrupted the boy. "Last night, I woke up with my alarm, and I was in the guest bedroom of your room, like I had fallen asleep, and all seemed normal, all felt normal. I got dressed and went out into the hallway. I could hear you crying from your room so I came in and sat down on your bed, and you hugged me and I tried to settle you down. But then you... You almost got... Possessed. You tried..."

Darryl's eyes started to tear up and he choked a sob down. "You tried to choke me to death, Zak."

Zak's eyes widened, and he gasped.

"You tried to kill me, to beat me. You had that same symbol in your eyes that my mom did, so I knew it wasn't real. It couldn't have been real. I know you'd never... you'd never try to hurt me..."

Zak could feel the hint of hesitation in Darryl's words, and he knew his friend almost didn't believe it.

"I would never ever do something like that!" Zak said, unconsciously raising his voice and making Darryl flinch.

"And... That leaves me to... Today," Darryl continued, despite Zak still gawping at him.

Zak snapped back to attention, while Darryl continued, "I was walking into the lunchroom because our class had gotten out early, so we got excused earlier. As I was walking in, Dave, he... I guess he just sort of bumped me? Shoved me? (oh my god i cannot write the mood of this chapter with the music I'm listening to xD bum bum Bum BUm bUM yeah ok)

Either way, I guess it triggered something, maybe because of the recent nightmare... But I think he noticed that it affected me negatively, because as I was walking over to sit down he kept bumping into me and pestering me." Darryl shifted and his hand drifted over to his neck. "Until he went a little too far and he..." He didn't finish but Zak understood.

"That son of a bitch!" Zak shouted.

"Hey, language!" Darryl shouted back.

"Anyways, he stopped right as people started to walk in, I was feeling sick and it didn't help that I had just been choked again. And then I couldn't take it anymore, and I just collapsed again."

Zak stood up and hugged his friend again, much to Darryl's surprise. "Hey," Darryl choked out, "You're hugging me too hard," Zak laughed and let go.

Little did they know, the nurse was listening in on every word they said. She stepped away from the door and grabbed a device from a hidden pocket from her bag. She spoke into it softly, "I've found him."

[1030 words]

Ree I forgot I hadn't posted this chapter yet woops ;-; it's getting exciting amiright :0

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