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TW: Angst, language, light description of panic attack (sorry)

The walk home from the beach was in complete, but not awkward, silence. The lights from the streetlights lit the way home as the boys headed back to Zak's house. As they got there and Zak let them both in Darryl felt a wave of sadness overcome him as he headed up the steps to the room he was staying in. He didn't want the day to be over yet. And there was one other emotion inside of him: fear. Absolute fear. He was completely terrified of falling asleep now, scared of what the dreamscape would show him, and scared he would like that place better than the real world. 

He quietly changed into comfortable sleep clothes, then headed down the hall and knocked on Zak's door. A muffled "Come in!" came from his room and Darryl opened the door. Zak was sat in his desk chair, peering at his computer with Minecraft running on it. Zak glanced up at Darryl standing in the doorway and swiftly shut it down, closing his computer and smiling at Darryl. 

"What's up?" He asked, and Darryl came in without a word and sat on Zak's bed. "Uh," Zak simply said, looking at the boy with confusion. Darryl suddenly felt a powerful wave of somberness overcoming him and tears threatening at his eyes. The tears started to fall and Darryl let out a sad cry, shoving his face into his hands.

Zak stood up and hurriedly rushed to Darryl's side, wrapping his arms around him.

"Hey, hey, calm down," Zak hushed. The green eyed boy sniffed and returned the hug to Zak.

"I-I'm so s-sorry, Zak, I've c-caused nothing but t-trouble," He whimpered. Zak quieted him and sat, rubbing his back to calm him.

"You've done nothing of sorts," Zak whispered. His warm breath next to Darryl's neck gave him shivers as he melted into the boy, collapsing into his chest. Darryl sniffed again, wiping his eyes.

After a silence Darryl spoke, "I'm so scared, Zak, so so scared," After another pause and the continuous rubbing motion of Zak's hand on Darryl's back, Zak responded, "What are you scared of?" During that point of time, Darryl could feel himself break. He gushed out everything to Zak, about how afraid he was of what would happen to him, of if he liked the dreamscape better, every little worry and fear that had been on his mind. He tried his best to avoid telling Zak the fears of losing him, of finding out his friend didn't want to be his friend anymore if he found out Darryl liked him romantically.

But sometimes humans make mistakes.

Darryl covered his mouth as he realized what he had just said. Zak stopped rubbing his back and blinked once, twice, slowly. "W-What?" Zak asked, bewildered, face turning red. Darryl pulled away, his face and ears burning up. "I-I-" Darryl tried and failed to make up an excuse, tears returning and starting to fall down his face in rivers.

"I'm sorry!" He gasped out, practically jumping out the door and running back into his own room, shutting the door behind him and fumbling to lock it, but failing. He jumped onto his bed, burying his face into his pillow, tears escaping in heavy chokes and sobs.

(This is a part where the starting of a panic attack is lightly described, you can skip it as it isn't necessary! Skip to ~Skip here!!~ if need be :) )

IfuckedupIfuckedup, A heavy feeling and a pounding in Darryl's chest caused him to sit up and lean his back against the wall. His heart was practically bursting out of his rib-cage, overwhelming him with a feeling of dread and absolute panic. He felt nauseated, grabbing the wall and a pillow, wrapping himself into as tight of a ball as he could, tears running blindingly down his cheeks. 

His breathing hitched and felt as if the walls started to press in on him, trapping him. He let out a muffled scream, squeezing his eyes shut. He felt like he was hyperventilating, the pulsing of his heartbeat feeling overwhelmingly powerful. An inner voice seemed to scream at him, and he opened his eyes, to his mistake, and he felt like he was about to throw up, quickly shutting his eyes after.

Please help please help someone please

~Skip here!!~ (that wasn't too bad :D)

Darryl felt a comfort pressing into him and risked opening his eyes again. Zak was wrapped around him, his brows furrowed worryingly. Zak started to calm Darryl by repeating the circular motions on his back as he did before. Darryl's breathing started to steady, slowly but surely, and was soon asleep in Zak's lap. Zak stared down at the boy. The boy he so admired, his glasses slightly askew. Zak smiled. He reached down and gently booped Darryl's nose. He giggled to himself and Darryl shifted slightly, scrunching up his nose. 

Zak shifted himself so he could lean against the wall and be a little more comfortable. He stared, still smiling at the brunette in his lap.

Oh Darryl, I hope you're okay.

[843 words]

Is ThIS cHAPtEr aDeQUatE 

Sorry for the immediate angst right after fluff- Also never written about a panic attack before, sorry if it's kind of crappy I've really only felt like I've had a mini panic attack like once and it was a while ago so uh-

also i kinda had a lot of school work today sorry it was kinda a slow update woops

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