Ch 0: Prologue

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'Till We're Over

Chapter 0: Prologue

Sky's POV

"This alarms me greatly!" I holler.

Silence. Nothing but silence.

"Ahh, this is terrifying!" I shout before pausing, waiting for some kind of response and frowning when I don't get one. "Uh, guys? You got me. Congrats! Now hurry up and cut it out."

They don't stop. Those creepy smiles stay on their faces. Their bodies remain rigidly straight.

"I really, truly appreciate this prank thing," I tell them, but I might as well be speaking to a bunch of inanimate objects, because they don't move a muscle. I continue anyways. "It made me smile. I laughed at the beginning. It helped me forget E-Ty for a moment. But now you are legitimately scaring me, s-so please stop."

Jason's grin stretches. Mitch tightens his grip on his sword, which is held stock-still in front of him. Ian blinks, smirks.

Ty tilts his head, staring at me. "I don't want to stop," he mutters, frowning. "We don't want to stop."

The whole Team frowns at me, and I bite my lip out of fear. "G-Guys, this isn't funny. This stopped being funny several minutes ago."

"Maybe it's not meant to be funny," Jason suggests. "Maybe it's supposed to be serious."

Jason and Ty step forward. Both wield emerald swords, and the sickening smiles have returned to their faces. "Oh, Notch," I mumble. "This has to be a dream. This can't be real."

"Oh, it's real," Seto assures me, stepping up to stand between Jason and Ty. "Nothing has ever been more so."

I take a small step backward, away from my line of friends, only to find that the door I came through has fallen away into nonexistence. My back presses against the black wall that should be budder-colored, and my heart races in my chest.

I don't know why I'm panicking so much. They're just kidding. They're just trying to scare me. They're just joking.

Maybe it's the pure darkness that has now overtaken the room. Maybe it's the blank, soulless look in my friends' eyes. Maybe it's the deafening silence that causes my breath to quicken and my heart to pound.

Maybe it's the other me, the one grinning far too kindly as he steps from behind my friends and thanks me for giving him his second chance.

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