Chapter 19

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As I look up from eating and eating and having the most weirdest thoughts . I believe I can ask him some more questions . Since he told me I needed to eat first and I did .

" Can I ask you a few more questions ?" I asked

He gives me a look that showed he was tired , bored or just didn't want to be here l I guess he might feel like that way , he was probably exhausted . It gets boring watching over a person who can't do anything for themselves . As if I was a child . What's worse is I can't remember anything , to even thank him for it.

He nods his head slowly. ". You can ask any question as long as you do something for me ". He says

  ". What I ask ". Completely curious .

  ". We need to go for a walk . Everyday around the garden . You've been in bed for a long time . I don't think you can walk properly "

   ". Sure ". I reply .

  ". You may go ahead ". He says nodding his head slowly .

  Excited I forget what was going in my head minutes from now . Oh now I remember .

   "   Did you take care of me all by yourself ". I ask clearly . He nods his head to reply .

   " You can't even  say  yes or no "

" I can ". He says . Then immediately he begins to laugh .

" What's so funny . Why are you laughing? " I ask .

" You used to nod your head all the time and I asked you the same thing ." He says

" You gave me the exact reply too ". He adds on

" It's like dejavou" . I immensely feel guilt and hurt that I don't remember .

". Your brown curls would reach down your shoulder and you'd shake your head . I loved your innocence ". He adds on quietling his laughter now .  

". Loved ?" I ask .

" yes " he replied . ". You can't remember a thing now . So it's besides the point ". He says

". Oh ". I say .

It's heart breaking really and I don't know why but it ruined my mood to ask anything more . Every question that was in my head disappeared . i remained silent .

" Are those all your questions my lady" he asks. i nod my head slowly and now begins to see what he was talking about. He smiles at this then begins to talk.

" May we go outside now?" i try getting up then fall abruptly to the floor.

" Careful, my lady" he says as he gets me up.

He carries me on his shoulder like a dangling thing and i look at how light i am. Do i really not weigh anything. We're basically the same height, he shouldn't be able to carry me.

When were outside in the garden, he puts me on the ground and holds me underneath my elbow like he's balancing me. i take a few steps and fall. Another few steps and fall. Although he kept holding me and i didnt really fall to the ground. He somewhat holds me in place to at least feel the feeling of falling. i feel myself loose control of my own limbs if he doesn't pull me upright fast enough.

After a while, we stop and sit on the grass, where a picnic is laid out. which brings me to another question. when and how does he make food at what time. i never see him disappear. Ever. It's like he does this as I'm around l I've never seen anyone  else around the house or maybe I can't just remember and he has a house keeper that would be sad .

  ". More juice ,  my love ". He says

  ". Sure ". I say . Not knowing what else to do .

    My questions at this point will never end it's better if I stop asking him  altogether .

  ". A question ? " He ask . One brow up as I slowly move my head upwards .

I kid my head he's .

  ". As you wish ". He says and for some reason that line feels familiar , almost recognizable .

  ". Did I Ever kiss you " . Alarmed his face turns red . Shy even. And he looks anywhere but my eyes . I mean if we were lovers that wouldn't be a weird question would it .

  ". Let's just finish lunch shall we ". He says .

" What's wrong if i ask that question?". i said

" Nothing i just think your not eating. i don't want to have to feed you"

I remain silent. He says the last line with some contempt. As if he was sick of watching over me, well i never asked him to. That was the point of love though isn't it? you don't have to ask for them to do something for you. They would have already done it. Even before you asked.

" I need some fresh air" he said. Getting up to leave. i didn't stop him. if he wanted to leave, let him leave. It was his life, no matter the claim i don't remember him so it won't hurt me.

I had forgotten everything. I don't know how i wasn't depressed. Forgetting to walk or to eat or to move was sad, but it was okay.

Forgetting to love, to cry, to be human was the depressing part.

Although the boy would always look at me with love in his eyes, i did not love him. i did not know love because i couldn't recognize what it looks like. I couldn't remember it. What it meant to love or him.

I couldn't remember the boy. He could be my arch nemesis or even a serial killer and i wouldn't recognise him. Love or enemy, i didn't run away cause i needed him.

That's what i knew. To loose one's self is the biggest thing one could loose. You were everyone and no one at the same time. You were like a baby, you could copy anything and you would never know if that's who you were.

" My lady, what are you thinking?" he asks. I didn't even notice he came and sat next to me. i was too invested in my own head.

" Nothing" i say.

" No one can't frown at nothing". Brushing a hair from my face and caressing my cheek.

" Don't" i said. Pulling my hand up as to block him, for defense.

" As you wish" he said.

" I'm sorry"

" No, it's okay Rose" he said getting up and walking away.

" No, it's okay rose" he said getting up and walking away.

" No don't go" i yelled out.

Afraid to be consumed by my thoughts again.

" As you wish" he said and sat down

The boy in the gardenWhere stories live. Discover now