A Greater Threat Than Grimms

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Ozpin was working in his Office.

He sighed as he was tired.

Ozpin: Urghh....man what a busy day.

He continues to do his paperwork.

He see a picture of his son and smiles.

Ozpin: I wonder how my son is.......I had no choice but to have Qrow keep an eye on him....Salem would do anything to get her hands on him.

He sips his coffee.

Glynda: Sir.

He looks at her.

Ozpin: Yes?

Glynda: It been awhile since Qrow told us any news about Y/N.

Ozpin:........where is Qrow?

Glynda: I don't know.

Ozpin and Glynda walked around Vale looking for Qrow.

- In a dark castle -

Salem was on her throne.

She was looking around her throne room.

Salem: Hmmm....it kinda quite today.

She looks at a photo near her and smiled.

She reached for it and picked it up.

Salem: Oh Y/N. My only child.

She looks at a picture of you.

Salem: Don't worry. Mommy will kill Ozpin and you will be safe.

Tyrian: My Queen.

Salem: Yea?

Tyrian: Hazel is back.

She see Hazel walking towards her.

Salem: Anything to report about my son?

Hazel: Well...not really.

Salem: What?

Hazel: Well....I cant find him anymore.

Salem: What do you mean?

Hazel: he always stay in one area. When I went to visit him.....he wasn't there anymore.

Salem: My son is 18 now. I'm sure he off exploring the world.

Hazel: Yea...same day when you lost a great amount of grimms.

Salem: Hmmm.....

- At a bar -


She slaps Qrow.

Qrow: Owwww Jesus woman. What are you on your damn period? Am I not allowed to have a fucking drink!

Ozpin: Where is Y/N?

Qrow: I don't know. Kid disappeared.

Glynda: Disappeared?

Qrow: Yea he no longer at that place anymore.

Ozpin: Have you tried looking for him?

Qrow: Yep. Every trail led to a dead end.

Ozpin looks down.

Qrow: Don't worry Ozpin. I'm sure Y/N is alright. He is strong for his age. As well as powerful and intelligent.

Ozpin: I suppose your right.

Glynda: Well I have to make sure that the huntman that came back critically injured are ok.

She walks off.

Qrow: Criticality Injured?

Ozpin: Yep 50 Huntman came back in a near death trance.

Qrow: WOW...Something worst than a Grimm.

Ozpin looks at his reflection.

Ozpin: What could possibly be worst than the Grimm's?

- Somewhere -

Roman was smoking his cigarette.

Roman: I wonder when he will show up.

???: I'm here.

The person lean against the wall opposite to him.

Roman: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: Roman.

Roman: What happening bud?

Y/N: Just had to deal with a few....pest.

Roman: Yea...I hear ya.

Y/N: So anything?

Roman: Well Cinder is away right now. So we're good on that. The trap for her is all set up.

Y/N: You seem a little mad.

Roman: Well...freaking Little Red....

Y/N: Ruby Rose?....she sounds perfect for my collection.

Roman: She attends Beacon.

Y/N: I see anything else.

Roman: If your doing what I think your doing you need to do it to her team as well to avoid suspicion.

You nods.

Y/N: Back to work.

You got up and walked off.

Roman: Yep. Back to work.

Roman walks off after a few minutes.

( Well that it for this chapter.

It seem that you have a great plan in motion.

I wonder what it is?

Your heading towards Beacon.

Looking for Ruby.

I wonder what will happen next?

I hope you enjoyed it and I will see you all in the next chapter)

Hypnosis Control ( OP Male reader x Rwby harem.)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon