I squint my eyes open and try to sit up, the headache feeling even worse with the sudden movement. I take the painkillers that are sitting on my side table with a glass of water and try to get out of bed. I make my way to the kitchen to get a glass of water and two more painkillers for Bailey when she gets up. Deciding to make both of us some hangover breakfast, bacon and egg and barbeque sauce rolls, a classic.

"why are you being so loud?!" Bailey's croaky morning voice calls out from the hallway.

"why are you yelling?!" I shout back at her as she appears in the kitchen.

Her face lights up at the sight of the breaky rolls as I place them down on the counter moving a job application document out of the way in the process. When Bailey sees it, it seems like her smile gets even wider somehow.

That's concerning.

"What job are you applying for?" I ask her confused, "I thought you liked being a local nurse? Are you moving hospital?" I stop asking questions when I hear her chuckling.

Oh no, that can't be good.

"No silly," she chuckles, "I'm not moving hospital, it's your job application." She says making me more confused than I already was.

"I'm applying for a job?" I ask, tilting my head to the side, "what job?"

"Aven Thornton's assistant at Earth Energy." She states, sitting back slightly watching my face get more and more confused.

"You're not serious right," I laugh, "I can't apply for that. It was just a drunk Zeke and Bails idea, therefore it's a terrible idea."

"Don't be ridiculous," she slaps my arm, "you would be a great assistant, and your application is great."

"I am a gay male. Two things that guarantee that you won't sleep with me. I would be a great assistant that you can keep for many months and you'll be able to keep it in your pants for once too. I almost have an accounting degree because I was going to study it at university, but I don't have the money for that. I've worked as a receptionist and assistant at multiple hotels and guess what? I didn't sleep with my boss at any of them! As you can see, I am the best option for you to choose as your assistant as I am cute, smart, gay and all that other boring stuff like team player, organised and a natural leader." Bailey reads my application paragraph and I don't think I've ever hated something I've written as much as this paragraph. But Bailey seems to think the exact opposite. "You should go for it, the worst thing that can happen is they say no." she says shrugging as if that wasn't the worst ever application she's ever read.

"B, Bails, my dear Bailey," I say reaching my hand out to take the application from her, "I would never actually apply for that position and especially not with an application like that."

*one hour later*

I slam the door of my red pickup truck as I get out, apologising to poor Barry for slamming the door a bit too harshly. I love my car more than anything but right now I'm cursing Barry for being such a good car and not breaking down even once on the drive to Earth Energy. I almost stomp my way to the front door, acting like a toddler that didn't get what I wanted.

Bailey may or may not have convinced me to hand in the application. The worst thing that can happen is they say no right?

I make my way to the front desk to see a blonde lady who appears to be in her mid to late 30's with the name tag 'Sandra'.

"Hi, I'm Ezekiel Morrow," I say awkwardly waving slightly like the idiot I am, "I'm here to hand in an application for the assistant position." I say, more like a question rather than a statement.

"Hello, I'm Sandra," she says waving back at me with a smile on her face, chuckling at me slightly, "I can take that one for you if you'd like."

"Thank you." I say putting it down on the desk. "I love your top you're wearing; the colour suits you really well." I say, loving seeing her smile grow as she looks down almost embarrassed.

I love making people happy. It takes such a small amount of effort to be honest if you like an outfit or hairdo or something and it could make someone's day or even their whole week.

She looks back up at me her cheeks still flushed pink, "well I love your hair, is it naturally that curly?" she asks.

Now it's my turn to look down in embarrassment. I nod my head lightly, "yeah it's all natural." I smile at her. I like Sandra, she's nice.

After a few minutes of chatting and laughing I remember why I came here, I look down at the application sitting on the desk. I hand it to Sandra, and she laughs at my facial expression as I hand it to her.

"Why do you look like you're scared of your application?" she chuckles lightly as she asks me. I just shake my head as my answer, not really wanting to admit that it was just a stupid drunk idea.

Just as she starts laughing at me again, I hear a deep, angry voice to my right. "What is going on here!"

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