Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Eventually we came to the conclusion that the siren would loose her werewolf side but stay in the prison here for a reasonable ammount of time. Then Daniel went up to his office so he could finish up some work he missed this morning, but of course he reminded me of our date tomorrow night. He told me to not worry about anything, just make sure I'm ready by six. According to him it didn't matter what I wore. That made me feel a little better. But when I asked him where we were going he instantly closed his mouth. He did the 'zip my lips and throw away the key' number before walking up the stairs. I proceded to ask Sam if he knew but I got the same out of him.

I asked a few other of his friends that he ran with and worked out with but got the exact same thing. Talk about lame. Instead I locked myself away in Daniel and I's bedroom and played on my laptop while Pitch Perfect played on the tv. I hummed along to the songs I remembered from watching the movie the first few times. I scrolled through google images looking at how humans portrayed us 'mythical' creatures. Vampires, werewolves, sirens, wizards, fae, ect.

The way they protrayed some werewolves was weird. It's like a mid-shift type thing. Half man half beast. I couldn't help but laugh. A man covered in fur from head to toe, lion looking mane, ears, and claws. Humans are weird creatures, at least they are in my opinion. Living amungst them as a creature must feel weird.

"Ghost?" Someone's beautiful voice filled me ears.

I looked over into the doorway and was met with the eyes of someone I didn't really want to see. My mother, Sage. Dylan was with her aswell. What the hell is going on here?

"Daniel's office is a few door down the hall." I sighed looking back at the computer screen.

"We're looking for you silly.'' My mother said smiling. She looked as if she hadn't abandoned me all those years ago. As is we'd always been one big happy family. It sickened me.

"If I wanted you in my life Sage then I would've mentioned it." I put a large emphisis on me using her name instead of calling her 'mom' or 'mother'.

"River don't act the way toward her." Dylan jumped in.

"My name is Ghost and I'd appriciate it if you two left my room and this house." I said as nicely as I could manage, even though I was screaming and cursing on the inside.

Letting out a sigh of defeat Sage turned to leave but Dylan stood his ground. Refusing to me left out of my life for yet the second time. Sage didn't seem to care that I had just kicked her out of this place but Dylan did. I could feel his wolf clawing and howling to get out and give my wolf a piece of his mind. My wolf could care less and ignored him.

"Dylan I just want to be left alone right now, we can talk about this later." I said a little harsher than intended.

"Promise?" He asked.


With that he reluctantly left. I know he just wanted his family back together since we'd all been apart from one another all this time. I made sure to give him a big smile before he left to reassure him that I was serious about us talking about us becoming close.

* 6 'o' clock pm *

I had just finished tieing my converse as Daniel entered the room. He wore black jeans, a black button up shirt and a pair of black vans. He looked good in all black since his hair was dark too.

"Ready my love?" He asked smiling. All I did was nod.

He linked our arms together and led me downstairs and into the garage filled with exotic and expensive cars. Once he grabbed a set of keys to whatever car we were off. The town was dim yet lit up. The energy level was high and everyone around was seeming to have a lot of fun. Daniel and I held hands the whole car ride. Soon he pulled up to a resturaunt on the marina. We got out and were quickly seated even though the resturaunt was completely packed and Daniel didn't even have a reservation.

"Hello Daniel." our waitress tossed her hair over her shoulder flirtatiously.

I almost growled but shockingly contained it. To many humans here. After a flirty smile at Daniel and a glare sent my way she set down our menus. I looked through it and damn this stuff is expensive.

"Do you drink wine?" He asked as he searched through the menu.

"Only red wine, something about the taste or white wine is weird." I stated.

"I'll get a bottle of each because I like both," He smiled. "How about the his and her steaks and we can get a huge pile of thin curly French fries?" He smiled.

Closing my menu I nodded in agreement. When the slutty waitress came back Daniel ordered for us emphasizing the 'girlfriend' part when he ordered the steaks. Another harsh glare later she walked off in a huff with out order. I smiled at Daniel as he looked me over.

"I'm sorry we haven't been able to spend time together lately, I'm trying to convince my dad to give me the king title." he admitted.

"And so far it's not working?" I questioned. He sighed showing his slight defeat.

We sat in silence until the food came. I sipped some wine and slowly cut a piece off my steak. I put the piece in my mouth and slightly moaned at how perfect it was. Daniel raised an eyebrow as he was the only one to hear my moan.

"Good?" He smirked.

"The best." I smiled.

I quickly finished off the steak and my wine. Daniel refilled my wine as I started to eat my half of these thin curly fry things. They were pretty good to fill up with rest of my stomach. Soon we were done and we left to walk around on the docks. The moon was high in the sky and shun like a bright lamp in the sky. The reflection looked choppy in the water.

At first we walked in silence until I realized Daniels footfalls had stopped. I turned around he was a step behind me and on one knee looking up at me with a smile and happiness clear in his eyes.

"Will you marry me?"

Life As A Rouge (Book 3 of The Omega Series Threequal to TASO & ITOWTBAM)Where stories live. Discover now