Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

* Daniel'sPOV *

I stood in the Council room waiting for the Elders to finish examining the body. If anyone could figure out what happened to her body it was the Elders. They know about all ancient species of creatures and all the modern species.

I shifted my weight from foot to foot waiting with anticipation. There's no telling what the Elders have come up with. It could be absolutely anything, it might even be some weird hybrid species that's supposed to extinct!

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when the Elders drifted into the room. I looked at them with worry flooding my eyes. There's no telling what the hell was going on.

"Well, what do you think?" I asked.

"We've agreed that it is indeed a werewolf killing. The way that the body was torn apart shows that it's an Alpha. With your dad going missing at this time it doesn't look very good young one." One of them spoke up.

''I'll take over the King position until he's been located."

All of the Elders nodded before dismissing me. I swiftly walked away not wanting to overstay my welcome in the Coucil's meeting chambers. I made my way toward the palace looking for Ghost.

* Ghost'sPOV *

I sat in Daniel's room starng mindlessly at the television. I had flipped through the channels for hours finally settling on a movie that I didn't even know the name of. I let out a sigh before dropping the remote on the ground. At that moment Daniel walked in. Once his eyes settle on me he swiftly walkeed over and picked me up pulling me into his chest.

"Nice to see you too." I laughed.

"I missed you." He whispered, inhaling my scent afterwards.

After that he went and took a shower while I got comfortable again. Ruin my comfortable position just to give me a hug. How rude. He could've just joined me.

At that moment my phone starting ringing. Looking at the caller ID I got confused. It was a private number, that scared me a little bit but I guess I'd have to suck it up. I slid the lock thing over and held the phone up to my ear.

"Hello." I stated.

"You have one dday to deliever us your Luna or me attack." With that the line went dead. This wouldn't end well.

I waited until Daniel got out of the shower which took like an hour. Boys that take longer showers than girls is pretty funny. Once he stepp out he only had on a pair of jeans. He looked at me with a questioning look. Probably about the phone call.

"Wizards. Said you have one day to give me up or they'll attack." I stated.

"I'll get working on the fighters, until then you will have guards with you at all time. Simon and Shadow will probably want to do it." His alpha side was showing.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"The elders agreed I should take my dads position until they find him. I agreed so I should get started on annoucing this and the attack as well." He sighed.

"That can wait until tomorrow. Stay with me." I ordered.

He kissed the top of my head softly. He sat on the bed and put on Oculus before motioning me over. Of course I laid down and just enjoyed the movie. Sooner or later I fell asleep. Weird because it was right as the girl bit into the lightbulb. 

* The Next Morning * 

I woke up and of course Daniel was gone. I expected that after I fell asleeep he'd retrete to his new office and work all night. So I grabbed a blanket and padded down to the office. Opening the door I saw him asleep on the couch. I laid the blanket over him and sat on my knees laying a kiss on his forehead. After that I ran downstairs headed for the cell where my mother is located.

"Good morning River." She smiled.

"Don't call me that." I growled.

"But that's your name." She stated confused.

"My family gave me a new name. I'm not here to make small talk I'm here to tell you something." I stated firmly. Of course she just nodded,

"I'm done with you. Daniel will handle what happens to you and you husband from now on. If he wants to exicute you in the center of the town I won't disagree or argue. I've survived without you this long so I'm not going to start depending on you now. I've met you and Ace but I'm not going to treat either of you any differently that what you are. Ace is apart of this Royal City and apart of the warriors. You are a traitor who sided with the Vampires." I stated showing now emotion. 

Before she could get anything out I walked away. Deciding to avoid everyone else I headed for the palace. I said a few good mornings to some people I passed along the way. I walked into the dining room and saw everyone - including Daniel -  seated enjoying breakfast. I gave everyone a small smile before taking my place next to Daniel. He put some eggs, toast and bacon on a plate and handed it to me. Next came the orage juice. Once I was done eating I waved to everyone before hopping up the stairs and to the office that Daniel inhabitated. It's where he retreated when he was finished eating. 

"What are you going to do about Sage and Danny?" I asked sitting in front of him. 

"I don't know yet." He didn't look up from his paperwork.

With that I walked out of the office. Deciding to go for a run I made sure to get about a mile away from the Royal City before shifting. I ran until I picked up on a wolf scent, It seemed fimiluar but tainted somehow. Deciding to follow it I ran faster. I came to a sudden stop when I saw something move. I shifted back into human form as I continued walking down the path. That's when I came face to face with the one wolf we'd all been searching for. Anthony. The King. The suspected murderer. 

* Daniel's POV * 

I walked out of my office and downstairs. I stepped into the kitchen and saw Sam sitting at the table with books and paperwork sprawled out all over the table. I smiled at how commited he is to this.

"How's your end going?" I asked.

"Probably better than yours since you're the one with the mate." He laughed.

"Where is she anyway?" I asked.

She asked me about her mom and Danny. After that she vanished. Not a mindlink nor a text. Not even a small call. 

"People saw her walk out of the gates. After that they assume she went for a quick run." He came back after his eyes glazed over. 

I nodded. I gave him a quick thank you along with a much needed break. After that I started my hunt for Ghost. This might take a while.

* Ghost's POV * 

"Ghost?" His voice entered my ears after he had shifted back.

"Everyone's looking for you, They think you killed the Moon Goddess." I stated taking a small step back.

"You have to help me.'' He whispered. 

I started to walk backwards. This is the last person that I wanted to see right now. I heard a growl behind me. I knew the growl anyway. Daniel.



Here's your update! This story is offically off hold. I will be going back to doing two story at once so I'll update this one as soon as I can.





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