Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I appeared in an opening in the woods near the warehouse. In the distance I could hear Daniel ordering some of his people to search for me.

In the mean time let me explain the Royal City a little more.

The Royal City is like one huge pack. Instead of having multiple packs it's one huge pack where every werewolf lives. It has an Alpha to deal with smaller things like rouges and a King to deal with bigger things like threats to hurt people. Like packs there are rules and laws everyone has to follow or you get kicked out and become rouge. A wall lines the city so rouges know what's their territory and what's everyone else's. The Royal city is about the size of about 35 to 65 pack territories. That's not including the woods that is apart of their territory. That's another like 20 or 40 pack territories. So as you can imagine it's a big place.

Back to the story now people!!!


I heard them drawing closer. Finally Daniel was in front of me. I stood and got ready to fight him no matter what it took. Lucky for me since I've been a rouge my wolf has gotten some common sense and doesn't want to be stuck in the Royal City.

He took a step forward. By instinct I threw a ball of fire in front of his feet.

Letting out a growl he shifted into a huge black wolf. Bigger than Shadow's. And Shadow's wolf is abnormally big. I didn't feel intimidated though. I've dealt with things bigger than him.

My wolf growled at me.

~Let's show him why rouges are still around!

I smirked. Taking a step back I felt my wolf and magic combine. I had control but so did my wolf.

"Your eyes. One's white the other is black." He whispered.

My wolfs eyes are black but my human forms eyes are white.

I smirked at his shocked and took the opening. Using my wolfs speed I jumped over him using fire magic as a boost so I landed safely in a tree above him. He turned around staring up at me slightly shocked. I smiled down at him.

"What are you?!" He asked.

Jumping out of the tree I shifted in mid air. When I hit the ground I just kept running.

~Nicely done Winter

~I hope that knocks some sense into him

* Daniel's POV *

Seeing her run off my wolf felt aggravated that our mate was so disobedient towards us. I ran back to the Royal City to start my research on wolfs that are able to use magic. If I couldn't find anything I'd ask my father, soon to be king within the week. The Kind now decided to step down since my father has proved himself worthy.

Walking into the Royal city I headed for the palace where my father, my mother, my sister, and me live with the king, his mate, his two sons, and daughter live.

I walked into the house and smiled at my sister Kristen.

"Hey little sis." I smiled.

"Who was that rouge that was here?" She asked in her annoying voice.

"That's not your concern you little brat!" I growled.

My wolf was angry that she would ask about our mate with such disgust in her voice. First I walked into the Kings office and bowed my head.

"You know you don't have to bow Daniel." He laughed.

I straightened up and took a seat across from him. I smiled and gave a little laugh.

Life As A Rouge (Book 3 of The Omega Series Threequal to TASO & ITOWTBAM)Where stories live. Discover now