Chapter 25 *Final Chapter*

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Chapter 25 *Final Chapter* 

* 3 Years Later *   

I was awoken in the middle of the night by shouting coming from downstairs. I jumped up and quietly ran down the stairs. When I rounded the corner I saw Daniel standing there glaring at his dad. 

"Can you two keep it down, you're going to wake the kids.'' I snarled.

"Then maybe my son should hand back over the King title." Anthony stated.

I grabbed him by his arm and harshly pulled him toward the door. Soon I pushed him out and closed the door. Now to deal with Daniel. My piercing white/silver eyes glaring harshly into his piercing dark ones. I could tell he didn't like how I took control of the situation when he thought he had it under control. He clearly didn't.

"Let's go, I'm tired and the kids start training tomorrow." I sighed not wanting to start a fight right now. 

He reluctantly followed me upstairs. I could tell that some people thougth that I was the dominate in the relationship because I had their beloved King Daniel wrapped around my finger. It made me fell nice because I still had to power to control some people like I did when I was a rouge. Some peopel still considered me a rouge. Some thought since I'm part wizard I tricked Daniel's wolf into thinking that I'm his mate to worm my way into a pack like envoriment. 


I woke up the next morning and the kids were already up and so was Daniel. I put on some dark jeans and a plain black shirt. Then I walked downstairs and saw my two girls and two boys sitting at the island watching Daniel cook pancakes. They'd laugh and giggle as he flipped the pancakes up into the air and almost didn't catch them. I walked over and snagged a piece of bacon for Jessica, Ashey, Xavier, Kevin, and me. Daniel lauged lightly as he pulled half a pack of bacn out of the freezer and started cooking to too. 

Soon after he was done we started serving plates to my four lovely kids. Xavier and Kevin were twins and Jessica and Ashley weren't and they always argued about that. They thought it wasn't fair that they were twins because the boys claimed to have some secret power where they knew exactly what the other was thinking. Every time they conplained I couldn't help but laugh.

After a long yet plesent breakfast we decided to go shopping because the kids started school soon. They needed new clothes that looked nicer that the ones they have now. At least that's what Daniel said. 

He said, and I quote, "Being the sons and daughters of the King and Queen of the Royal City they have to look nice if they're going anywhere inportant like school."

After having the store ship all 100 bags of fresh clothing to the palace we decided to go to the bakery to get desert for tonight and then to the toy store to let them get what they want. 

To think I went from a rouge to a Queen in a matter of months. It's been a nice time. Not all happy but that's just life. This was me telling you all about my life, teach you being a werewolf isn't exactly all happy and just about sex. There's actual stuff that goes on, you're welcome for teaching you!




Thanks to all who have read all 3 books and who have voted, commented, and followed me. It means a lot to me that you guys enjoy my stories. Sorry if there was some confusion throughout the story but my writing skills are still devolping. 

I hope you enjoyed reading The Omega Series! I'm taking a break from werewolf stories to check other things but do comment on suggestions for my next werewolf story. Everyone who makes a suggestion I will try to dedicate a chapter to you for the new story I'm working on or my next werewolf story. Thanks again and see you all soon! (Hopefully) 

Life As A Rouge (Book 3 of The Omega Series Threequal to TASO & ITOWTBAM)Where stories live. Discover now