Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I stood there and watched while their tongues were slightly exposed. After the shock passed I ran out of the kitchen and out of the house. Things are just getting weirder and weirder around here. Like we passed through a portal and everything is now turned upside down.

"Excuse me, do you know where Alpha Daniel is?" I asked a nice looking young couple.

"He's in that building over there." The girl smiled.

I said a quick thanks and rushed off to the building. I opened the door and sadly is squeaked. All eyes were on me. Daniel looked a little on the angry side, the rest of the guys were wondering what I'm doing here.

"Daniel, darling. Can we talk for a moment?" I asked.

"I"m busy here Ghost, can it wait?" He didn't even look up from the papers.

"Hell no."

Everyone looked at me like I had four heads. Guess talking to an Alpha like that isn't a normal every day thing to these people. Weird. Where I'm from you always see people disrespecting Alpha's every day of your sad life. But I guess that's what being a Rouge is all about in a way. Living your life to the fullest not letting ass holes get in your way. Ass holes such as Alphas.

We walked out of the building and he looked down upon me. I explained everything, by the time I was finished he was still expressionless. I was a little confused. Are you?

"He always does this. My mom and his get into a fight so he sleeps around because she's better than that." Daniel shrugged.

Letting out a sigh I changed the subject, "What have you found out?"

"The wizards do infact want you. But not to run tests, they need you because they're to weak."

"So we're just going to take them out?"

He nodded as if he had no emotions toward the subject. I shook my head in disbelief. They just want someone to follow! There's no need to kill them, right?

"They're still a threat. According to our informant they've teamed up with the Vampires, the Vamps hate us since we took their precious King and Queen."

This time I just walked away. Seeing no point in talking about a war we're bound to win I just couldn't listen to it anymore. It's pointless to off a bunch of Wizards who just want a leader, or atleast to learn magic. I can personally get someone to teach them magic if they need it that badly! We can just off the Vamps that try to cross us.

I saw the Moon Goddess walking towards me. Rolling my eyes I completely just ignored her. When I passed her she tried saying something but I was walking to quickly for her to get it all out in time. It's nice to be a bitch to some people. I guess you could call it payback in a way, she did become a bit of a bitch herself when she rolled into my part of the realm.

Stepping into the house I (sadly) ran into Kristen. She might be Daniel's little sister but that doesn't mean I won't happily put a bullet between her eyes, or rip her throat out. Depending on what form I'm in.

"Where's Daniel?" She asked in her normal snotty tone.

"Working. If you'll excuse me." I pushed passed her.

I was a few feet a way when she grabbed my arm. It took me by surprise because we're normally two passing ships in the night, we never get along so we just don't talk to each other. It's best that way since Daniel doesn't want us fighting.

"Why hasn't he been talking to me?" She demanded to know.

"Hell if I know." I stated.

After a moment I pulled my arm out of her grip and continued my jurney back upstairs to his room where I was instructed to wait until he magically appeared once he had completed his work. Looks like I'll be alone until like midnight, fantastic.

Life As A Rouge (Book 3 of The Omega Series Threequal to TASO & ITOWTBAM)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin