Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

* Ghost's POV *

I woke up the next morning and Daniel was making breakfast. Slowly but surely made me way over to the bar and sat now. As I did so I snagged a piece of bacon off the plate that was sitting next to the stove. He gave me a playful glare before he focused on his pancakes once again.

Not a word was exchanged while we ate. Total silence. So quiet you could hear a piece of fur drop from a wolf as it ran. After breakfast we went back to the Royal City to finish business. Not to mention Daniel had to be there when the elders questioned his dad.

While Daniel went to watch that I was left with Sam. He caught up on work while I sat in Daniels office. I randomly went through files stored on his laptop. Pack information. Most of it I had no clue about. Then I came across a file with my name on it. I double clicked it and saw three more files. Information, whereabouts, and record.

I clicked on the record file first. It had the years as names starting with when I first popped into the Royal City. It had all the times I'd been caught stealing, what I had stolen, the times I had broken into the palace and Royal City, along with every guard that had been on duty on all of those events.

Next I clicked whereabouts. This included places I had been spotted inside the Royal City, the times I'd gotten to close to their walls, and every single time I had left the werewolf realm.

Finally I clicked the information file. This brought me to a few different smaller files. One was my basic information each Royal City member has. One has the information about how I'd been a rouge. And the last has the names of my parents. Ace and Sage. Even the report when they found out Sage and her family was a wizard.

Why did Daniel never show me this?

I heard the door knob shake so I closed out of the files and closed the laptop. Sam walked in.

"Daniel said he's be here soon. Said you guys are going for a run." He stated before leaving.

I set his laptop back on his desk before I headed for the stairs. I sat myself on the couch tapping my foot with anticipation. It's been forever since we'd been on a run together.

Daniel walked through the door as I was texting Simon. Right after I had tapped send my phone was snatched from my hands. Looking up I found the culprit to be Daniel.

"We can talk about my dad later but right now we're going for a run." He stated before I could fire off questions.

I nodded and followed him outside. He shifted as son as we were far enough into the woods. His wolf was magnificent. Breathtaking. His wolf was just 100% pure power. After I looked over his wolf for a minuet I shifted. Right after that I ran. I bolted past Daniel before he could process what was happening.

My paws dug deeper into the wart as I picked up speed. I felt the wind blowing through my fur and let me tell you, it felt amazing!!! After a while I slowed down and turned around to see an alpha struggling to keep up. By the time he stood in front my me he was panting.

I shifted and allowed myself to drop to my knees where Daniel promptly put his head in my lap as he laid on the ground.

"To fast?" I asked with a small laugh.

'Yes' his voice entered my mind.

I ran my finger through his fur as he caught his breath. He needed a break. After about ten minuets of chill time we were off again. Only slower so Daniel could keep up this round. I saw other wolves that had small packs throughout the woods. It felt nice being free. Being.....rouge.

After another hour or so we headed back. Both of us pretty tired, hungry, and in need of a shower. When we arrived at the house I ran into the room and filled up the new huge bathtub. When it was done I just laid in the water letting my muscles relax after a long run. After that was done I dressed and walked down stairs. Daniel was dividing Chinese food between us.

"Can we talk about your dad now?" I asked coming up behind him.

"He didn't get convicted so he's taking his office back." Was all he would tell me.

I wanted to push further for more information but now seemed like a bad time. We ate in silence. Except for the fact that his phone kept going off. He probably had a million texts by now.

"There's something you're not telling me." I broke the silence.

He simply looked at me quickly before going back to his food. The next call he got I walked over and answered it.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Elders court. Bring your mate. Now!!" With that the line went dead.

I dropped his phone back onto the couch and looked at him with expecting eyes.

"Explain. " I ordered.

"The elders think you had something to do with this so they wanna see you. " He stated.

Why would I kill the Moon Goddess? I had no motive. Sure I hated her but she crosses the line with me one to many times. That doesn't mean I set up her death. I mean come on!

After we ate Daniel and I marched down to the elders court to let them go through my brain.

"You went to the murder sight. Why?" They asked when they were done.

"To see what I could pick up. Being a rouge I have better senses than you anyway." I said firmly.

"What did you conclude?" One asked.

"A werewolf did it. Something powerful like an alpha or maybe even a wolf hubris of some sorts." I shrugged.

"You're dismissed." Each waved a hand gracefully as if I was supposed to disappear.

I was about the open my mouth and say something when Daniel started dragging me out of the building. I was thinking about shouting at them but quickly decided against it. I reluctantly let Daniel drag me all the way back to the palace. Lecture time started as soon as the door closed.

"When they dismiss you leave that very second. You don't stand there like a deer in the headlights!" Daniel snapped.

I simply shrugged wanting to avoid a fight tonight. I'm tired and didn't wanna go head to head right now. It'd be pointless since going to bed angry doesn't help you sleep at all. It just makes you toss and turn until that anger inside of you vanishes. Oh well.

"I'll be in my office." Then he stomped upstairs without another word. He's pissed.

I shrugged it off and called Shadow.

"Hello?" I could hear pans sizzling in the background.

"Can you research on known strong hybrids in the realm?" I asked knowing he has all the connections.

"Sure why?" He asked curiously.

"The elders questioned my today about the Moon Goddesses murder. I wanna figure out who did it."

"Okay. I'll start in the morning. If I find anything I'll come over."

The line went dead and I called Simon next. He had a few connections that could answer questions.

"Simon." I said as he answered the phone.

"Yeah?" He yawned.

"I need your geek side. What has the power to kill a goddess that's been around since life itself?"

"Alphas, kings, vampire kings and princes, werewolf vampire hybrids-"

"Do you know any of those hybrids off the top of your head?!"

"The vampire king Danny. Other than that, no. "

Life As A Rouge (Book 3 of The Omega Series Threequal to TASO & ITOWTBAM)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora