Section 9 The Start of a New War

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Nick walked through the woods, in search of Almon and the others, Nick pointed his gun in the distance and saw nothing but empty Forest.
Meanwhile felicity pulls up Austin before the Machine place exploded, Austin heavily breathing "damn" Austin said. "Damn" felicity replied, Princess waited in the distance, They looked around and seen Crosses everywhere along with vandals that were in a line towards a Huge church, "Holy f***" Austin said.

Meanwhile, Almons eyes open and a Guy with a Nun mask stood over him with a knife, Almons legs were chained to the side of the Metal bed along with his Arms. The Nun put the knife down beside the table, Then the Nun disappeared, 10 quiet long minutes go by, NOAH (Nun) came back with a Saw blade attached to a Machine, the Nun pressed the button and the saw went down towards Almons arm, The blade spun fast as it touched Almons skin, the blade sliced off his flesh like a SMOOTHY, The blade chipped into the Bone and sliced through his whole arm, Blood spewed all over the Table and ground, "AHHHHHHHHH" Almon screamed in Pain No one heard him but the echoes in the room, Almons eyes began to close...

Austin and felicity walked into the church doors, no one around, silent. Nick was walking in the forest nightime rolled around. Nick got up to this HUGE church with candals going down the long isle, he walked through the doors and saw Austin and felicity standing there, "Hey, Matt And Courtney are back at Home protecting Paisley, she will be safe" Nick said, "That's good, where's Almon he didn't show back up?" Felicity asked. "Idk he didn't show back up no" Nick replied, "knowing Almon he probably got lost" Austin chuckled. the three of them began walking down the stairs that led into a room, "Hello" Austin yelled, Echoes screamed through the room. "Hello...Hello...Ello" They kept walking, they looked over and saw a familiar face laying on a metal bed, "ALMON" Austin and felicity ran over to Almon, Nick followed.

At the Baseball field... 14 Nuns in the distance began running towards the field, Matt aimed his pistol towards one of them and shot one in the head, "Sh**" Matt said and began running down the field, "COURTNEY HIDE PAISLEY" Matt yelled, "No you, I am gonna stay back if anyone can keep her safe it's you Matt" Matt looked at her, tears drew from her face, "Tell Almon I love him" She spoke "And to not die" she then said after. " Matt looked at her and then paisley, "come on paisley" Matt and paisley began running into the distance, behind the Nuns followed a HUGE HORDE of over a 1000 walkers, Courtney ran left the Nuns ran down the hill and followed then she maneuvered and continue running, 3 walkers cut corners and met towards her, Courtney pulled out a knife, and stabbed one of the walkers in the head then stabbed the other 2 "I'm done with this shit" Courtney began walking a different direction going up the hill nuns far in the distance. Noah looks over at Courtney and then puts the mask back on, he looked away and ran towards the church building. The horde of walkers began following the Nuns back to the Church. The nuns got up to the church, Walkers still following, the Nuns put there hands up and the walkers kept walking through the Church doors, "THIS IS WAR" The Nuns yelled and began throwing Molotoves everywhere, Fire bloomed and glass shattered off the churches window frames, Noah walked through the walkers with his Nun mask and began walking down the stairs, the walkers still following behind him he makes it there, Austin nick Felicity and Almon stood there, "Looks like you took so long we had time to scavenge your stuff and get Almon a Knife arm, He's alive and it's four against 1" Austin laughed, Noah raised his arms up, "or 1000" Noah laughed as the walkers began passing him walking towards Almon Austin felicity and Nick, They all stood guard and waited as the walkers walked closer. Austin and felicity Kiss and began making out for a short minute, Everyone stood there Knifes and Guns if this was it.

section 10 THE FINALE STAND coming oct 27th 2020 BE READY!!!!!!

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