A Persons Debut-Section 26

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(As the Book is not 100% finished, editing has been put in place in previous sections to get up to date, reread book...)
*This Book Contains Graphic Scenes and depictions of the future. It also presents strong language, which some people may disagree with... Viewers' discretion advised*

Plainfield, 2025 December 15th
The beating sun brushed Bright off the Leafy Green trees. The sound of birds sounded through an entire Forrest... the sun beat off the brick building... hands Typed away as words spread across a computer screen, "Code-Talk-Explore-Brain-1932" Read across the black computer screen. He clicked Enter on the keyboard. "Loading..., Error Wrong Code" read the screen. Blunt in mouth. "B****, how many times am I gonna get a code, type it, and have it be wrong. I'm so sick of testing this Bulls***." He slammed his fist on the table. He stood up and grabbed the filled vile and put it on his extendable needle. He then stuck the needle inside the Walkers Arm and pressed down on the button. The walker slowly faded away. Ashton walked over to the empty counter and put out his blunt, then put it in his ear. He walked out of the room and flicked the light switch. The lights went out. He shut the door slowly and proceeded to walk to his borded up House. He shut the metal doors. He walked by a huge nuke just sitting in his house. It was red, rapped in Wires metal, and Rope with the words "This Blows Up to 200,000 Miles." He walked past it and walked upstairs. He grabbed onto his jacket and his sword and then walked outside. His pistol in pocket, he walked out his metal door entrance. The open dead zombie World Spread across his frontal view. He walked the empty dead sounding Forrest. In the distance, a figure with a smaller figure walked the Forrest as well. As the figure got closer, the figure looked familiar, "Courtney, Almons girl?" Ashton questioned. "AND YOU HAVE A KID," Ashton screamed. "Hey, and yeah, it's almons."What's his name?" Ashton asked. "Grayson," Courtney said. "That's an amazing name. Thanks," Courtney spoke. "Well, I'm getting on a helicopter to go to my shelter down in Seattle it's a huge place, has over 300,000 people. It's a very big city. It's held up since the beginning." Ashton spoke. "Uh, sure." Courtney said. Courtney lifted Grayson, 2 year old Blonde haired kid. Ashton walked with her towards his helicopter. He picked up the gas tank next to it and then opened up the gas chamber on the side of the copter. He poured gas into the chamber for 13 minutes straight. He put the tank down and smacked the side of the helicopter. Let's go. He opened the side door, and Courtney and her kid stepped into the helicopter. Ashton slowly walked towards the front of the helicopter and then stepped in. The helicopter began flipping its propellers around. And levitated off the Ground, into the air more and more. Courtney looked off into the distance. A tear dripped from her face. The helicopter flew into the distance...

Hours later.
Helicopter began lowering to the ground. Courtney and Ashton got out kid in hand. "Any sign on Mike or Noah yet it's been a year?" Ashton spoke. "Actually, yes," Jason spoke, "we were just about to send a helicopter down wanna go for the ride?" Jason asked. "Sure, Courtney, you wanna go?" Ashton asked, "Yeah, I know them," Courtney replied. "Okay, let's go then." they all got in the helicopter, Jason Flying it. Ashton is in the seat next to him. The helicopter began flying in the air. Off in the distance... was a huge storm.
The helicopter grew closer to the large Powerful winds, Jason Realized this and Turned the Helicopter slightly to try and steer away, as it grew closer, the winds sucked the helicopter faster into the Eye of the tornado. Jason quickly realized this, "YO EVERYONE GRAB A PARACHUTE!" Jason screamed. There were 2 parachutes. One was given to Ashton. Jason looked at Courtney and handed her the other. "You need it more than I do," Jason spoke. "I will take your kid on the chute down. You focus on releasing yours." Ashton spoke, then he looked at Jason, "brother, are you sure? " Ashton said, questioning the situation. "Yes." Jason went and sat in the front seat of the helicopter and began controlling it. Ashton grabbed ahold of Grayson and lifted him into the parachute Kid holder to ensure he was secured in. Courtney stood on one side. Ashton stood on the other, "In 3,... 2,... 1,..." Ashton's feet lifted off the ground, and without another second of briefe, his feet felt like there was no gravity. Courtney lifted her feet, and they began skydiving.
Jason looked at his module and then clicked the button to connect to mikes walkie. "Helicopter is going down I repeat helicopter is going down, Ashton and the other have jumped Look for them" the helicopter Fell faster and faster until the side of the propeller smashed into the side of an enormous hill. *BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM* Peices from the helicopter flew in the distance. Ashton and Courtney landed on both feet. "Ashton," Ashton turned his head. "MIKE!" Ashton spoke. "Where is Jason?" Mike replied. "Helicopter flew towards a storm. There weren't enough parachutes." Ashton replied. "Hey, uh, that walkie you got there can I see it?" Ashton replied.

Thanks for reading!!

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