Part II Section 28-Keep On Going

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December 1st, 4:15 A.M 2029 Brookings Oregon (Deserted Town)
Stephan tended to Chickens and cows they had in the built coops. He walked into the chicken coop, ducked his head so he could fit in, and walked over to the chicken feed. He lifted the bag up and began walking towards the rack. He began sprinkling the food onto the rack and watched it slide out onto the ground outside for the chickens. He placed the bag down and walked outside, rubbing his hands together. He looked over towards Grayson and saw him playing with Sadie. Somehow, energy was fuller than ever. He walked over towards Mollys Revolver looked at it and placed it in his Holster, he began walking towards the gate and slipped outside, closing it behind himself. He walked through the cold deserted trees, nothing in sight. He looked up and saw it began snowing. "Oh wow," Stephan said. "I didn't realize how cold it was gonna be. I would have brought a jacket," He said to himself. He continued to walk down the path. As he walked, he came across a device lying just in the grassy area. He picked up the device and realized it was a tape recorder. "My name is Eric. I'm trapped on a boat. I escaped out of my cell, just killed 2 guards. I need help. I hope this message somehow reaches somebody. OH S*** "DAME ESO AHORA MISMO" The message said as it clicked off Stephan looked up he placed the tape recorder in his pocket and continued walking, he felt determined to find Eric, as he walked a little snow drizzled and fell in his hair and on his face, he continued to brush it off and walked, he soon realized he wasn't gonna have any luck and decided his best option would be to head back and show everyone what he found. "Hey, I'm surprised those people haven't come back," Robby said as he saw Stephan walk up to him, "I found this," Stephan said as he placed the tape onto the table. Robby clicked it on and listened to Eric speak. "No way," Robby said. "Yeah, and I would go but I can't because I need to keep everyone here safe, We are all dying slowly Whether you beileve it or not we are killing each other and it won't stop until people realize That it's only making it worse" Stephan said. "They left the truck here. I think we should all hop in and take a trip somewhere other than here before they come back at us," Stephan said. "I agree, but when it's all said and done, we should really get going and try and find Eric, or i can, I know I will be able to do it," Robby said. "Yeah, but it's too dangerous besides someone needs to stay here with everyone," Stephan said. "But you have a child," Rylie spoke up. "One that's almost here," She continued. Stephan turned around he walked over to Rylie, kissed her, and hugged her. "I love you, you know I'll be fine, we will talk more about it when it comes time too," Stephan said in a calm voice. "I love you," she replied. "I miss Molly she really supported us and helped, " Rylie said in a sad voice. "I know, me too she was awesome, and so was Dillon and Vanessa," Stephan said. "I wish I could have done more to prevent it all," he said. "It's not your fault. you're doing all you can," Robby said over standing in the corner. A Sharp pain sprung Robbys Arm as he fell over and realized an Arrow just pearced into his skin. Blood began slowly pouring from his arm. He held his arm and maneuvered himself to cover. Stephan pulled out the Navy Revolver and began shooting towards the direction he believed the arrow came from. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Stephan yelled. "We were sent to kill you," a girl yelled. "From who who sent you and why?" Stephan yelled. "A man named Joseph Fracs, He's a soilder for the IZC, My names Charlotte, This here is Kasey we were told you killed a bunch of our people and tried to bomb us" Charlotte yelled back. "They Bombed us," Stephan yelled, "Oh, we didn't know. may we introduce ourselves? I apologize and should have started with that. Honestly, I never trusted The Corp for anything,Charlotte said. "Sure," Stephan replied. Charlotte walked over towards Robby, "Let me fix thus up for you." She smiled. "Thanks," Robby said. "I'm seriously sorry we didn't know they would lie like that and we were told to kill everyone here I saw the kids over there and had second thoughts" Charlotte said, Kasey next to her. "Are you guys scared of these people?" Charlotte asked. "No, we just would rather not fight and lose more people than we already have," Stephan said. "Well, what are your plans?" Charlotte asked. "To leave and hope they don't follow us in the trucks," Stephan answered. "You sure that's your best option, though?" Charlotte said. "No, but it's the safer," Stephan replied. "Where are you planning to go?" Charlotte asked. "Why would I tell you that?" Stephan said. "Because I can help you," Charlotte spoke. "Of course, we could use the help, but the problem is trust. If you show me you won't turn your back, then we won't turn ours," Stephan said. "Understood," Charlotte said. "How did you get in anyway?" Stephan said, "Oh, the gates were unlocked," Charlotte replied. PFFFFFFFT the sound of a loud launcher shot off. The launcher crashed into the ground next to Lisa, who had just stepped outside her house. Lisa flew in the air blood all over her body along with burns she smashed into the ground, her head crashing off the hard surface, body fried smoke coming from her skin and shirt as he lit into flames. She was already dead and didn't move. The flames spread throughout the grassy sandy roads. "WE ALL HAVE TO GO NOW," Stephan said, hurrying everyone up. "Really, we are gonna run again they just killed somebody of your people, and you're just gonna run," Charlotte said. She looked at Kasey and nodded. Her and Kasey both ran towards the wall. They climbed the Latter's that led to the top and looked on the Top area, Charlotte kneeled down and pointed the arrow towards Agent Fracs, who began loading the launcher. She shot the Crossbow. The Arrow entered Fracses Head he immediately dropped to the ground, and he held his head, grasping the Arrow, still holding onto his consciousness. Kasey saw him struggling and shot another Arrow directly towards his head again. He moved his head and got up, and the arrow smashed right into the ground next to him. He turned around and looked from the sound, "Holy s***," Joseph said to himself. He stood up and ran behind his vehicle. Roswold pointed his pistol straight up at Kasey and shot her in her leg, causing her to fall over the railing. Charlotte ran over and grabbed her arm, beginning to lift her up. Roswold pointed his gun again as Charlotte lifted Kasey up onto the Balcony. "You okay?" Charlotte said, "Yeah, thank you," Kasey spoke softly, taking a deep breath. A bullet shot out of Stephans gun as he pointed it directly towards Roswold. The bullet popped through his skull smashing through his brain, His head flew backward as his whole body dropped to the ground stiffly. Roswolds mouth was wide open as blood dripped from the side of his skull. Fracs lifted his launcher. He pointed it at Stephan, immediately an Arrow shot threw his chest, scraping his heart. He fell backward, gripping the arrow, and he gently ripped it from his chest. Blood squirted out of the wound onto his shirt. He lied his head back into the sandy ground and contemplated his life choices. He slowly pulled the arrow from his head the little bit it went in. The tip slowly pulled out of his skin, and he immediately put his hands up. "Listen we didn't come with our entire army but I surrender honest, I don't want to fight Roswold is what kept this going he needed you guys for an experiment he's conducting for The Cuban Army" Joseph Said. "I surrender and want peace," Joseph continued. Stephan held his Navy revolver to his head. "Move slowly," Stephan said. "Enough people have been killed on my watch," Stephan expressed. Joseph quickly grabbed his other pistol that sat in his holster on the other side of his body. PFFFFFFT, A loud Bang lifted as a bullet entered Joseph's head. Will stood in front of him as he dropped to the floor onto his back. "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?" Stephan said. "I was with Dillon, and somehow we got separated, and I ended up getting lost, but I found you guys," Will said. "I heard commotion over here and immediately when I saw you guys. It released fight mode," Will said. "Thank you, you are more appreciated than you'll ever know," Stephan said. "You saved our lives," He continued. They all walked over towards the town, "Listen, we are leaving now. we are heading towards San Francisco towards Daly City. Stephan said, placing the map onto the table. "Do you think we can make it there?" Robby said. "I'm confident we can make it there," Stephan replied. "HELP," Derek screamed from the distance. Stephan looked over to see an entire Horde coming straight for them. "I think we need to get out of here now. I'm gonna go and get him rq you all wait for me over by the opening," Stephan said as he ran towards the Horde. He began shooting the walkers down 1 by 1 as Derek ran as fast as he could past Stephan and towards the opening. Stephan shot 3 walkers that were lined up coming closer to him. Stephan turned around and began running towards the opening himself. "Now the trucks over there grab it, and let's get out of here," Stephan said. They all ran towards the truck. Stephan began helping everyone into it one by one. Greyson first, Then Sadie, Then Audrey, Then Kasey, then Charlotte, he helped Robby onto the truck, he lifted Rylie up onto the truck and she got on, He then got on and sat in the front. Will followed, Stephan started up the trucks engine. "This thing has a little gas left. We will stop if we come across a gas station," Stephan said. The truck slowly drove off into the distance.

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