Section 2 The Big Move

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Original main characters alive: Austin, Almon, Cece, Noah, Cassandra, Paisley, Ashley, Benton

Cassandra got to walmart as 100 Walkers came walking out of the aisle. "Guys, come on, let's go right now," Cassandra said, Then Charlies face turned more darkish and death like, his eyes were grey, and his teeth leaked of spit that dripped from his lips. "F***" Austin ripped his axe out of his bag and sliced it through Charlies skull. Then, he ripped the Axe back out of his head and put it back into his bag, zipped it up, and ran. They all ran to Cassandras car, and she started it and drove off. Tears dripped from her face, "What the hell am i supposed to explain to Almon? That's his dad, who just died like that." They pulled into the driveway. They all walked into the house. Almon standing there with Paisley and Cece "Wheres my dad."He's dead. He got attacked, and there was nothing we could do to save him," Noah said. Almon stood there tearing up and ran downstairs to his room. He pulled off the Joint he had sitting next to his bag of weed and a lighter. He brung the joint in his room and lit it. Smoke spewed from the joint into the air as he breathed in the smoke 3 times. He then looks down and starts crying. He pushed his head into his pillow to stop the noise. He finished the joint , pushed the ash into the ground, and then left the roach aside his bed. He then stood up and opened his door, placing his lighter back next to the bag of weed and papers. He then turns around and begins walking up the stairs. Cassandra started packing Paisley sitting next to her, "Im gonna go home and pack my stuff im going to tell my parents i am tagging along with you," Austin said, walking out the door. Nighttime rolls around Austin, Noah, Cassandra, Almon, Cece, and Paisley all layed down and went to sleep. They woke up the next morning All ready to go Ashley pulled in the driveway with benton, Ashley walked up to Cassandra, "Hey i know the exact way of getting there i can help you get there if you want" Ashley said, "Sure" Cassandra replied. "Wait wheres Charlie" Ashley said, "He got bit," cassandra said and took a breath. Noah Almon Cece and Austin all drove in Noahs car. Cassandra drove in her truck with Paisley, and Ashley drove in her car. As noah drove, he stopped at the graffiti Smoke Shop. Noah then stepped out of His car and walked over to graffiti Smoke Shop. No one was in there, Noah then punched the glass of the door 6 times, and it started to break. Almon got out of the car, too, and walked up to the door. Then he continued to open it. The door to the shop opened. "It's unlocked." Almon laughed. Noah continued into the shop as Almon went back to the car. Noah pulled out his pistol he grabbed from his house when he got Cece. He pointed it up and looked around. No one is in sight. Noah grabbed the very few disposables that he had seen on the counter. He tested one to see if it hit, and it did. He then continued back outside and got in the car. "Sorry, I just had to make a pit stop first," he continued on as cassandra and Ashley followed. They kept driving, but before they knew it, CRACK, SMACK, ERRRRRRRRRRRR. Cassandras Car smacked into Noahs as Noahs spun and hit Ashleys. The cars then slid down a huge hill into the woods. Noahs car spun down the hill 22 times before coming to a complete stop, in the distance Almon heard, "GRAB THEM." Then everything went completely dark.
Almon woke up in a cell, no one around him. "What the f***?" He then stood up and walked up to the Bars. "Where the f*** am I?" Almon then looked out of the cell as much as he could to see a set of keys placed on the table aside from his cell. He tried to reach, "S*** im too far." He turned around. It didn't seem as though there was any way to get out of the cell, at least without something to get the keys. Meanwhile, at Austins Cell, a strange 7 foot tall guy with huge muscles wearing soilder clothes walks up to the cell. "Come with me, the Leader Wants to meet you." The soldier let Austin out of the cell gun in hand. The soilder kept walking. Austin looked over and saw a bat sitting beside one of the other empty cells. Austin walked slower, The Soilder is in front of him. Austin grabbed the bat, took it, and smashed it over the 7 foot tall soldiers (daniel) skull, then continued to run down the hallway. As he ran he came across Almons cell and saw Almon trying to find a way out, he grabbed the keys off the table that was just outta reach of Almon, he then unlocked the cell and let almon out. "LET'S GO," Austin then took Almon and started running. Down the long Sewer, these people turned into a "prison." They came across a familiar face from a long time ago. "Heaven," Almon said. Heaven then looked up at Almon. "How the hell did you get stuck down here?" Almon said. "Well, i was in a group. And we got attacked by these people, and i so happened to have woke up in here, " Heaven explained. Almon then unlocked her cell and let her out. He then placed the keys back on the table. "We have to keep moving," Austin said, and they continued on through the Huge Sewers. "I haven't seen Noah anywhere. He's bound to be somewhere down here, same with cassandra and Paisley. As they kept walking, they came across Ashley, who also made it out with Benton. "Ayyy, nice to see you're still alive," Almon said. Noah then came from behind Ashley Cece next to him. "Yeah, i saved them. i couldn't leave them once i got out," Noah said. "Wait, so everyone here now except for Cassandra and Paisley," Almon asked, "yes" Austin replied. As the rest of the group kept walking, there was a latch leading to the outside of the sewers. Austin Noah Cece Benton and Heaven all climbed up. "Im staying down here. I have to find cassandra, Ashleys coming with make sure you keep benton safe," Almon said as Austin closed the latch, and Almon and Ashley continued to walk.

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