Part II Section 22- IZC

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October 15th 2:38 A.M 2029 North Carolina
Footsteps Cracked off the Tiles of the Floor, the sound of Boots stomped as Agent Fracs walked through the Building. "Roswold, hey, we are dropping off 2 Subjects Small Children, The adults are coming in a few days' trip we found Molly," Agent Fracs said. "Thank you, You may go now," Roswold spoke.
Oct 15th 3:48 A.M 2029 California Vollentown
Lisa sat in front of a fire gathering warmth. She stood up and looked around the abandoned town. Not one sole was in sight in the distance, and she heard a loud moaning sound. As she looked closer, she saw the Walker Running! It continued to run and looked exactly like Aidan. She pulled out Robby's bow she found laying on the ground, and she shot the arrow towards the walker. The tip of the blade pierced through the deceased Rotten Skin. The walker continued running. "F*** That" She pulled out her knife as she continued walking backwards the walker ran into the fire and immediately lit in flames, running towards her she grabbed her knife and stabbed it through the skull. It was still trying to nip at her. She tightly squeezed the walkers face and peeled the skin off its head. She used more pressure, digging the knife deeper into its brain. The mouth slowed down, then stopped. She dropped the dead walker onto the ground. In shock, she grabbed up her stuff and continued on her way.

Oct 15th 4:15 A.M 2029 Border of California
The trucks continued to drive along the road. Soldiers stood on the side of the Trucks as they drove. Stephan slowly opened his eyes. He looked around the truck to see Molly, Eric, Vanessa, and Robby. Stephan went to get up and fell back down as his hands were handcuffed together. "Pssssss." Stephan tried making a noise to gather their attention, but nobody budged. He began slowly crawling his way over to Eric. On his stomach, he inch-wormed his way closer. He nudged his head on Eric's leg in the hope of waking him but no movement. "F***," Stephan said to himself.

Oct 15th 4:25 A.M 2029 1 Mile away from Vollentown. Mason and John continued to walk the darkish blue Colored forest. The sun still wasn't out but slowly rising above the horizon, making the sky light but the World Dark. "We literally just started getting comfortable, and then we all get split up because nobody in that town can do anything clearly," Mason spoke. They continued to walk down the path in the forest. A walker Half Ripped off face, and other half ants crawled all around the eyes near the nose. "Ew," Mason said as he pulled his knife out. He inches closer and stabs the walker in the skull. Ending its life for a second time. "I wish I had something to smoke," John said as they continued to walk. "I know me too we got nothing and are just gonna have to deal with it" they continued to walk along the forest they stepped out of the damp forest and onto the road where they continued to walk. In the distance, they see someone gathering supplies. They both looked at each other and continued to get closer. Mason pulled his 9MM out and pointed it at The man, "Hey," Mason said. The man turned around with his hands raised. "It's just me. I don't want no trouble," the man spoke. "What's your name?" Mason said. "Derek," Derek answered. "How do I know it's just you" John said "Well okay maybe I lied" Derek answered, "It's just me here, I have a Whole town I'm with technically 4 I go between all of them and trade supplies I'm the trader" Derek answered. Mason and John looked at each other, "we were from a town too Vollentown it was just recently wiped out," John said. "What if I told you we can help you rebuild?" Derek said. Both John and Mason were in shock.
Oct 15th, 2029 5:14 A.M. Leaving California
Rylie, Joe, Micheal, Dillon, Will all sat in truck 2. Micheals eyes immediately opened, and he looked around the truck, breathing heavily. The inside was all metal and darkish with a tiny light coming from The Bared up small window. He went to move his hands from his back but realized he was handcuffed. He heard a huge gasp next to him, Dillon opened his eyes and breathed up as hard as he could. He held his chest with his hand. "Holy , "holy s***, " He said. "What the H** happened," Dillon said. "You," Micheal spoke, Dillon tilted his head and saw Micheal. "Huh, what did I do?" Dillon said. "You literally gave us all away and got us in this mess," Micheal said. "I'm sorry. I didn't think it through and didn't think they'd come in and knock all of us out," Dillon said. "My head hurts like really bad," Dillon said. Dillon then began looking around and realized his daughter Sadie and Babymother Molly were gone. "No no no no" Dillon began speaking really fast and uncontrollably. "Dillon, calm down," Micheal tried to mumble. Dillon stood up and took the handcuffs. He saw a pole sticking up with a gap at the tap he slipped the cuffs through the gap and pulled down he then ran forward. A loud clunk rang as he broke the cuffs in half. Both sides of the cuffs are still attached to his hands. The truck immediately spun, and Dillon fell over, knocking his head off the pole. Micheal sat still and embraced for impact. The truck smashed into a tree and came to an abrupt stop. Micheal looked around, and Dillon tried to stand up. "What the h**?" Dillon said he walked over to the back of the truck and kicked open the back doors. All the soldiers were either missing or dead, and Dillon slowly stepped out of the truck. Looking around, he grabbed a set of keys on one of the soldiers. The keys did not fit the cuffs. He continued to walk around the front of the truck. The drive was dead, he slowly opened the door he stood up onto the ledge he grabbed the 50 Cal and the Handcuff keys that sat on his side. He stepped down and closed the door he began shooting all the soldiers in their heads, the ones he saw at least. He took the keys and unlocked each part of his cuffs. He then went inside the back of the truck and began unlocking my everyone's cuffs. He then proceeded to wake them up. Micheal helped.
Oct 15th 9:47 A.M 2029 North Carolina IZC Base (Main Building)
Roswold walked closer to the bed with the body lying on it. "Hello Grayson," Roswold spoke in a sinister voice. Grayson didn't budge, "okay not saying anything hmm well that's fine. You don't need to say anything for me to tell you the procedure we are going to be doing today," Roswold spoke. "We aren't going to kill you, no, but we are going to cut you open and use your organs for research," Roswold said, smiling. A tear dripped from Grayson face. He still didn't budge. "No, nothing," Roswold said as he grabbed the knockout gas. He pressed it over Grayson face. Grayson tried to move, but his arms were strapped down. His eyes slowly closed. Knocks sprung the door. Roswold turned around and walked towards the door. He opened the door. "Hey, we finished the tracker on the trucks," Agent Joseph said. "Ahh, where are they?" Roswold spoke. He then began following Joseph to the room. Roswold walked into the room he looked at the Trackers and began pacing back and forth, "Why has one stopped?" he spoke angrily, "I don't know, sir," agent Joseph spoke. Agent Joseph began typing in the database, and he brought up a camera. The screen showed smashed windows in the front and a few dead walker soldiers walking in the distance along with dead soldiers with bullet holes in their heads all over the ground. "Are you serious?" Roswold said angrily. He then clicks a button that sets up an intercom around the whole building. "I need all soldiers to come up here. we all need to do a search. One of the trucks got into an accident, and the Fugitives escaped," Roswold said over the speaker.
Oct 15th 9:50 A.M 2029 Leaving California
Everybody in the truck was awake, and the trucks had stopped. "We need to figure out a way out while they are stopped this is our only chance" Stephan said he stood up and looked at the metal hooked bar with the gap at the top, "maybe" Stephan spoke as he put his cuffs on the bar he then pulled forward and the cuffs snapped. Everybody began doing that. Stephan looked outside and saw a bunch of guards in the side of the truck and 2 guards in the front seat. Everybody seemed to be sleeping. "I think everyone's asleep" Stephan slowly opened the back door and stepped out the truck he then quickly realized a guy was walking towards him, he then ducked the guys punch and got the guy in a choke hold he then knocked him out by putting him in a sleeper, he then grabbed the keys in his pocket and undid his handcuffs, the remaining guys were asleep "S***" Stephan questioned. He then started unlocking everyone's handcuffs, including his. He then placed the keys on the ground next to the knocked out guard "guys I just thought about it. Maybe I shouldn't go they have Sadie and Grayson. I can not just leave them. Stephan spoke. "I'm coming with you," Robby said. "Me too, I need to get Dillons, kid," Eric said. "Whatever happens, we will deal with it together," Robby said. Both Stephan, Eric, and Robby stepped into the Truck, Vanessa and Molly stood outside looking up "thank you" Molly and Vanessa both said at the same time, "Grab both those cuffs on those officers quietly" Stephan said. Vanessa grabbed the cuffs and handed them to Stephan. Vanessa, Molly, all began walking into the distance. Stephan looked at Robby and Eric as they slipped the handcuffs on. Stephan slowly closed the door that was open in the back. He then sat down next to Robby and Eric. "You didn't clip yours on right," Stephan said, "Nope" Robby and Eric replied. In the front, they heard the radio sound off the car manual. "People have escaped one of the cars we need all units in search" the guards in the front immediately woke up the one in the driver seat looked out the window he seen all the guards were asleep "guys we gotta get on now and go the other car crashed we need to make sure we make it" The guy in the driver seat said. Everybody began waking up and hopping up on the huge metal truck. One of the guards laid there as the truck drove off.
Oct 15th 12:34 P.M 2029 California, SmithLand (562 People)
Lisa worked in a garden just outside her new home and town. In the distance, Derek walked closer. "Hey how are you holding up hope you like the new place and I hope your feeling better it must of sucked being out there by yourself I just want you to know I will always be happy to help and thank you for all the service you do" Derek said. He then turned around and began walking off. She continued to tend to the garden. She stood up and brought all the cut plants that were already grown from before and brought them over to Derek to help him with his trades. He collected the goods and paid her in actual cash, "here's $450 for all the help you have been doing thank you" He then proceeded over to the Van and began placing the goods inside. He walked up to the front and opened the door, stepped inside, and turned a key in the ignition. He then began driving off. Lisa turned around and began walking inside her house.
Oct 15th 10:57 A.M 2029 California
Dillon, Rylie, Will, Micheal, and Joe all walked down the dry road. As they continued to walk, fatigue set in faster. The sun beat off their skin. Sweat dripped from every bodies face. "My mouth is really dry. I'm hoping there's a place near here with water or something," Rylie said, "there should be," Dillon spoke as they continued to walk. In the distance, they saw 5 people standing in the distance, as they got closer, they realized they had guns pointing at them. "Turn around NOW," Dillon yelled. They turned around, and another 5 stood there, guns drawn. Johnny stood in front of them, making 6. "Ahhh, you're the guy I saw running from the field. Maybe you shouldn't have been so loud stepping away," Johnny said. He then walked up to Dillon, putting his arm on his shoulder. He smiled hard, "Don't worry, I won't kill you, Yet" Johnny said sinisterly. Dillon looked Johnny in his face, "Don't threaten me," Dillon spoke. Will stood in front of Dillon. "Back off, we don't have beef with you," Will said. "No, Huh, I find that hard to believe. Does anyone here know Jimmy or Bennett?" Johnny said, "No," Dillon said angrily. "Hmm, I find that bullsh*t." Johnny pointed his gun towards Joe. "Will this change your mind?" Johnny said. "Listen, stop, nobody wants to fight or hurt you. We just wanna be on our way," Dillon said. PFFFFFFFFFFFT, PFFFFFFFFFFTTTT, 2 Gunshots sounded off. Joe fell to the ground as the bullet entered her lung. Micheal dropped to the ground on his knee as he was shot in the leg. Joe tried gasping for Air but couldn't breathe. Blood spewed from her mouth slowly, and she began coughing up more blood. Walker sounds grew louder in the distance. "Ahhhh," Johnny spoke, "Grab them." Johnny ordered, and 3 of the guys grabbed Dillon, Rylie, and Will holding them still. Micheal tried to stand up but fell onto the ground. Joes face began turning Grayish, Joe sat up, blood dripped down from her chest onto her legs and the ground. She stood up. Drool dripped from her lips. She began running towards Johnny, "RHHHHHYYYYYYYYYY BBBBBBRIIITTTTCHHHHHAAAAAAA" Johnny pointed his gun towards The walker. He shot the M9 the Bullet plastered into her head she continued to come closer and faster. "WHAT THE FU-c" Johnny fell to the ground as the walker tackled him, the other walkers came from behind. "NOOOOOOOO F***" Johnny Yelled. All the guys let go of Dillon Will and Rylie, began running the other direction. Joe, the walker bit into Johnnys shoulder, bites a huge chunk of his flesh off the bone. Blood spewed everywhere, Dillon put Micheals arm around his head, and they began walking away together. They continued to run down the road until they got up to a Gas station. "It looks abandoned," Dillon said as they all continued their way towards it, Will kicked the door open, and they continued inside. "Good nobodies here," Dillon said as he layed Micheal down. "You hanging in there," Dillon said. "I think so," Micheal answered. Micheal ripped his shirt off and ripped it into a lining, then tied it around his leg super tight around the wound. "My girlfriend knows how to do surgery. he just needs to find the truck she's in," Dillon said.
Thank you for reading this section!!!!

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