Chapter Thirty-Two

Start from the beginning

I opened my mouth to ask her what was going on but a noise at the door of the bunker caused me to snap my mouth shut. The President pushed me backwards, her finger to her lips demanding that I not utter a sound. I allowed her to move us back into the room, still feeling sick to my stomach at what was going on. Kade was instantly by my side, ready to swat the President across the room if need be.

A loud bang at the metal door caused us all to snap our heads up in horror. "What is going on?" My voice was shrill and panicked. I did not like whatever was going on.

"I just got word that the Selarians found out about our meeting from one of my guards. I have not been able to reach him since he called me." Her voice did nothing to hide her own panic. It was clear that whatever was happening was not good.

"Are there any other exits?" Kade's voice cut through the silence like a sharp blade. Gone was the man that I had grown so accustomed to. Now, standing before me was the terrifying warrior that was feared by his enemies, and, even his people. "Darius!" Kade's voice bellowed. 

Immediately, Darius appeared beside him. I blinked, resisting the urge to scream and took a reassuring breath as I attempted to steady myself. We would be okay. We could do this. Darius took a fighting stance beside me, clearly understanding Kade's order without needing further explanation.

Another ear splitting crash came from outside the steel door. I wasn't sure how much longer it was going to hold whatever was on the other side. And whatever it was... it sounded big. I clenched my teeth together painfully, as I waited for our next steps. The seconds ticked by mercilessly as Kade seemed create a plan.

President Shada moved to stand beside me. "There is one other exit at the back of my closet. It leads into a tunnel that deposits us onto the mountainside." The President and I flinched as the door was hit once more. This time, I could see the hinges bend with the impact.

My intake of breath must have caused Kade to make his decision. "Darius, you will accompany Emily and President Shada out of the secondary exit and I will hold them off here. Get them somewhere safe." He then turned to me. His eyes softened as he took in my appearance before hardening once more as he began his instructions. 

"Darius cannot teleport the both of you to safety. You will need to be ready for anything." His voice was stern. "I do not know where the tunnel will lead you, but Darius will be with you at all times. He will update me when you are safe." 

Another unbearable pounding against the door spurred our movement. "I love you." I all but whispered, but Kade was already turning to face the doorway. "Don't you dare get hurt, do you hear me?" I nearly sniffled, my composure severely cracking as Kade turned his back to me.

"We need to go, now." Darius hissed out a breath, his eyes flicking from me to the President warily. "Lead the way, and fast." His voice wasn't friendly. 

President Shada didn't seem to need any further encouragement as she spun on her heel and sprinted towards her room. Darius pushed me forwards, wrapping his arm around my waist as he dragged me away from my mate. The distance between us and the ultimate realization that I didn't know if I would see became far greater as I gasped for breath. I knew there was no way in hell that Darius would let me stay, and the last thing I needed was to distract Kade and get him killed.

I was in a blurred daze of movement and nausea as Darius continued to pull and push my limp body towards where we needed to go. I was on the verge of an all out panic attack as we finally reached the closet President Shada had described.

She threw open the door, entering a code so quickly my mind barely had time to register it. I looked back at Darius to find him staring back towards the way we came. His posture was rigid and he was hardly breathing as he listened to what was happening in the other room.

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