Chapter 40 (34th of Earonitan in the year 6200)

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Sometimes, in order to achieve the victory we seek, we must do that which we have sworn we will not

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Sometimes, in order to achieve the victory we seek, we must do that which we have sworn we will not. Thus is the price of power.

Ashala Dunn - Queen of Fimmirra

Steel shattered rock, sending forth an eruption of stone

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Steel shattered rock, sending forth an eruption of stone. One otaur guardian smashed the head of another, thinking it was going to strike Lars instead. But the Blood Lord was gone. On wings of shadow he'd fled from the shoulder of the crumpling, headless, and toppling living statue before the fatal blow struck.

Lars quickly realized sheer strength would not defeat these magical guardians. Thus he had given up with trying to win his battle with them in a straight up physical confrontation. Instead, he had restored to tricking them into attacking each other on his behalf by inserting himself strategically and drawing attention in advantageous ways.

While the creatures weren't slow by any means, as might have been thought from just observing their size, their bulk certainly impaired their actions. Still, their sheer magnitude meant that, even with their lumbering movements, one did not want to be stuck on the receiving end of their weapon's blows.

The constructs also weren't entirely mindless. But they weren't superb tacticians either—possessing only rudimentary intelligence that was more akin to animal instincts than cognitive thought.

Both of those characteristics were things Lars used to his benefit.

Upon shadows and the flickering darkness, Lars appeared on the shoulder of the next bull-headed living statue assailing him and hindering him from his goal. He swiped at its neck with extended, claw-like nails. Had it been flesh, he would have shredded it. As it was, they only screeched as they scraped against the stone. That was enough, however, to get the attention of another axe wielding representation of an otaur.

And just like before, Lars was gone long before the blow meant for him found an unintended mark. The stone of the injured otaur statue crumbled as the collision ended anothere of the threats—leaving only two remaining.

Lars appeared between the legs of one and, once he secured the attention of the other, its strike incoming, he shifted to underneath it and instigates its lone partner to do the same.

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