Chapter 1 (24th of Ros in the year 6199)

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Please note, this is Book 3 of the DAUGHTERS OF FATE Trilogy. To read Book 1, please visit my profile at MathiasCavnanaugh


This book is dedicated to my readers who have stuck with me since the very beginning. I may not get a chance to thank each of you personally, but I do deeply appreciate the time and dedication you have given to reading this story of mine.

 I may not get a chance to thank each of you personally, but I do deeply appreciate the time and dedication you have given to reading this story of mine

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The difference between a wise man and a fool is knowing when not to pursue a misguided path.

Dofran Sanguen, Sage of King Herrmond

Dofran Sanguen, Sage of King Herrmond

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"Consider this your last chance." As Cassandra leaned over her prisoner, her whispered warning hissed in the ear of the still unbroken and defiant rebel. His stubborn insistence on being difficult had pushed her beyond being mentally exhausted by him. Throughout the entire course of his imprisonment and torture, she'd never even extracted so much as his name.

Lashed to the table as one would subdue an animal for slaughter, arms stretched above his head, the rebel struggled in spasmodic bursts against the ropes restraining him. He was little more than a shell of the man who had tried to murder her. Emaciated from his attempts to not eat, her guards had concocted creative ways to force just enough nourishment into him and prolong his suffering. All at the general's insistence that they kept him alive, or else.

With all the demands of her new rank, Cassandra's available time to deal with this rebel and the annoyance he represented had faded to non-existence. Either he'd break now, or the distraction of his presence would end.

"You think I would consider what you offer as mercy?" His reply to the general possessed an identical chapped nature as did his lips.

Cassandra smiled. Her captive exhibited the same stubborn refusal as always. Declining to face her, he stared only at the ceiling. "More merciful than what I suspect you are about to go through, and if you don't agree to just tell me what I want to know."

Daughters of Fate Book 3 | An Original Fantasy AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now